Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 645: Fifteen. Preface (6)

Vsevolod Feodorovich Rudnev corrected his luck against a plate of caviar, and the navy captain was sad, holding his knife and fork motionless. It's more than 1am now, but he hasn't even used dinner.

It’s not that dishes are wrong with his appetite. Like all bears and orcs, vodka, caviar, red sausage, and kimchi are their favorites. In the navy with tight budgets, even if he is a cruiser captain, he can only enjoy one month Once to fresh caviar with vodka.

He was supposed to enjoy the rare delicacies slowly, rather than stunned at a large pot of caviar and 5 large bottles of vodka. But as soon as he thought of the current situation, Colonel Rudnev lost his appetite.

It sucks.

This is everyone's assessment of Kaliningrad's current situation, including himself.

Relying on Okrana's iron fist, the city maintained order, but the atmosphere of unrest and panic still enveloped Kaliningrad. Given the geographical location of the city, whenever humans want to attack from the waterway, the city is always the first to receive "key care", so it has also received the nickname of "scratch pad"-whether human or orc , Always stepping on here when starting to expand. Given this history, in the increasingly tense atmosphere between the Principality and Albion, they have reason to be nervous about their personal and property safety.

Although the Albion people come from a gentleman who likes to speak with white gloves and always advertise that Albion’s army has undergone rigorous training and will not do things that are not tasteful. But with the exception of a handful of leading parties with too big a brain to heal, who can believe that a foreign team will abide by the philosophy and rules of action they have said? What's more, Albian's army's record of trampling the rules of engagement is still the most in the world. When robbing residents of other countries and slaughtering, they do not care whether the other party is a pagan barbarian or a civilized human being like the Albians.

If the propaganda department of Albion is more clever and describes their military actions as "delivering persimmon oil to the people of other countries living in dire straits, hitting the evil reactionary dictator, all of them were killed. Reactionaries and members of terrorist organizations occasionally have individual accidental injuries. We regret this..." and so on. Perhaps the residents of Kaliningrad will feel more at ease, but the bureaucrats are not as avant-garde. So the citizens spent every minute trembling, praying constantly to the mother goddess. I hope the Almighty God can protect her believers from disasters...

In fact, the squad is their true guardian and the correct object of prayer. As for the mother goddess-her old man had already thrown away all the troubles to the agent, and the agent could not hear and was not interested in helping a group of poor bugs destined to be abandoned.

Everyone knows nothing about this, just praying silently, not trusting their army.

No one will believe that two weak cruisers. 36 brand new cannons and equally new gunners. 350 muskets. A military force composed of 1,200 gray cattle lacking ammunition and low morale can hold the city. Let them oppress the good people, eat tyrants, make troubles, and fight, but also hope that they can block the Wang Family Navy? It is more realistic to pray to God.

What made Colonel Rudnev uncomfortable was the distrust of the Royal Navy’s fleet and citizens. And those **** merchant ship owners, those **** who should be on the gallows are the culprits that make him unable to eat.

Colonel Rudnev was very aware of his weight. The third generation of his ship, the Varyag, was a Tbilisi-class cruiser with the wing ship Tbilisi. It was a new ship launched in the last 10 years. Ship. However, due to funding constraints and original design issues, each ship can only carry 18 cannons, and the two bundles are not as good as the 40 guns of a first-class cruiser in Albian, not to mention the huge number of hundreds of guns. Overlord battleship. Once war broke out, the Albion could destroy them in just a few minutes.

Colonel Rudneev was helpless, but as a soldier and a proud bear warrior, he was not willing to do so, waiting for the Albion to bombard his battleship into scum, and then use the port here The facility is advancing toward the hinterland of the Principality. Therefore, the colonel made a plan to block the port by sinking.

The water channel in Kaliningrad port is 290 meters wide, and the middle channel for large warships is only 90 meters wide, and it can only be used during high tide. Therefore, if the ship is sunk into the channel, the port access port can be blocked, making it impossible for the Albian people to effectively use the port facilities here.

This plan is bold, novel, and has certain feasibility. Under the premise that the mine and shore fire protection cannot be enhanced, the resources in the hand are used to the maximum to avoid the port being used by the enemy. Although it is somewhat negative, it is quite acceptable compared to the scorched earth tactics that the Army has used on its own land in the past. As soon as the plan was reported, it was quickly supported by Lieutenant General Makarov, and the general quickly ordered and ordered Rudnev to start choosing the right vessel.

When Rudneev started the boat selection with the passion of serving the country, trouble came.

At first, he selected an old cargo ship full of sand and gravel, but that night, he received an invitation from an earl's family banquet, and the cargo ship disappeared from the list the next day. Then he took a look at a passenger ship with better protection performance, belonging to v.e company. In the afternoon, local municipal officials invited him to participate in the tea party. The v.e company representative was also there. At night, the passenger ship disappeared from the list. Then there was another whaling boat, an hour later...

On the fifth day, the colonel completely gave up and filled the Varyag and Tbilisi on the list of blocked ships...

