Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 654: Fifteen. Preface (15)

"The warriors of Albion, the whole world is watching you!"

Rear Admiral Edward Parkinson was on the podium like a javelin, and behind him stood a row of generals who also showed standard military posture. The soldiers of the four infantry battalions were neatly arranged and listened to the final mobilization speech before the battle began.

"The princes are the elites of the kingdom, the executors of justice and justice of human civilization, and the role models of the world's military. At this moment, it is the princes who show their loyalty and dedication to Her Majesty the Queen and show the bravery of the Kingdom Warriors to the world The crucial moment of the fearless spirit. Every officer and soldier must move forward bravely, with an invincible flesh and a spirit of warrior, casting an invincible meatball, overwhelming the enemy's guns and iron bullets! The long-haired hybrid, winning for Her Majesty the Queen!!"

The major general’s eyes shone with a sharp cold light, and the “little frustration” encountered yesterday — this was the major general’s own statement. Others discussed for a long time and used “the tactics adopted to launch a larger attack” Explaining what happened yesterday, as for the more than 2,000 corpses left on the battlefield, it became "the tragic decision of a strong man's broken wrist"...

In any case, the loss is there, and it doesn’t make much sense to cover it up, but it will attack morale and make the soldiers have the association that the officers are forcing them to send people to the head.

This is exactly the case. When everyone heard that the major general was going to invest in 4 battalions to attack the death zone yesterday, a common idea occupied their minds.

The officers are mad.

Almost overnight, vicious jokes and rumours about Major General's adults quickly circulated in the barracks. Among them, the most widely spread is: the major general has a rare mad disease, which has never been discovered in the past and has no name. In order to commemorate this disease first discovered in human history, everyone unanimously named it "Parkinson's syndrome" to commemorate His Excellency Parkinson, who made a major contribution to medicine-especially brain medicine...

I can imagine the reaction of your major general to these jokes-50 soldiers who were identified as "message producers" and "failureists" were arrested and executed without trial by the military courts. No officer said this objection.

The reason is simple. Like the army of most countries, Albion’s officers are of noble origin and have received higher education and training. Has good quality. The soldiers were forced to join the army under the pressure of life. Or if they were tied with a rope by Lazhuang, there is an insurmountable boundary between the two classes. The only means of maintaining military organization and discipline is strict military discipline, supervision and management and punishment, rather than the personal charm and so-called human touch of military officers...

Albian soldiers have no respect for their chiefs, let alone worship. Just obey them. They fear and hate their officers under the strict military discipline-but this does not affect the combat effectiveness of the Albion army. In the past history, Albion officers who were feared and hated by the soldiers always led the troops and defeated General Charlemagne who were respected and admired by the soldiers. This used to be the case. This is also the case now, even if you change the occasion and your opponent, this will never change.

Therefore, the reason for yesterday's "little setback" is not, impossible, and should not appear on the officers. The problem is that these soldiers are too brave enough.

Their performance is nothing like the real Albion warriors, they should be fearless, facing the guns and rains, the fierce beasts of the magic, be determined to dedicate all their determination to Her Majesty and the Kingdom, and break through the enemy positions for the Queen. And the kingdom wins. However, this group of cowards was overwhelmed by a trivial blow and stopped at the same place to be destroyed by the enemy!

A group of shameless fools!

It is a good habit to start solving the problem immediately after discovering the problem, and Major General Parkinson has this habit. So he immediately arrested the cowardly defeatists, hung them on the tree and hung them on the tree, and then announced to the chilling soldiers.

"Everyone hears clearly that this war is about the honor of the kingdom. It can only move forward, and it cannot go back at any time."

The major general's tone became menacing, and his eyes glanced at the standing squadrons.

"If someone retreats, it will be regarded as treason, and the Fa-rectification will not be forgiven."

The soldiers shook their bodies, and many people secretly glanced at the War Corps, and were quickly frightened to get their gazes back by the iron-like faces.

"The warriors of Albion, it's time to make achievements!"

Major General Parkinson was satisfied with the effect he had created, pulled out the command knife, and shouted at maximum volume:

"For the mother god! For the queen! Advance!"

"Long live Her Majesty!!"

The officers took a step forward, raised their hands and shouted, and the soldiers took a step forward, raised their rifles, and shouted slogans. "Long live! Long live! Long live!" Howling floated to the male position, just after breakfast, the bears who were burping burrowed their heads from the trench, curiously looked at the other end of the front.

Soon, under the scolding of the officers and the correction of the leather boots, they were no longer curious, and quickly picked up their weapons, clinging to the side walls of the trench.

The Albion is coming.

The first to greet was the cannon. Hundreds of artillery produced an extremely spectacular scene. The ground and air artillery carefully cultivated the positions that failed to break through yesterday. Explosions-shells and detonated mines, together produced dense Roaring, the bear soldiers crouching in the trenches held their rifles tightly, covering their ears, and some were yelling, but no one could hear any sound other than the explosion.

"They will bury us alive with shells!"

A soldier beside Zaitsev made a desperate voice, but the explosion drowned his speech, and all the robes around him covered his ears. No one could hear what he said, but Zaitsev was Inside, everyone's impression is this one.

Submerging opponents with shells is an extremely monotonous, almost no-tech tactic. As long as the shells are enough, the gunner's skill is not too bad. Anyone can do this. But no one will ignore the huge threat brought by the artillery fire coverage-whether it is physical or psychological level.

The overwhelming artillery was not used to create spectacular scenes. The barrage was clearing obstacles along the way of Albion’s army. Mines, horses, spurs, and corpses were all bathed in the baptism of the shells and disappeared from the sight.

The Albian people seem to have endless shells. Zaitsev felt that the ground shaking was increasing, and such thoughts appeared in the shaking heart. Obviously, the hairless monkeys learned their lesson from the previous failures, and no longer sent out infantry for assaults. Their intention was to use artillery shells to wipe the position and the fortress from the surface, one inch after another, not to the glorious public. opportunity.

In order to save labor cost and time, plus consideration of technical secrecy, the public trench is not the complicated sawtooth shape of the modern trench, but a large straight line. It is enough to defend against howitzers and cannons. This structure has no effect once it encounters mortars with curved trajectories, grenades, or vertical strikes from the air.

The Albians had no mortars, and the grenadiers were still approaching the first trench, but the floating gunboats were lined up and lined up with trench dumping shells. With the help of high altitude, the firepower range and accuracy of floating gunboats are better than those on the ground. Especially in the air-launched grenades, the terminal trajectory is almost perpendicular to the ground. Once falling into the trench explosion, the flying shrapnel will not be affected. Any obstruction.

Woo...boom! !

The shock wave spread against the bottom of the trench ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zaittsev's nose was filled with a strong smell of smoke, and the soil fell on his back like a downpour, and an arm rolled over in front of the young soldier. He froze for a moment and picked up the arm.

"Maybe anyone will need this."

He muttered in a low voice, as if convincing himself. At this moment, the exploding waves gradually reduced, and the light and cheerful "Grenadier March" and the cries of humanity came.

He couldn't understand Albian, and he didn't know what the other party was saying, but he knew what to do next.

The whistle sounded with the roar of the officers "Ready to fight!" Zaitsev raised his gun and put an officer wielding a command knife into the door.

At the same time, Major Conig put down his binoculars, pressed the throat receiver, and gave orders to the elven snipers hiding everywhere.

"Gentlemen, get ready, our patrons are here."

Dozens of sniper rifles aimed at their prey, and then under the cover of the male volley, a large wave of 7.92mm special sniper shells ran towards the heads. (To be continued...)

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