Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 426: Weakness of Giant Wolf (5000 words)

By the time Tang En arrived, Frey was in a hard fight.

This should be the center of this scattered battlefield. Frey took dozens of spears to break the camp soldiers, surrounded by many wild wolves, barely maintaining a defensive formation.

However, although these dozen soldiers cooperate with each other, but the overall strength is really low. Now it is not dominant in numbers, and it is extremely difficult to keep it. Everyone understands the reason why Jiu Shou must lose. Seeing that this defensive formation is compressed even more, it is in danger. At this time, he can only let Frey, who has outstanding personal strength, attack his opponent with a gun.

Of course, this heavy retreat is only temporary, and Frey's strength has not reached the point where one person has destroyed all the other's attacks. It can be expected that if this continues, Frey and others will be sieged sooner or later.

Quick observation, Tang En did not immediately help. Frey's line of defense hadn't been broken, but the situation between Elt and Taka was not good.

It can be seen that they also use the strategy of Frey's side, but their soldiers are a lot worse than the spears breaking the camp, let alone the wild wolf riding against them now. The lines of defense have long been broken up, and the scattered Epee and Tomahawk battalions are being separated and besieged, and the blood-stained Elt and Taka have come together. The two were back-to-back responding to attacks in all directions, and even after roaring, they could only be struggling with beasts, struggling to death! It won't take long for them to die when their blood sheds more than half their hands and feet.

No longer delaying, Tang En quickly flashed into the circle of war, kicking on a wild wolf riding on his back. In the exclamation, the giant wolf was soaring, directly overwhelming a few wild wolves in front of him. Quickly inserted into this gap, Tang En took up his dagger and seized the stunned barbarian spear who was suddenly attacked and rushed in.

For long guns, of course Tang En is not comfortable. But his purpose now is not to kill people. Under the blessing of blood, the spear is completely used as a long stick, sternly, and the guns are bursting. They are all going down the third road toward the opponent, that is, the short legs of the green armored wolf.

Suddenly, the wild wolf couldn't ride the gun to resist, and the responsive green armored wolves smelled the terrorist power contained in the shadow of the gun, all subconsciously hiding away. When the chicken flying dog jumped, Tang En was killed by brute force.

Both Elt and Taka, desperately resisting, felt the pressure around them drastically reduced, then looked up again, and saw Tang En appearing in front of the sky like a heavenly soldier. They were cried in surprise: "Brother Tang En!" They knew Tang En's strength, when he saw him killed, he couldn't help it.

Sweeping the spear backwards, forcing the wild wolf riding back, Tang En didn't delay, he said directly, "Break out, meet!"

Convergence, of course, it is close to a small number of people. Erte and Taka knew immediately that after Tang En stunned a shot, the two stepped behind Tang En to complete the transposition.

The three stood in a triangle, and Tang En stepped forward, Elt and Taka behind.

To say that Tang En's attack method is also suitable for this scene. With great force, the spear almost shone in blood and whistled into the ear. Just by looking at the eyes, you know that the power is scary. Of course, the wild wolf ride did not believe in evil. He stirred his muscles to stop the gun, and then felt a pain in the mouth of the tiger. In the loud noise, the long gun came out and was thrown away more than ten meters away. If it wasn't for the blue armored wolf that knew it was so powerful, he jumped out in time, for fear that he would have to follow the gun.

This is to see that the mind of the barbarian is simple, even if the wild wolf is an elite army, it has not escaped this law. The original strength ratio is not good, but it can be attacked with complex marksmanship. Tang En's marksmanship is unfamiliar. If he encounters such complex attacks, I am afraid that he will immediately be busy. But the barbarian didn't do this. Maybe he didn't believe that his strength was better than the thin Bran man in front of him. Together, they all turned into blacksmiths, slamming guns in front of the gongs.

Clang, clang, clang ...

The metal noises are intensive, and now Tang En seems more like a pure-bred barbarian, with a single-handed shot. Although he failed to hurt people, he smashed a path! Tang En's breakthrough was smooth, and Elt took the opportunity to pull soldiers along the way to drop singles, and kept saying hello to let everyone gather.

Soon, the size of the three-man squad expanded by more than ten people, with the exception of a few people who were behind with Elt and others, and the others picked up the barbarian spears that were smashed by Tang En on the ground.

The spear is not an iron gun, even if it is an iron gun, under such a strong collision, it will sooner or later break. However, as long as the long gun in his hand was broken, Tang En immediately threw his hand and threw the broken handle, took over the long gun handed behind him, and smashed it again, completely streamlining the operation.

Soon, some wild wolf riders seem to recognize the status quo, and no longer simply and rudely compare their strength with Tang En, but shake the spear and stab from various tricky angles. Seeing that his condition was bad, Tang En immediately shifted his target and swept the green armored wolf again.

The wild wolves rode helplessly, and saw that they attached great importance to the green armored wolves underneath them, and had to retract their attacks, and let the surprised green armored wolves jump to their side.

