Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 634: The 13th Principality (8)

Dzerzhinsky put forward a total of zero requests, which boils down to one sentence-to provide all possible technical support to transform the United Principality of Ross from a gradually backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country.

Let the elves, who are scorned as "rabbits", send various experts, open technologies without reservations, and help the bears become industrial countries? This joke is really cold.

Mr. Dzerzhinsky is very good, and his ability is not bad, but his ability and expertise are not in the technical field, and technical issues involving politics and strategy are more difficult for him to understand. Of course, this is his limitation, and he does not understand history—the history of another world—and it is unclear how arduous work he has proposed to cooperate. If he wants to add "leading the world" to the taskbar, the difficulty will become more difficult.

History has proved this twice in a row. The first was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. After paying a huge price through the economic crisis and tough administrative measures that swept the entire capitalist world, the country finally obtained a defective industrial system; the second was the People’s Republic of China. . With the aid of the Soviet Union, we have a weak but relatively complete heavy industry system in the shortest time. After the ten-year blast, we hooked up with imperialist gangsters and introduced technology from new friends to further improve the industrial system.

These two examples are very special and difficult to be copied. At least His Majesty the Tsar and his officials have no chance or ability to copy. The ruling class of the United Principality of Ross does not have the political abilities and skills of the great steel comrades and the leaders of the first generation of state leaders of New China, and cannot do what they can. Moreover, there is currently no economic crisis that can almost push the world into hell. Not like the leader of Comrade Cornhead, who is willing to help potential opponents establish a complete industrial system.

Li Lin is not a good person who is always willing to ask and be kind and will not do things that are unprofitable or even loss-making.

But at this time, it is not a good thing to explicitly reject customers and allies. After all, Alfheim and Ve are not strong enough to take the Principality into consideration. The cost of losing this help is that they cannot afford it at the moment. .

Fortunately, there is always no shortage of excuses, and it all sounds reasonable.

"Dear Honorable Secretary, I am willing to provide all the technologies needed for the modernization of the Principality and send technical experts. But..."

Li Lin dragged out a long tone, and looked at Dzerzhinsky, and said slowly:

"You know. I'm a businessman. Doing business is a means, and profit is an end. So, I want to know what benefits the sale of technology can bring to me and my company?"

Technology is an asset, and selling its own resources for profit is inherently a basic economic principle. But unless you have to. No one will sell the assets that the other party desperately needs. The Principality wants technical assistance. Then he should give a reasonable price.

"Recognized by our country, your company's legal business license-compared to the smuggling of chickens and dogs, a legal business license can provide a lot of convenience. I think. You should understand this."

"Of course I know this very well, Your Excellency. But you need to know that just a legal business license is far from enough to make up for my losses, nor does it have any practical help for your country's industrial construction."

The hand holding the chin was lowered, and the secret police stared at Li Lin, sending a warning word by word.

"I know you are a pure animal of interest, but don't let greed cover your eyes, that is the root of all tragedies."

"I am not greedy or joking. Your Excellency Secretary, I am just telling the truth."

Picking up a piece of Harvard sugar cake and putting it on the plate, Li Lin continued:

"Take this piece of sugar cake as an example. The raw materials of this piece of sugar cake are fine sugar, chocolate, flavor, etc. These raw materials come from different colonies, are transported by merchant ships, and are selected, purified, combined, and packaged through different processes. When the terminal is in front of you, it has passed through the factories, quality inspection, health, transportation, customs and other departments. If it is further refined, there may be more -"


"Simply put, sir, the establishment of a complete production system is not just about resources and factories, but also the establishment of supporting facilities. At least the Principality must first connect the major cities in the country and the railway system where the resources are produced. . It’s a lot of money to know this alone."

Converging with a smile, Li Lin ended the explanation with a long sigh. Brenhill on the side discovered that Dzerzhinsky's expressionless face finally became a bit unnatural at the moment.

When Li Lin mentioned the railroad, the head of O'Krana heartily envied Charlemagne and Albion.

In Charlemagne, not only did the government encourage the construction of railways, people were also willing to buy railway stocks—although the original intention was to make a profit, railway construction projects were always well funded, and there were huge private financings that made him feel jealous; although Albion The railway was developed later than Charlemagne, and the technology was relatively backward. But Queen Elizabeth said: I want a railway, so Albion is building railways on his own island. There are similar situations in cannon casting and shipbuilding. The only difference is the degree of leadership of the two countries.

Only in the United Principality of Rus, the ruling class became the most powerful and stubborn enemy of nation building. Even if some people of insight smell dangerous, and desperately demand more investment in public facilities and industrialization, the situation has not improved. The harsh natural environment, the enthusiasm of the people of the Principality for alcoholic beverages, and the unanimous high wall of the country are all hindering the transformation of the country.

Unless they change to a leader called "steel" and a strong institution called "Cheka" or nkvd, the Principality is destined not to overcome the above difficulties and embark on the road of industrial upgrading. But now they have only half a life, "the supreme emperor and monarch of All Roses", the ignorant, timid and timid crown prince, and a group of noble bureaucrats whose powerlessness is maddening.

Oh, let’s not forget that the farmer who came from the other side of the Ural Mountains and was called “Holy Monk” or “Demon Monk” by the aristocratic circle of St. Petersburg is called Gregory Rasputin...

In any case, it is better to count on the goddess to look after the Principality than hope that this group of people can use the money to build infrastructure without embezzlement or tofu projects. What's more terrible is that some resources that are essential for industrialization, such as rubber, are not produced in the Principality, but imported only through overseas. But how can Charlemagne and Albion, who are expanding their armaments and increasing production capacity, allow bear paws to divide their cheese? In the face of powerful human maritime forces, it is a miracle that the principality's weak navy can persist for 15 minutes without complete destruction.

A fierce anger rumbling inside Dzerzhinsky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This anger is so intense that he wants to smash something or throw it out. But this is not his office in St. Petersburg, and it makes no sense for Li Lin to get angry, even the fire itself is meaningless-neither can change the status quo, nor can it have an impact on the future. Whenever he starts to kill some incapable fools, there will always be new fools to take over, and the situation remains unchanged. If he wiped out the incompetent ruling class and sat on the throne of the Tsar himself, it would be another matter. But Master Secretary has no such idea. He doesn't want to drag the country and himself into the abyss of civil war.

So he can only suppress anger in his body by self-control, and then endure desperately, waiting for calm and reason to reoccupy the commanding heights.

Since all his attention was on this matter, he did not notice that someone knocked on the door of the reception room. A female secretary handed Brenhill a note, and after a quick glance, the strange-looking Bren Hill hurriedly handed the note to Li Lin. After reading the content written above, Li Lin, who has always been known for his calmness, also stared at him directly.

The content of the note is very brief-in the early morning of this morning, a destroyer of the Principality of Ross killed and crashed an Albian cruiser. The commander of the principality was Colonel Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak.

This world is really crazy. (To be continued...)

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