Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 629: The 13th Principality (3)

Hundreds of years ago, the majestic names of the mammoth bears started on the battlefield.

The human camp called it the Third Saint-Eastern Expedition, and the Principality called it the First Great Patriotic War. The princess force led by Duke Alekseyev was hit hard in Kaliningrad. Fleeing, followed by an army of humans. At that time, there was almost no defensive facilities and formed troops in the open area between the rear capital of St. Petersburg and the front line. The other forces on the front line and the troops of the human camp were struggling and had no time to care for him. In the great principality, there is only one Kharkov fortress and the walls of the capital in the final line of defense.

Everyone thinks that the crown of victory has fallen on humans. The human kings have begun to make trouble for the city-entry and victory parade. The pope chooses to ride the white horse, generals and knights toast. Shouting "the Principality has no soldiers available", the rumors among soldiers will go home for the New Year. The nobles of the Principality were tidying up the soft blankets, and the carriage that fled the capital blocked the gate.

At this time, the greatest commander in the history of the public, Kutuzov, who was still at the warehouse in the Kharkov fortress, organized three hundred aunts who were still in the city and gave the most famous in his life. The command-"I am not ordering you to attack, I am ordering you to die! Although the principality is vast, we have no way back, and behind us is St. Petersburg!"

I do not know whether it played an inspiring role, or the mourning psychology of breaking the ship, or the strange power of the fire scene. In short, the aunts who were inspired by their fighting spirit showed their extraordinary strength, and they fought against 5,000 human pioneers with less than 300. At a critical moment, actually repelled 11 charges from the opponent and the subsequent reinforcements! The Principality without soldiers stepped on the coalition forces madly, which won time for the rear to mobilize troops to counterattack. This laid the foundation for the victory of the Kharkov counterattack. From then on, the aunts who took round logs on the battlefield have become the biggest nightmare of the human coalition. They have left aunts in many battles such as the battle of Odessa, the offensive and defensive battle of Sevanburg, and the battle of Buda-Pez. In the figure of their heroes, the famous military strategist Berissaliu left the words "the strongest male power in the war, but the aunt is also" in his memoirs of war. In the capital of St. Petersburg, there are still a large number of sculptures praising "the ultimate decisive weapon of the Principality".

With a small white face like Parsifal, to deal with the bear aunt? Even an aunt can breathe away the poor baby, and there are at least 2, 30 humanoid weapons that may run away at any time...

At most 5 seconds, this kid is over-this is the consensus of the bear soldiers.

With a sympathetic gaze on his back, Parsifal took a deep breath and put a hand on his face while putting a smile on his face...


"The result really made you do it."

Spit a smoke ring. Looking at the team restarting, Murat turned his face with emotion.

"To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

Parsifal rubbed his shoulders and answered with a wry smile.

When I saw this child-like human handing over a pack of cigarettes, although I was a little worried about the movements in it, I waited for the first aunt to try the pleasure of swallowing clouds. After there were no exceptions, Parsifal smoked the aunts one by one, and then his fluent Duchy and delightful slogan offensive quickly relaxed the aunts. After a short chat, both sides were more relaxed. Entering negotiations.

The aunt’s request was simple, leaving some supplies, and they immediately removed the roadblock. If you give more, you can also provide a guide for the transportation team to catch up with the wasted time.

Parsifal had no objection to this. His task was only to deliver materials. The order clearly stated that "it is possible to fight back in case of danger, but it is strictly forbidden to put the goods and the transportation team in danger". With such an order, coupled with the "opening special materials" prepared in advance, the resolution of this conflict is not at all a question.

Although both parties have the intention to solve problems and avoid conflicts. But it took 5 hours to finally reach a settlement agreement. The reason is that Parsifal thinks that the villagers are just provided with materials, they may think that the company and the army are just like this, continue to set up cards to put forward a higher asking price for the next batch of transport teams, and ultimately the intolerable army and company will eventually use force to come Completely solve the problem. Rather than aggravating the problem and making them accountable in the future, it is better to determine the relationship now as an employment relationship rather than unilaterally asking for it. Through mutual benefit. Ensure the smooth passage of transportation.

The starting point of this idea is good and quite creative, and the villagers are happy to be hired. But the negotiations have continued for quite a long time, mainly due to entanglement in commissions and exoneration. The previous problem is well resolved. Parsifal, who did not run out of procurement business, finally quoted 10 pt white sugar, 5 pt tea, 10 pt salt, plus a certain amount of butter, canned lunch meat, canned beef, milk, flour in exchange for Ve company Every time the transportation team passes through the smooth and guide service here, if the villagers are willing to provide a place for the transportation team to rest and store materials, the commission can be increased again. There is a gap between this price tag and the villagers’ quotation, but considering that the entire Principality is currently in a quasi-wartime system, sugar, salt, tea, wine, etc. are among the products under management, Parcifal’s quotation is lower, but It is enough to support the survival of the whole village, and the conditions for deepening the cooperation commission can continue to increase. It is also very attractive. In the end, the villagers accepted Parsifal’s proposal.

