Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 649: 15. Preface (10)

In the spring, Ludes always overflows with the atmosphere of love.

Although the Charlemagne are always labeled as "slutty" and "estrus all year round" by other people, no one can deny that this spring of Huadu is particularly easy for young men and women to fall in love, even foreign countries No one can make an exception. On the banks of the Seine, in the arcades, in the parks, and in the suburban forests, intimate men and women can be seen everywhere. The taste of hormones is fermented throughout the king.

However, this law does not seem to have any effect on Roland.

Raise, swing down.

Raise, swing down.

Every time a sword is swung without any muddy water, the clean water is reminiscent of calm water.


The corners of his mouth overflowed with irritability, and the clean atmosphere dissipated. Roland grabbed the towel and wiped it randomly, so he put the wet towel on his head and sat on the floor without a word.

How could this be the case-this question has been bothering him for almost a week.

When he was in Albion, he knew that something terrible had happened, prompting Alfheim to change his long-standing policy. He made many assumptions, but he could not have imagined that it was an armed conflict between the Principality and Albion.

This is too dramatic.

It's like a dull opera where a plot enters a dead end, and a mechanical descent with special props suddenly descends, making the plot resurrect.

This abrupt drama made Roland think of his adoptive father for the first time. He wondered whether Li Lin was secretly ghosting and provoked the conflict with one hand, but he was quickly denied by himself.

Li Lin will never make a whim at the strategic level. He is not a gambler. Even now he is also betting on the national games of Yalfheim, but it is also based on the analysis of the situation and the actions of making full use of his own resources. He doesn’t do things like the things that make the entire strategic plan fall into danger.

So although there are still doubts, Roland tends to believe that this is an accident caused by the interlacing of various factors, and no longer entangles this problem too much. The sudden change caused by this accident really caused him a headache.

There are accidents every day in the world, but under certain conditions, quite terrible results can be induced. For example, on June 28, 1914, the Serbian youth fired the bullet in Sarajevo. It directly led to a world war with more than 30 million casualties. And paved the way for the next cruel world war. Although that is not a direct cause, who cares?

People have now forgotten the sunken Albian cruiser and the hero of the principality Gorchak. Almost every human country’s capital is filled with a relaxed and happy atmosphere, as if the forthcoming war is just “wealthy. An episode in the Glorious Times of Progress and Progress. Almost everyone was immersed in Roland's seemingly incredible patriotic enthusiasm.

In Lundym. Queen Elizabeth told the expeditionary soldiers about to leave. "Before the leaves fall," they will return to their homes. Happiness faces in hotels and cafes, big and small, when I heard playing military music. People are standing and clinking glasses.

In St. Petersburg, the Crown Prince Nikolai appeared on the balcony of the Winter Palace. The enthusiastic subjects cheered, and then they knelt together in front of the future tsar and sang the national anthem "Mother God Bless the Tsar". The always stingy elders made a big swipe and successfully passed the military budget of tens of millions of gold coins.

In Lapland, people flocked to Helsinki Square, and a group of young soldiers drove to the front in a rally of "Rose must be destroyed" and patriotic songs like "You are waiting, you are waiting, orc hybrids".

But in Rudes, the warm atmosphere made people shudder.

Almost overnight, there were countless podiums on the street, and on each podium there was a roaring roar of spitting stars.

"Long-haired hybrids go to hell!"

"The time of the jihad is up, and all humans ask us to act! Burn those bears!"

"The United Principality of Roses does not have enough gold to compensate for the insults suffered by the human camp, or to repay those precious lives that died of vile attacks."

——It’s crazy.

Roland's head hurt again.

crazy. This is his only feeling. The Charlemagnese hated the Principality of Ross and the Kingdom of Albion. It stands to reason that they should have welcomed the confrontation between the Albion Pirates and the Bear Bear Thief, and happily admired the appearance of the two **** fighting in the mud pit. But now he is hysterical like Albion, a posture that can't wait to jump in, as if attacked not by Albion, but by Charlemagne.

Why is this happening?

I am afraid that a popular slogan among the soldiers can best explain the reason.

"We can't miss this bus!"

This great opportunity cannot be missed-the Army, Navy, Titans, Crown Prince, Second Prince, Grand Minister, and civilians all think so. Many people believe that there is little suspense in defeating the public with the fighting power displayed by the Charlemagne army in the "Seven-Day War." Once defeating the strongest opponent of mankind, Charlemagne can naturally become the leader of the human camp, and no country can compete with it, and it will not be the day when the ideal of "Eight Heavens and One World, Dominating the World" will be realized. Far.

Under these sounding reasons, different political forces have their own calculations.

Faced with the aggressive attitudes of competitors, Crown Prince and the Army must do something to prove themselves. And this war with the Principality is a great opportunity: Prince Wang has been commanding operations on the northern front for a long time. He and his staff are familiar with the local environment and the orc’s combat methods. The new army has also completed restructuring and training, guns and ammunition. They are all in place and can go to the north at any time.

Under such favorable conditions, they will neither fail nor fail.

Other forces have similar ideas-through the war against the Principality, express yourself and profit from it. If possible, try to find opportunities to attack your opponents.

What a superficial idiot.

Roland, who has never liked swearing, cursed in his heart. Although he did not understand the human heart, when he looked at such a human society, a strong sense of powerlessness would come up from the bottom of his heart.

How can they so easily assert that they can easily defeat the United Principality of Ross, do they really know each other's strength?

In fact, he also did not know the detailed details of the Principality. Based on his experience of diving into the Principality in those years, it is impossible to speculate on the present strength of the Principality, and it is impossible to make a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the victory or defeat of the war.

But one thing is very clear. If someone and some camp are involved in the war behind the scenes, I am afraid that the victory or defeat of the war will be difficult to predict.

After all, they have that motivation and strength.

It is foreseeable that the policy of Yalfheim must promote the localization and persistence of war. That is to say, without the intervention of a third party, letting the strengthened human coalition cooperate and fight, then the coalition may defeat the Principality, and the result is that the elf camp must face the human camp with a sudden increase in population, territory, and resources~www. wuxiaspot.com ~ Re-emerging Gilmania's plan will be severely hindered, or even completely defeated. But it is also impossible for Alfheim to risk premature involvement in a full-scale war and send troops directly to the Principality. This will not only lead to a full duel with the human camp, the Principality is also very likely to be ungrateful and sell the elven camp at an appropriate time to seek peace with humanity. And if the Principality defeats the human coalition, it is necessary to go south and conquer to continue to conquer from overseas colonies. It is unimaginable to add resources and a large population of human nations. Humans will form a new coalition and continue to compete with the Principality until they finally win or lose, or both sides shed blood. Therefore, as long as humans and orcs Each has a bridgehead or an important strategic hub that can penetrate into the other's hinterland, while ensuring their weapon performance and some balance of power. Then the war will be limited to these points, and neither side can reconcile nor Conquering the opponent is beneficial to Yalfheim.

To put it simply, it was the strategy originally formulated by Li Lin, which made all parties' powers restless and made them need v.e companies to surpass other forces' tossing games. While weakening the opponents, they can also obtain huge arms sales orders.

It is precisely this that is Roland's biggest headache.

For those who adhere to the path of moderateism and improvement, there is no more headache than realists who treat life and all other good things as numbers and act on the basis of results theory. (To be continued...)

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