Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 378: 6. Attacking tanks (16)

ps: There are so few pros answering the question. The question is postponed for a day. Pros who have the ticket in hand support it!

For some forces, their interest lies in overthrowing the sacred alliance system of mankind and establishing the realization plan on the reconstruction of the world.

Li Lin and the elven camp under his rule have been preparing for war for a long time as an agent of spirits who "enjoy peace on the ground and let the world use sword soldiers." At this time, this violent conflict apparently planned and carried out by Roland's eyes in the eyes of Roland is the beginning of the world war they are about to launch?

Roland denied this.

Long ago, Li Lin taught him how to judge actions between nations-not based on motives full of variables, but on the more objective and realistic strength as the main judging factor.

The Alfheim side is indeed preparing for the war with great care. The expansion of armaments and the training and dispatch of personnel have been carried out in secret for many years. However, due to various objective reasons, the elves are far from ready to join a full-scale war and induce a large-scale war in the current environment...

It's hard to imagine that this would be his pragmatic, terrible foster father would want.

The benefit of Yalfheim is not how many cities to attack, what new weapons and tactics have been tested, how much wealth has been plundered, but the internal division of the human camp.

On the surface, this conflict can indeed achieve this effect, but once the pope intervenes...

In response to Roland's sharp gaze, Niederhogg smiled recklessly.

Roland has always been a very smart child, through Li Lin's training and travel experience. He became more mature. When observing and analyzing the current situation, he has his own unique point of view, which is stronger than some guys in the General Staff. If it was not that his political orientation was a problem, Niederhogger hoped that Roland would become Li Lin’s heir.

"Not what we want, but this country has reached the point where it must use war to get rid of the crisis."

Niederhogg peeled off the wrapping paper and placed the chocolate in front of Roland.

"Use war to get rid of the crisis?"

Roland bit the milk chocolate, and a thick stream of cherry juice flowed into his mouth.

"Even if you look at me with the expression "You dare to say so", it's useless. I can't help it. If you don't use war to absorb some unemployed youths and stimulate the economy, it won't take three to five years. Charlemagne will be revolutionized."


Words that are too unrealistic make Roland almost spit out the chocolate and trough. Niederhogger continued with a serious expression:

"You have witnessed it on the road before you came to Rudes. You haven't seen the situation of rural land mergers and labor shortage. You haven't seen it. A large number of unemployed youth are sleeping on the streets. Looking for a job holding a sign."

For nobles. Land is the most important thing. In the context of a large number of labor leaving the countryside to work in the city. A new method of making money began to become popular in the aristocracy.

The nobles began to actively merge the land owned by rich peasants and middle peasants, and then leased them to v.e agricultural company for farming. Under the scientific agricultural deployment, experts measure the soil, analyze the climate, calculate the amount of fertilizers and pesticides, and so on. The output of agricultural products is much higher than before. With the strong demand of large cities such as Ludes, the demand for various agricultural products is also increasing, and the profits are naturally quite substantial.

In this process, v.e's profits needless to say. In addition to the rent, the nobles who rented the land could also get a share of the profit from the sale of agricultural products. Although not as much as they had in the past, it was a considerable income.

Only the peasants who lost their land not only lost the most important property and income sources, they often did not get the necessary subsidies.

"The only reliance on these farmers is their children who go to work in the city, but... we don't want so much labor that can only do manual work."

v.e's core high value-added industries are all concentrated in Agento Raton, second-class scattered in the secret strongholds of northern Charlemagne and the United Principality of Ross. Finally, downstream industries such as OEM, logistics, etc., which have the lowest technical content, are spread all over the country.

With the investment of a large number of new technologies, v.e's downstream industry's demand for purely cheap labor is getting lower and lower, and the company began to turn to the establishment of technical schools to train qualified technicians. Those who cannot pass the training assessment and have no skills are eliminated and laid off. At the same time, those young people who came to the city to find a job could not pass the harsh interview assessment. The land in the family was merged again. In despair, some people chose to end their lives or take risks.

"Last month, 13 young people tied their arms together and jumped into the Seine. Two weeks ago, five robbers tried to rob a bank cash cart. They were arrested a day later. The youngest was only 12 years old. That night, they were hanged at the place where they committed the crime. Last week, a guy jumped off the platform in front of me while the train was fast approaching the station. The railroad police spent 3 days picking up bones and muscles..."

Sorry... as if Niederhogg, who felt sorry for her heart, said:

"These poor ghosts have nothing but one life. If they do not give them a way out, if they continue to suppress it with high-pressure means... eventually they will become diseased and become an infectious disease called "revolution"."

Although Charlemagne's young people now show a romantic nature, their bones are still filled with the blood of the barbarian era. This nature has supported them through the centuries of repeated support for Lapland and Albion’s centuries of war. The most actionable and restless Charlemagne youth at the moment is about to be forced to the corner. If they do nothing else, the revolutionary passion in their bones will surely be ignited.

Taking the history on the earth as a reference, Li Lin can fully meet the situation after the outbreak of the revolution-the attack on Bastille is just the beginning, killing the king is just an episode, and then those revolutionary, daring, and powerful action revolutionaries It will hold high the banner of eradicating dictatorship and sow the seeds of violence and eradication everywhere. Toxic ideas like "freedom, equality, fraternity" and "the proletariat of the world unite!" incite the fools of other countries and encourage them to overthrow their king, so the human camp is chaotic...

Until the monarchs and nobles of the world unite ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the head-to-head youths and even teenagers will be swept away, the turmoil will end and peace will come.


This is true regardless of whether the human monarchy or the elves have set a timetable.

Therefore, either work for them or let them vent their passions in other directions, as long as they don't trigger a revolution, whatever will be accepted.

As for the so-called other directions, apart from the war of external expansion, there are no other options.

"Turn the risk of domestic revolution into an imperialist war, let the revolutionary youth turn into a chariot of steel, and continue to strike forward for the motherland-this is the best and most convenient solution."

With his hands on his cheeks, the black dragon, who turned the great mentor's motto upside down, laughed contentedly.

Like all smiles like arms dealers and war brokers who view peace and stability as tragedies and love war and profit. (To be continued...)

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