The latter problem is more difficult. In any case, it is an indisputable fact that the villagers set up cards to intercept military supplies. In order to smooth out the Babaev centurion and his men, after half a day of bargaining, they had to use 6 boxes of vodka and 1 box. Cognac as a sealing fee...

After doing these things, troubles occurred when drawing up the contract. Both the villagers and soldiers are illiterate who can’t even write their own names... This even includes the Babaev centurion. The centurion said very calmly: reading maps, reading and writing Thousands of adults, even the aristocrats have a lot of people who don’t read or literate, and are proud of balabala...

As a high-level university student from a popular compulsory education system such as Yalfheim, with a complete education system and a junior high school culture attainment rate of 98%, Parsifal could not understand the poor 12% literacy rate of the Principality anyway . In the end, he called a literary pub owner from a dozen kilometers away to act as a notary talent and signed the contract.

"Although it is a self-assertion and an arbitrary decision without a military order, you have performed quite well, Lieutenant. The average rookie sees the posture and his legs are soft. How can he jump out and negotiate with others?"

"Don't criticize me, my waist can't stand up to now."

"I mean really."

Murat pinched off the cigarette **** and said in a tone that reads everything:

"Not only the negotiations were completed, but also the intelligence gathering. By the way, Lieutenant Xin Ding who could do this, I haven't seen any of them."

"... Do you want to see? Captain?"

Parsifal handed over the notebook, and after the other person shook his head, he continued to spread it out, using shorthand notation to complete his work.

The caravans affiliated with the company have been part-time spies. This tradition has also been partly inherited by the logistics department. Every time a person is dispatched to a foreign country to perform a transportation task, the assigned staff will always be asked to carry out tasks such as address survey, road mapping, and market survey. The collected information was selected and checked and compiled into the staff manual of the logistics department to facilitate the preparation of various supply plans for future military operations.

This is not a rare thing, but Parsifal did it more deeply than his colleagues.

"... There are 5 material reserves around the Brest Fortress. The flour and rusks in the fortress can be eaten for 279 days, rice for 209 days, and canned meat for 10 days. The storage in the warehouse is filled The quantity is sufficient, but the quality is extremely poor. The spare horse equipment is pitifully poor, and the horseshoes, lubricating oil, and Cossack spears are either not stocked, or left in the armory without any question, and the public logistics staff have never checked them. , You can imagine the state of the equipment-all covered with rust..."

The status quo of Gong is shocking, but these things should only be known to the relevant people. Why was it known to Parsifal who had just arrived? The answer is very simple, someone told him.

At the end of the negotiations, lunch time had been missed. To further narrow the relationship, Parsifal proposed to have lunch together. When the villagers and soldiers who spend their days with sweet potatoes and bread crusts find that the table is filled with high-end goods such as biscuits, shochu, red wine, sausages, canned beef, canned luncheon meat, and even caviar, The eyes are green. In front of the rich food, the atmosphere became harmonious and warm. After a few bottles of Volga, their tongues stayed intact~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Parsifal, who secretly poured the wine, took the opportunity to know nothing. The Teddy Bears got a lot of important information there.

The villagers intercepted by Sheka are strictly not locals, but military members who came with their husbands and sons, so-called new immigrants. The soldiers stationed in the Brest Fortress are mostly from rural areas on the front line of the Ural Mountains. Calculation.

The idea is good, but when actually implemented, the procrastination bureaucracy unique to the Principality ruined all good ideas.

Rates, corruption, reselling goods, high tax rates, robbery of officers and soldiers, land mergers... Almost all the elements that can cause officials to force people to rebel are almost found on the border. What surprised Parsifal most was that he learned from the family members of a soldier in a logistics department that the public logistics department actually distributed materials through so-called "bidding"! The troops of each service reported their respective bribery logistics prices, and through bidding, those with higher bids were replenished. Then the big heads of the bribes were taken away by the head and brain, and the remaining small heads were divided up by the middle layer. The small shrimps below could not even drink a little soup...

Being able to persevere in fighting with such crazy and logistical support, in all senses, both the Principality and the Principality themselves are worthy of the title of fighting nation. (To be continued...)

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