Uchiha Pretender King, Pretending To Be Force Will Open Your Eyes!

Chapter 649 Magical kingdom! The land of astrological divination!

Chapter 649 Magical kingdom! The land of astrological divination!

The black shop is opened on the doorstep of your own home.

After Uchiha Qiye came in, he directly called a large luxury private room. After entering the room, he cooked next to the chair and ate the exquisite delicacies brought by Xiao Er, a large meal.

After eating, it can be considered that all the energy has been restored, and Uchiha Qiye did not want to waste time, because there is a saying that is good, that is, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will win a hundred battles.

Uchiha Qiye is still in the imagination of Xingnin Village and people's legends. After all, this is a small country, so there is not much information that has been circulated, so it is more difficult for Uchiha Qiye to understand.

Until now, he still didn't know what Xingnin Village was making for profit and what kind of person was the most powerful fighting force in this village.

But what Uchiha Qiye is not afraid of the most is the acquisition of information, because he has the ability to enter meditation that no one else can match, and the information that a person is in a radius of 100 miles can enter Uchiha Qiye's mind very clearly.

So when he entered into meditation, he would naturally be able to spy on the whole picture of Xingnin Village.

Uchiha Qiye sat on the bed and meditated slowly, a wonderful feeling permeated his whole body directly, it was a very quiet atmosphere.

This atmosphere exuded a sense of tranquility. After he closed his eyes, everything around him became clearer. Although he couldn't understand it, and couldn't explain it at all, it was true - that's how it was.

Uchiha Qiye had a panoramic view of everything in a radius of 100 miles, and he saw the current situation of Xing Nin Village.

This is probably a small country with a population of more than 100,000. The decoration and buildings inside are so beautiful. The quality of workmanship and the exquisiteness of the buildings are even better than those of Konoha Village and the Land of Rain!

When Uchiha Qiye saw this, there was a question in his heart, why is this?

Ming Mingxing Ninja Village is a weak country, and it is indeed so rich. Is it a country like Utopia?

The people live and work in peace and contentment, every household is prosperous, and far from war and poverty, so there should not be waves of immigration waves in this place? Because this is a paradise outside the world, how can there be such a small population?

・・・・For flowers・・0

Uchiha Qiye is difficult to understand, he doesn't understand, so he observes more curiously.

He saw a very obvious sign in a city, which said that the son of the big family of the King of Rain needs an exorcism, and the reward is 200,000.

This is just the beginning, there is a dazzling list of prices behind.


For example, Anbu Jōnin Shurajin of Konoha Village wants to tell his own fortune with a bounty of 100,000.

There are also feng shui, as well as business such as divination, and it is impossible to read them all.

Uchiha Qiye is almost drunk, what's the situation? Is Xing Nin Village just observing astrology for fortune-telling, feng shui, and divination as the main source of income?

This is simply incredible, isn't it?

Uchiha Qiye almost wanted to laugh in his heart, how could there be any technique of divination and asking fortune, this is simply unreasonable, but it is the comfort that some people need, and it is just for people to have some psychological comfort.

But Xing Nin Village actually relies on this kind of technology to make the whole country so rich, does it really have such ability? Cai.

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