Two-dimensional System

Chapter 454: ‘Vortex’ collision (eight shifts)

Terumi Ming couldn't help but look at this energetic guy.

Yu Guang just happened to see the Uzumaki Goddai with a particularly weird expression beside him?

"what's happenin?"

"Nothing~ Eat noodles~"

The weird thing about Uzumaki God was that he felt a sense of ‘kindness’ from the blood in this kid.

It was in Yuyin Village that could bring such a cordial feeling to Uzumaki Goddai.

There are Uzumaki Nagato, Uzumaki Fragrant Phosphorus, Uzumaki Karai, and Uzumaki Honoka, then this guy in front of him may be considered him, a clansman in this world.

Suddenly, there were more people in the realm of God's Generation.

The corner of Uzumaki God's mouth outlines an inexplicable arc, and the corner of it is interesting and deep, and he glances at the kid in a position.

At the same time, the realm of the gods also told the gods of Uzumaki that this kid was based on what he felt in Uzumaki Kushina at the time.

On the other hand, Uzumaki Goddai did not feel the pressure from Uzumaki Kushina on his body.

This is a matter of strength. Thoughts instantly reach this little guy, it seems that he can't control the things in his body?

"Visiting Officer~Your Ramen~"

With the sound of uncle hitting, and the smell of ramen in his hand.

Let the kid follow the fragrance, look like Uzumaki Goddai, staring at the kid Uzumaki Goddai for a moment.

His head tilted, but his eyes were fixed on the forehead protection on the forehead of Uzumaki Goddai.

"who are you?"

I still don’t know that the Uzumaki Kamdai who was involved in the Zhongnin exam, it was just that the five people in front of them, the foreheads on their heads were different from their own?

Even following this kid's department in the dark, he was a little anxious, shouldn't he go out and remind Uzumaki Goddai?


Uzumaki Jindai didn't move his chopsticks either, turned around with a friendly smile, and smiled at the kid.

"You... Hello... My name is Naruto Uzumaki, who are you? Why are you wearing a different forehead protection on your forehead?"

Uzumaki Naruto?

Hearing the name of Uzumaki Naruto, Terumi Ming, Gulian, and Gui Deng Shui Yue.

Even Junmaro, who was eating the ramen with his head down, raised his head involuntarily, and looked at Uzumaki Kamdai.

At the same time, Terumi Mei took a **** and looked at this kid named Uzumaki Naruto.

"What are your eyes? Is there anything dirty on my face?"

Even Naruto Uzumaki, whose nerves were in the big strip, was stared at by so many people all of a sudden.

Naruto Uzumaki was also a little embarrassed, and the Anbu who was preparing to come out looked at each other at this situation.

They secretly said: "Not good"

But it's unbelievable weird, what is going on with these Yurenbu guys?

Hearing the name Uzumaki Naruto, what a big reaction?

Could it be the fact that Naruto Uzumaki was discovered? Do they need support?

"My name is Uzumaki Kamdai, I am glad to meet you~"

With a soft smile on Uzumaki Kamdai's face, he didn't answer Uzumaki Naruto's answer. Why did Terumi Ming look at him with a **** expression.

Instead, he reported his own name, listening to Uzumaki's name, Naruto Uzumaki nodded subconsciously.


There was a sound~ Naruto Uzumaki who had just turned around suddenly jumped up and his expression was very excited.

I couldn't believe it and pointed to the Uzumaki Goddai: "You, you...what did you just say? What's your name?"

Not only Uzumaki Naruto couldn't accept it, but the Anbu hiding in the dark, after hearing Uzumaki's name.

They all looked like they had seen a ghost, and couldn't believe looking at the handsome boy with blue hair with a slight smile on his face.

"I said my name is Uzumaki Goddai, have a problem?"


Naruto Uzumaki couldn't accept it for a while, and his heart was complicated and excited.

‘Is this man his relative? ’

However, Uzumaki Jindai didn't have so much sorrow. In the realm of Jindai realm, two ‘familiar’ people were walking towards this place.

I didn't say anything any more, and I didn't care either, Naruto Uzumaki with a look of Spartan.

I picked up the ramen in the bowl, blew away the heat, and began to enjoy it beautifully.

"Naruto, your ramen~"

"Oh, okay....."

Uzumaki Naruto sitting on the chair peeped at him from time to time, and Uzumaki Jindai who was eating noodles.

Until the voice of the thug boss, Uzumaki Naruto was awakened, the biggest ramen in the world.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't care about Uzumaki Jindai, and started to eat his ramen with his head down.

"Don't mind me, old man, sit here, right?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Uzumaki Kamiro couldn't help but recall the very similar scene in the Maruko shop back then.

"Of course, you are free."

He didn't open this place either. After Uzumaki Gindai glanced at the visitor, his face continued to eat his ramen as usual.

The person was picked, and he sat down next to the Uzumaki Goddai, just separating the Uzumaki Goddai and Naruto Uzumaki.

Yu Guang looked at all of this and saw Uzumaki Shindai, without showing anything, eating his own ramen.

‘This old man’s defense is really heavy. ’

"Ah! Teacher Kakashi, Grandpa Naruto three generations?"


Hearing the familiar voice of the old man, Naruto Uzumaki turned his head and recognized the person.

At the same time, he looked at with surprise, standing behind the three generations of Hokage, the blindfold Kakashi.

After being out, Kakashi looked salty, raised his hand to Uzumaki Naruto, and said hello as a greeting.

"Naruto is here too, do you eat ramen?"

Hearing the voice of Uzumaki Naruto, the third generation of Naruto Tobihi Slash, then looked at Uzumaki Naruto with surprise.

As if it was such a coincidence, it was a pleasant surprise to meet Naruto Uzumaki.

The corner of Uzumaki's mouth twitched on the other side. Could this old guy's acting skills be more perfunctory?

Isn't this?

Even Guren and Guideng Suigetsu-kun Maro could see the problem at a glance, and they were looking closely.

Looking up and down, the old man who didn't know where he came from, listened to the boy named Naruto Uzumaki.

This is Konoha's Hokage?

Really such a coincidence? Can they meet Konoha's head here?

Terumi Ming had a strange smile on her mouth, watching Uzumaki Kamiyo's response interestingly.

At the same time, he glanced at the three generations of Huoying behind, followed by the white-haired salted fish card someone.

Terumi Ming felt it from Kakashi.

Although this guy looks lazy, he is ready to take action at any time.

And, at the moment of hands-on, the third-generation Naruto and Uzumaki Naruto can be protected behind him at any time.


Guru~ Guru~

Sarutobi Hizen, who was talking to Uzumaki Naruto, looked back and saw nothing, Uzumaki Jindai who was already enjoying the ramen soup in Mimi.

Someone who has been staring at Uzumaki Goddai, Salted Fish Card:...

The third generation of Naruto:...

‘This guy doesn’t seem to be there, do you find the atmosphere around here is different? Don't you care? still is......'

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