Two-dimensional System

Chapter 478: Tsunade: Is he my brother (灬?ω?灬)?

Looking at Tsunade thinking, the mute voice beside Tsunade stopped.

Under Tsunade's fierce gaze, he could only swallow everything he wanted to say into his stomach.

Jilai Yehe Shensaku Shenren, Shima Senren, although they follow Tsunade's attitude.

Mute, who was hesitant to speak, saw a lot of tediousness in him, but he didn't dare to interrupt the meditating Tsunade.

After all, Tsunade's attitude determined Jiraiya's injuries and whether he could stand up in the future.

Tsunade did think a lot, but many of them were from Uzumaki Kamiyo's perspective, trying to guess and analyze Uzumaki Kamiyo.

Furthermore, Tsunade didn't want to see that the relationship between Uzumaki Jindai and Miaokiyama was so rigid because of the fact that Jiraji also made it.

By the way~

Tsunade seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed.

‘Kindai is in Konoha at this time, is it possible that he is ready to do it? ’

Thinking back to the hatred between Uzumaki Kamiyo and Shimura Danzo, Tsunade felt a little frustrated for a while.

What is more is the worry about Uzumaki God, after all, the original words were just talking, Uzumaki Goddai is his younger brother anyway.

Uzumaki Kamdai wants to attack Shimura Danzo, and is it still in Konoha?

The old man of the three generations of Hokage, would he just look at it like this?

‘It seems that I need to go back to Konoha? ’

In Tsunade's heart, Uzumaki Kamiyo was scolded bloody, and Uzumaki Kamiyo didn't even notify her about such an important matter?

"Hey~ In fact, compared to that, I am more worried about the old man."

Just when Tsunade was meditating about Uzumaki Kamiyo's affairs, and fell into entanglement, Jiraiya also seemed to have thought of something.

"What do you mean?"

The disturbed Tsunade, who was not in a good mood at first, turned her head and stared at Jiraiya fiercely.

"I found Oshe Maru on the border of the Kingdom of Wind.

He followed all the way to get back to Konoha. You should have heard of the big snake pill and the old man.

This time Oshemaru took advantage of the Nakanobu selection test to mix into Konoha, and it will definitely take advantage of this time to do something to the old man..."

Hearing what Jiraiya had said, Tsunade's mind didn't turn around for a while, and then Tsunade's body trembled.

and many more!

Kojindai? Orochimaru? Shimura Danzo? Three generations of Naruto? Nakanin selection exam?

After these factors were connected together, a lightning bolt passed through Tsunade's mind.

All the doubts in my mind were also eliminated at this moment.

"So, did you plan that way?"

Tsunade was stunned, but the people here were no less powerful than Tsunade.

Naturally I heard it too, and Tsunade muttered something to himself.

"Plan? What's the plan? Tsunade, you are very strange~ Is it possible that you really got something?"

Tsunade turned his head back, and stared at her without angrily.

"Hehe, you'd better take care of yourself first, because my brother interrupted your spine? Jiraiya, you really are getting better and better."


Not knowing it was Tsunade, Jiraiya's sneer and sarcasm was shocked. Still bombed by Tsunade's words, bombed with doubts about life.

Jiraiya stared at Tsunade in a daze, but he couldn't help but reacted immediately.

After a while.


A shocking sound broke the hall directly, echoing the entire sky of Miaomu Mountain.

The toads around the hall turned their heads curiously when they heard the sound coming from the hall, tilting their heads incomprehensibly.

Quack! ?

Of course, the information given by Tsunade not only suppressed Jilai but also suppressed him.

Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Zhi Jian Xian Ren, as well as the three brothers who quietly eat melons, Toad Boss.

Unbelievable, he opened his mouth and looked at Tsunade blankly.

What did Tsunade just say?

It was Tsunade's younger brother who interrupted Jiraiya's spine?

"You can't be kidding about Tsunade. Are you telling the truth?"

The calm Shen Zuo Xianren, the tone of the moment began, and speeded up without the control of emotions.

"Does this kind of thing need to be joke? Is Tsunade the kind of person who jokes casually?"

Jiraiya, who wants to die more and more:...

"If that kid were you, brother..."

Immortal Zhima didn't say anything, Jiraiya in the petrochemical industry seemed to recall something.

"No, if that kid is really your brother..."

Tsunade rolled his eyes angrily. Doesn't she know what Jiraji mean?

But looking at Jilaiya, I wanted to say it, but for the sake of myself, he didn't continue to say it.

The corners of Tsunade's mouth gave a touch of warmth, and the figure of Senju Nose appeared in his mind.

And, a little cutie, the two overlap and separate.


‘That’s all, you have to face it all the time, Tsunade, why don’t you want to face it...’

Tsunade, who was the same or something, seemed to have made up his mind with a change of expression.

At the same time, there seemed to be a voice in his mind, a certain pretty boy strolling around among Konoha.


Hearing this voice, a pretty boy who was strolling had a meal, and his expression became awkward gradually.

At Miaomu Mountain Immortal Hall, Tsunade smiled and spoke to Jiraji.

"I recognize brother, do you have an opinion?"


Jilaida dared to swear, this was definitely the one he had ever seen, Tsunade had the most beautiful smile, and one of the sweetest smiles.

Such a smile, Jiraiya had also seen it before, and Senju Noseki had never seen it before he died.

Jilaida was confused, but in his head he was thinking: I was not only beaten by Tsunade, but also by her brother?


Stop it!

Ji Lai also thought carefully and was terrified! I felt cold all over and shuddered involuntarily.

"Xiao Tsunade, since he is your brother, why is he still? Xiaojilai is also like this?"

Shen Zuo Xian Ren and Zhi Jian Xian Ren can't figure out how, they can also string together what Jilai said before.

Why in the beginning, Jiraiya's self-introduction was regarded as a play on the person.

Hearing Jiraiya's name, he would have that kind of reaction.

That should be the kid who recognized Jira, one of Tsunade's famous Sannin.

"That's why, Jilai was only injured, not a corpse."

Although Tsunade’s words are a bit out of date and a bit irritating, why does it make sense?

Jilai also opened his mouth. He is a little self-closing. Is it possible that he has been beaten like this? He has to thank that kid?

In response to everyone's gaze, Tsunade rubbed his aching eyebrows.

"Although he is my brother, I did not say that he is from Konoha. On the contrary, he does not have a lot of favor with Konoha. He also shots with Zilai because he is angry. As for why he didn't kill Zi Come, because Zi Lai also said his name before."

Having said that, Tsunade thought about something, and looked at Jiraiya's face and began to think, and he also spoke with a rather weird meaning.

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