Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 230: XX. Bishop and Juvenile (15)

ps: dear! It's weekend, a lot of ticket support! , Must be updated before 11 o'clock the next time!

For elf naval officers who are still tossing [little toys] such as mds in Xiaohe Ditch, controlling the battleship for hegemony is their dream, but when it comes to how to do it, the boys who saw the sea for the first time were blinded.

Although Admiral Lazarev’s speech was relatively lengthy, it did not involve specific sea power and maritime strategy. But the wonderful resonance of the same navy, the same soldiers, and the glorious history of the principality navy still make these rookies jump. They listened carefully, and some officers also took out their notebooks for records.

Li Lin, who was standing next to the old general, listened to nothing. Those ancient war history, the growth and decline of the Principality Navy, and even the secrets of the private life of the Principality’s upper-level senior officials have long been written by Stasi. Lying in the drawer of his desk. Some excerpts from Lazarev’s speech have been stored in the database for a long time. If necessary, they can be memorized together with the original text, but those things are meaningless to Li Lin.

There is no so-called sea power concept in this world. At most, there is only battle-level naval battle. The weapons used in naval battles and the configuration of the floating cruisers are also the same-angle bow, catapult, magician, and soldiers who are good at melee combat.

There is no pressure to surpass this kind of kindergarten-level maritime power and naval warfare weapons, but Li Lin will not be overwhelmed by this and will now tilt the defense budget expenditure to the Navy.

Argentola is located inland, and there is no urgent strategic pressure from the ocean in reality. The geo-environment determines that it will take more than ten years or even decades. The focus of the development of the small-scale defense force is to build toward the power of the land and the air force. The navy can at most consider the accumulation and development of [small step run]. After trying to gain control of several port cities, it has accumulated some navy experience through some secret and experimental activities.

For example, to open up colonies in the southern hemisphere that no one knows yet, to solve resource problems or something.

The mother goddess has been very cautious in dealing with things, and is also very taboo about the possibility of geographical advancement bringing civilization progress. Anyone who ventures out of the sea will always be buried in the sea because of such a guy. For a long time, there is no one kind of wisdom that can tell the world outside the northern hemisphere continent.

Li Lin, who obtained the relevant information, is the only exception. For those resources needed for expansion, he must start building the navy as soon as possible to expand and protect overseas interests. Use the resources of the southern hemisphere to inject the war machine of Yalfheim, otherwise it will not be able to keep up with the time point of the war plan.

But he wouldn't be as silly as William II, the German emperor spent decades of effort to build all kinds of warships like a hand-made, model dead house. Then according to Tirpitz's risk theory, the fleet built with these warships was locked in the North Sea like a prisoner throughout the war. Even with the flashing performance of the Jutland naval battle, there are also haunted assault ships and submarines that put pressure on the British Empire to survive.

But on the whole, the pile of steel toys, which cost a lot of money to build, did not play its due role at all. On the contrary, it attracted strategic attacks on both the land and the sea for the German Empire. Finally, the revolutionary frenzy set off from within this fleet buried the Hohenzollern dynasty, and then humiliated in the secret electricity of [Execution Order Part 11].

What history gives to some people is often what they least want.

Faced with the pressure of living space, Alfheim needs to start to develop sea power to achieve external expansion. The defense navy will also play the role of "existing fleet" for a long time. However, Li Lin had no plans from the outset to engage in warship competition blatantly, incurring Albian's hostility for no reason.

At this time, Admiral Lazarev used [Long live the Great Duchy of the United States! Long live His Majesty the Tsar! Ula! ] At the end of his speech bombing, all the bear clan orcs cried out with high hands [Ula! ], the elves applauded politely.

As a matter of fact, it is almost time to start cooking. But the old man cleared his throat and said with a serious face:


In an instant, all the participants who thought they could have dinner were full of appetite. The dull and numb gaze looked at Lazarev who turned sideways.

"Guests from afar, our ally-President of v.e Consortium Co., Ltd.: His Excellency Siegfried Otto Li Lin delivered a speech."

Still thunderous applause, the main force of applause is the elves disguised as humans.

Cut off thinking about sea power, maritime strategy and navy. Put on a carefully set modest face. In anticipation and indifference, as well as undercurrents, Li Lin began his speech, more precisely, performance.

He first introduced the purpose of his trip to the audience, and used the most elegant language and the most impeccable logic to lie down.

Regarding why it is not too far to come to the remote shipyard at the northern end of the United Duchy of Thousand Miles, to spend two old ships with poor maintenance and take an unfinished semi-finished cruiser. There are as many reasons as sounding.

Promote the affectionate friendship between the two ancient wisdom species, promote the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries, let the people of the two countries, especially the young people, increase mutual understanding, and establish the friendship of comrades and brothers. Make the best efforts for the development and growth of the navy of the Principality...

In short, as long as it can help the United Principality of Ross, it can provide assistance to His Majesty's ambitions-and whether it will eventually be successful, it is also very good to think about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ palapala...

Poor those eight generals in the old thick hills, they have not heard such a flimsy speech for most of their lives. Thirty plush bears were sitting there in the fog around the ground. No one thought that they would take out a block. Putting a handkerchief in his hand, he came bitterly and said: "Bitch is hypocritical."...

The baron discovered for the first time that his children actually had a unique talent-to be a film emperor.

Having said that, Li Lin did not reveal his true intentions. The development of the navy is time-consuming and laborious, and lacks the current necessity. It is too late to do anything until you think about it. Rather than assault training a group of dry ducks on board and off the submarine in the future, let them spit in the cabin. It is better to develop a small-scale system and reserve a group of naval talents as a seed for the future development of the ocean navy.

For example, after the two old cruisers can be completely repaired, they can be used as sail training ships for the Navy, so that they can cultivate a true naval spirit and marine awareness in practice. Unfinished air cruisers can be handled in the same way. Before that, they can also train the ship design and shipbuilding departments to promote the progress of shipbuilding technology and related industries, which is very cost-effective for the elves and Li Lin.


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