Of course, at this speed, not all wolves can avoid it. When not far away from Frei and others, Tang En hurriedly retrieved the spear and no longer swept. He fired a gun, such as an electric point, between the two claws of the giant wolf that was too late to avoid, and raised and screamed. The man led the wolf to the wild wolf, and when he flew to the height of a man, he suddenly fell like a whip.

Pop ... Bang!

The thick-armed spear immediately broke, mixed with the painful wolf howl. The wild wolf rode out like a cannonball, directly knocking over a dozen barbarians surrounded by the back, and it was chaos immediately.

When the wild wolf riding around saw this scene of ghosts and gods, he stunned directly on the spot, watching the dozens of Bran people rushing past him, meeting the people inside.

"Don?" Seeing Tang En and others rushing in, Frey shot a long shot, and then frowned. Obviously, he was blaming the other party for not taking the opportunity to escape.

Tang En didn't say much, and patted the other person's shoulders: "Relax, it's not that time."

Such an act of abandoning his teammates and escaping by himself is naturally inappropriate to say openly. Although Tang En is now breaking out and the soldiers will not say anything, morale will inevitably decline. So after a brief unannounced communication between Tang and Frei, he stopped talking about this topic.

With the participation of more than a dozen people including Elt, the defense here has become firm again. Down en routed Freila into the middle of the line of defense, and hurriedly asked, "Brother Frey, do you know the weakness of the blue armored wolf?"

"Weakness?" Frey, who was tearing the cloth and wounded, couldn't help but hesitantly grinned, "Wild wolf rides across the North Wilderness. If there are any weaknesses, I have already used them. Why wait till now?"

Tang En frowned: "I remember when you introduced Wild Wolf Riding at that time, you once said that Zi Yi defeated each other more than ten years ago. What method did he use at that time?"

"Uh ..." Fry heard a stun, and touched his chin subconsciously. "I didn't hear it, but it was rumored that the wild wolf was chasing Ziyi Army into the jungle, and then he lost ... but the Zichen Army There are many elite soldiers. Since this incident has not spread, there should be no legend. Well, it may be that Ziyi crushed it with a large force. "

After a moment's pause, watching Tang En's meditation, Frey continued to sigh, "The wild wolf rides with amazing combat power, and the blue armored wolf comes and goes like a wind. In addition to never fighting siege, only wandering in the wilderness. In addition, they have lost to Ziyi once in the past ... Well, you can see the current situation, we can't beat each other at all. Tang En, listen to me as a persuasive, now it is not time to be emotional, and quickly leave here. They Can't stop you, we also expect you to take revenge ... "

Frey's persuasion didn't work, or Tang En didn't hear it at all. He was touching his nose, and murmured thoughtfully.

"Never fight siege, only guerrillas in the wild ... the wolf's weakness, the wolf's weakness ... uh? Weakness!"

A lightning flashed across his head, and Tang En shuddered, looking up around him: "Following Ziyi Army into the jungle ... now the woods ... nothing wrong!"

Snapped! With a hammer of his palm, Tang En narrowed his eyes narrowly and narrowly, and watched Frey: "If, um, I mean, if there is a way, it may hurt both sides, do you need to?"

"Uh ... two or two defeats hurt?" Frei was shocked, his face was shocked, and then he just let out his hand, "Why not? This is a wild wolf ride, even if it belongs to my mother!"

"Okay!" With a stroke of his palm, Tang En patted Frei's shoulder, took a deep breath, and raised his head whistling wryly: "Where's the gray space?"

As if the thunder exploded, sound waves spread around. The war has been going on for so long, at the speed of Mi Xiu and others, it should be here now.


"Boss!" "Boss, what's wrong?" ...

Echoes came from all sides of the battlefield. Obviously, after arriving here, Mi Xiu et al.'S plan was the same as he had previously.

Tang En heard a joy in his heart, and screamed again: "Listen! Set fire to the forest immediately, you can't pull it down everywhere, burn it! Burn! Burn!"

"Set fire, set fire?" Frei said immediately.

Most common beasts are afraid of fire. This is something that hunters know, and it's basically common sense. The reason why Frey did not consider this aspect is that they are deterred from the reputation of wild wolf riders. They subconsciously think that the World of Warcraft at the level of Green Armor Wolf should not be afraid of fire. Secondly, there is really no chance for practice. Wild wolf rides only in the wild mountains, coming and going like the wind, often when they see them, they have already been attacked. In the case of life and death hanging on the front line, let alone say that in a flammable place not in the woods, no one can think of attacking with fire in time.

But Tang En is different. He had no contact with the wild wolf before riding, so naturally there is no awe. In the state of no fear before fighting, combined with the combat characteristics of wild wolf riding, it is easy to think of this common sense. Of course, there is another important reason for this, that Ziyi once rode a wild wolf in the jungle, which inspired Tang En. Their current terrain is very similar to the jungle, and they are suitable for fire attack. But this is only speculation, because it is a bit unreasonable. If Ziyi knew this, then why hasn't it been announced? After all, the pressure of Wild Wolf riding on Bran is not small ...

Of course, now Tang En has no time to guess the reason. With this in mind, a rumbling sound was immediately heard, and it was necessary to test the correctness of this countermeasure on the ground. But soon, Tang En had the bottom of his mind ...

