Uchiha Pretender King, Pretending To Be Force Will Open Your Eyes!

Chapter 612 The rivalry between Uchiha Qiye and Captain

Chapter 612 The rivalry between Uchiha Qiye and Captain

And in this place underground, a newly appointed Minister of Konoha Anbu, Captain, is giving a lecture to all the Anbu staff.

I don't know if the legend of Uchiha Qiye has been ignored, or if some people don't want to spread the miracle about Uchiha Qiye, in short, he didn't get the respect he deserved when he appeared in front of these people in Anbu.

Since Danzo died last time, Uchiha Qiye didn't know who had trusted Anbu's minister, looking at this person who was called Captain by the people below, Uchiha Qiye had a trick in his heart.

Captain seems to be a very dignified man, this person is not angry and arrogant, giving a sense of irresistible seriousness.

Captain saw that Uchiha Qiye had appeared in Anbu's secret meeting so inexplicably, he had to know that apart from Hokage, no one else had this authority.

So suddenly there is someone who looks very strange, and Captain of course thinks that this is very wrong.

The blue veins on his face burst, and he said angrily, "Who are you? How did you come to our Anbu? 々!

Captain was originally Anbu's minister. He spoke so harshly, and of course his subordinates were looking at Uchiha Qiye with very vicious eyes.

Uchiha Qiye smiled lightly and said, "I am the chief elder of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Qiye.99

He didn't say it was okay, but when he talked about the Uchiha family, this person called Captain, his face became even more ugly.

Because the position of the Uchiha family in the Konoha is simply too detached, the previous Konoha was just used like a chamber pot in the Uchiha family.

Once the crisis of war is discovered, the Uchiha family will be brought out first, and they will go to war.

And Konoha will preserve his power to suppress the Cosmic Wave family, and must not let these evil-eyed guys have any chance of coveting the position of Hokage.

Therefore, the previous Uchiha family's position in Konoha was very delicate. They could make achievements and make achievements, but they were never truly recognized by Konoha, which seemed to be a balanced partnership.

Konoha gives protection and safety to the Uchiha family, and the Uchiha family is like a hound in the hands of a hunter, charging at the critical moment.

But this year, the situation has changed completely. The Uchiha family's status has suddenly become very high, because I heard that there is a very good elder who killed the previous Hokage. Isn't this just heaven-defying? ?

After hearing the news, Captain finally ran back and took over as Danzo's position. Because Captain is Danzo's cousin, this kind of blood relationship must have hated this guy named Uchiha Qiye.

Captain also recognizes Konoha's long-term vigilance against the Uchiha family. (Is it good?) He thinks that the Uchiha family members are all weirdos. , to improve one's own strength, how can this kind of evil and crooked way do not need to be careful?

But today's Uchiha family actually has a tendency to dominate one family, and what is more sad is that the current Hokage is actually very friendly to the Uchiha family, how can this tone be tolerated?

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