It is conceivable how bad the mood was for Colonel Rudnev.

War is imminent, and strengthening the defense is still a long-term issue. All the interests of private individuals and small groups can only be temporarily turned aside, and it is only to make way for national security. But those **** nobles, bureaucrats, profiteers don’t think so, for **** who are holding money, their interests are everything...

Goddess is on, these guys should be on the gallows!

For a while, the colonel's emotions were almost out of control. He wanted to turn his impulse into action, but in the end he sat in a chair, dazed against caviar and vodka.

He couldn't do that kind of thing. Even if he did, he still had to continue to face this mess. The Albion fleet will not stop because of any of his actions, even if he really wants to, let this port be scrapped for a while. The fleet of the Wangjia Navy can still find an alternative port, continue their war plan, and then break their heads in front of Makarov’s minefield.

So, Kaliningrad. There is no difference with or without. In fact. The task of Rudnev’s small fleet was not to defend the port of His Majesty the Tsar, but to serve as a guard dog, alerting Saint Petersburg when the Albion were killed. That's all.

What he did. Can do. For a war that may break out, it doesn't make much sense.


A sound passed through the door, and a short knock on the door. Rudnev sighed and called out "please come in."

Lieutenant Yevgeny Andreyevich Belens walked in. His face remained as serious as the soldiers should be, but the captain could still notice the obvious ease.

It seems that there is some good news, otherwise the seafaring captain who was as depressed as he was half an hour ago would not suddenly be refreshed.

"The Naval Headquarters in St. Petersburg sent an order that we should set off tomorrow to Kronstadt and join the first team of Lieutenant General Makarov."

Rudnev was relieved, and despite being a little late, St. Petersburg finally made a not-so-bad decision. Following the survival instinct, the colonel put down the dashi in his heart, and the caviar and vodka didn't look as uncomfortable as before.

However, the order came too late, and it was too early to rest assured.

A loud explosion suddenly passed into the cabin, and the hull of the Varyag also shook violently. The two officers at the table and everything on the table fell to the ground. The magic lamp flickered out of the cabin. The screams rang together.

"Damn it! What happened?!"

Unable to react for a while, Rudnev yelled, and the next second, the captain who had come back said the situation.

"Explosion, we were attacked!!"

As if annotating the roar, there was another dull explosion. The battleship continued to shake, and the hazy cry cried into their ears against the bulkhead.

"We were attacked! The Tbilisi sank!!!"

"It is the killer whale rider of the Albion! Shark guys are fighting them!"

Stumbled into the deck, the sailors were bursting into roar, moored at the leisurely Tbilisi, now covered by the skylight, the broken hull submerged into the water a little. The surface of the water illuminated by the fire was violently tumbling. After a while, a shark face lifted up with a knife in his face, and when he raised the enemy's first level, the cheers almost overturned the Varyag.

Colonel Rudnev did not join the cheers. He pushed the sailor crowded on the side of the ship and searched the sea with a telescope. When a high-hanging ship lamp appeared in the field of vision, the telescope almost fell out of his hand.

They are Albians, and they are finally here.

In order to prevent the navy of the Principality from using sunken ships to block the waterway, they deliberately let the killer whale knights sneak into the harbour, install the sealed bombs on the bottoms of Tbilisi and Varyag, and then start the flames to detonate them. Fortunately, the bomb mounted on the bottom of the Varyag was unable to detonate because the sealing technology failed. As a result, the sharks defending the underwater were disturbed, but instead they killed themselves.

But the Albians not only prepared the bomb commando, they also prepared the fleet in case.

"At least one squadron..."

The colonel whispered softly, and the noise on the ship also stopped. Everyone stared at the warships with red and white rose flags and z-signal flags turning around at the port, and the five warships were lined up in a row. The grid number is at a vertical angle.

"Line up."

An unbelievable calm voice overflowed from Colonel Rudenev's mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Without a word, the sailors quickly formed a square array on the deck.

Everyone was looking at their chiefs sincerely. Although the old sailor was very harsh and even a bit mean on weekdays, they believed that this man could at least share their hardships with them. In the solemn atmosphere, Colonel Rudnev crossed the familiar faces, saying one by one:

"...We will break through and fight with the entire squadron. No matter how powerful the enemy is, there is no problem of surrender-we will not surrender our ship, and we will never surrender to the villains who launched a mean sneak attack. We will Fight to the last moment with the last power until the last drop of blood is drained. Everyone should perform their duties calmly and accurately, and don’t panic, especially the gunners should remember that every shell must make the enemy Lost. Once there is a fire, don’t panic, extinguish quickly, report to me... let’s fight bravely."


As the sailors shouted their arms, the Albion fleet burst into a flash of light. After a few seconds of flying through the sky, a pile of iron knots stirred up a pile of water columns around the Varyag. With a trace of the pride of the public, and contempt for the Albion, the Varyag hinged the anchor chain and slowly drove out of the parking lot. Facing the airtight barrage, the soldiers of the Principality drove the ship to charge outside the port. (To be continued...)

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