Uchiha Pretender King, Pretending To Be Force Will Open Your Eyes!

Chapter 587 The Hand of Heaven, Destroy the Curse Seal!

Chapter 587 The Hand of Heaven, Destroy the Curse Seal!

At this time Nagato finally asked, "Uchiha Qiye, tell us what's going on!

Uchiha Qiye looked up at them and said, "This is not a magic rune at all, and the purpose is not to improve you at all, this thing is called a spell, when he wants to use you, you will even lose your own consciousness, attacking anyone The person he wants to attack, that's right, is the immortal person you mentioned!"

This sentence seemed to blow up some kind of flower, Nagato and Konan's eyes widened at the same time, feeling very horrified, why? Is there such a thing in this world? They can't believe it!

Nagato said, "What's the matter, there is such a thing in this world? Why does he want to control us?"

Uchiha Qiye shook his head, sighed and said, "This is a long story."

So Uchiha Qiye told the two people from the beginning to the end, including all the experiences in the land of sand.

It was only after all this was said that Nagato and Konan understood what was going on, with angry nervous expressions on their faces.

So Uchiha Qiye said, "I really don't understand, you have been in the arena for many years, how can you believe such an obvious lie, he is a warlock, why does he help you and give you things for no reason? This obviously has a big impact. It's weird 々!

Nagato slapped his thigh, "Damn it! I saw that he helped us heal the wound, and I got a bit of confidence. Who knew it would be Mihong Qiaozhuang!"

Uchiha Qiye is also hated in his heart, it seems that Mihong's ability is stronger, according to reason, Nagato and Mihong are in the same door, they are brothers, they are familiar with each other's breath, but this time Mihong is unexpectedly He completely hid his breath and didn't let Nagato discover it.

This can be said to be a sense of terror! This Mi Hong can not only restrain his breath, but also disguise himself so that no one can recognize him.

Previously, as long as Mihong was within one kilometer from Uchiha Qiye, he could be quickly locked by Uchiha Qiye. It seems that this time is different. Uchiha Qiye has made progress, and Mihong has improved even more.

Is it really that the Tao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high?

Or there are other possibilities, this person who looks immortal is not Mi Hong at all, or someone else, such as Mi Hong's accomplice?

And from the point of view of time, it may not be Mihong at that time, he was still in the land of sand a few days ago.

If this is the case, it may be more difficult. Who knows what kind of person the other party is and what kind of relationship he has with Mi Hong? If the two join forces, will Uchiha Qiye still be able to overcome?

He didn't know in his heart, and was very uneasy.

But no matter what the top priority is to remove the curse mark, otherwise, if Konan and Nagato break out (to Zhao), it is really an existence that is not easy to deal with.

Uchiha Qiye said, ".~ Let's not think about it so much now, let me help you get rid of the curse!"

As soon as Nagato and Konan heard that Uchiha Qiye was able to do this directly, it felt like the rest of their lives.

So the two of them turned their backs to Uchiha Qiye, and the latter began to slowly flow an extremely powerful Chakra in his hands, which is the stunt of Eternal Rinnegan, the Hand of Heaven.

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