This long howling can spread around, and the volume is naturally not low. Just after Tang En roared out, a fierce battle surrounded him, and the sound of killing was minimized.

From fierce to extremely quiet, the process turned out to be just a moment. In the dark battlefield that had just been killed, the original quietness of the dense forest was quickly restored.

This weird situation is of course abnormal, and the reason for this is because it was the wild wolf rider who stopped first. They held the absolute initiative of the war situation. With this stop, the completely suppressed soldiers got a respite, naturally they ignored other things, and kept back.

There was a door ... Seeing this, Tang En and Frey looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with ecstasy. Ordinary barbarians can understand Bran's discourse, and as an elite army of the Northern Wilderness Tribe-Wild Wolf Riding, there is no reason why they can't understand it. The fierce abnormal reaction now undoubtedly explains something. at this time,

"Wow, wow ..." A short barbaric yelled loudly from not far away, and then the wild wolf riders abandoned the soldiers in front of them and turned their wolves' heads.

However, it was too late at this time, and Tang En's sight, although the fire was not seen because of the trees, but the gap between the branches, the sky was already billowing with smoke.

How quickly Mi Xiu's movements, coupled with the littered ground here, was a great setting for a fire.

Teared, Frei immediately tore off the small cloth cloth, quickly dunked into the water pouch to soak, and raised his head and shouted: "All soldiers obey orders, immediately covered with water cloth, these wild wolf ride!

They now have no choice but to let these wild wolves ride away from here. Of course they can escape for a short time, but in the open area, they will be attacked by the wild wolf with no scruples, and it will be overwhelmed by the army. So the only option now is to die with each other in this fire.

The situation reversed in an instant, and the soldiers quickly covered with water, immediately grabbed the weapon and launched a counterattack against the wild wolf in sight. What formation and attack method ... are nonsense! Now as long as you entangle each other, you win.

Cold winds are everywhere in the north. This dense forest is not too big. Naturally, cold winds pass through the forest. The surrounding fire quickly rose near the wind. In addition, some soldiers burned on the spot with bachelors. After a while, the sight was a field of fire, and the smoke billowed.

At this moment, the wild wolf ride was obviously going to retreat, but because the encirclement of Tang En and others was too scattered, a strong breakout force could not be formed at all. Now being entangled by the soldiers who are desperate to scream, they suddenly roared again and again, and the battle instantly became heated.

In this confrontation, Tang En clearly saw the abnormal state of the green armored wolf. Now they do not have the previous flexible running position and strong attack, let alone to cooperate with the barbarian on their body. It's either just avoiding the fire around, or timid and afraid to move forward. The blood-red eyes reflected the fire, and there was no cruel disregard, only fear and fear.

When Tang En saw this, in order to confirm the fear of the giant wolf to the fire, he directly cut off the branch with a dagger, ignited it near the source of the fire, and threw it with his hand. Alas ... the wolf is covered with cyan armor, but in order to ensure the flexibility of the limbs, some joints, necks and other places are not available. As soon as Mars splashed, most of the fur was quickly ignited, and the scorch was overflowing.

The barbarian on the wolf was anxious immediately, but before he could wave his hand to pat the fire extinguisher, the green armored wolf jumped around with limbs trembling, his body trembled, and threw the barbarian down, and then ignored the owner's life , Slamming into flames with a slip of flame.

I was awful, fine, and vengeful ... Tang En was shocked when he saw this, and he hurried to sidestep to avoid it. But then he knew that this was not the case, because after the giant wolf rushed past him, he didn't stop at all, so he disappeared into the smoke.

With a slight sigh, Tang En pursed his lips and whispered thoughtfully: "Well, it looks really scared."

After seeing this scene, some soldiers in the surrounding area immediately started to follow suit. After a while, more than ten barbarians were overturned to the ground. Before they got up, various weapons were chopped up. At the same time, more than a dozen fire wolves ran wildly around. Those wild wolf riders who had not yet made the move immediately dispelled the wolf, and the situation became more chaotic.

It can be seen that the wild wolf ride attaches great importance to the green armor giant wolf underneath, and feels more important than his own life. Even at this time, there is no intention to give up the giant wolf at all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and now In this case, it is more dangerous to sit on the wolf. So while the soldiers handed out their weapons and waved their sticks, it was the first time they had the upper hand.

The fire became more violent, and the billowing smoke completely filled the scene. People must not only endure the burning sensation of bare skin, but also inhale heavy smoke. Even if covered with water cloth, her eyes became red and she couldn't stop crying. The coughing sounds from time to time are even more flustered.

However, even in such a harsh environment with extremely low visibility, the soldiers were fully boosted their morale, and they slashed into the fire with their weapons and fearless death. They saw them when they saw wolves, and they saw them when they were abnormally stout ...

The wild wolf rider was eager to break through, protecting the green armored giant wolf under his body, and his hand was even more fierce. As long as he saw a non-wolf rider in the thick smoke, he would show no mercy.

The battle situation became extremely fierce in an instant. Not many people still have the ‘rational’ thing in their minds. The thing is indistinguishable from the thick fog. The only idea is to kill, continue to kill until death ...

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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