Two-dimensional System

Chapter 400: The root of all evil: Xiao Nan (Happy Valentine's Day~)

Uzumaki Goddai did not continue speaking, Xiao Nan nodded but heard it.

The Uzumaki Goddai had the intention of incorporating the flying section into Akatsuki's organization.

However, due to Uzumaki Kamdai, there are Uchiha Izumi, Terumi Mei and Hakura beside him, and the existence of the three daughters does not want to talk about Akatsuki too much.

Terumi Ming, who has been in Yuyin Village, may have heard of Akatsuki, a caravan hired protection team in Yuyin Village.

However, I absolutely don't know who the Akatsuki organization is, or even why the Akatsuki organization was established.

Uchiha Izumi, Terumi Mei, and Hakura, the three people's identities, are defined by Uzumaki Goddai as being from Yuyin Village.

Xiao Nan understands this, so most of the time Xiao Nan will not go anymore. These people will discuss Akatsuki's affairs with Uzumaki Kamdai.

At this moment, Xiao Nan, dressed in a dark blue gown, without the red cloud on the black background of the Xiao organization, that iconic dress.

It's like going out on a tour in a micro service, the Uzumaki Goddai wooing Fei Duan is more that this family cannot be beaten to death.

If you are okay, you can also find this child and educate him with the old father.

This irritable and impulsive character will suffer, no matter what the world is like this character.

Either they were smashed to death, or they were on the road to smashed to death.

Therefore, for others' "father" Uzumaki God, it is necessary to use the big stick policy to teach their children, and use their brains if there is nothing to do.

The most important point is that if his own queen vent bag is bullied by others, Uzumaki Kamdai will be very unhappy.

I slipped to the front of the flying section as if my soul was out of the sheath.

Uzumaki Kamdai squatted down and put his finger in front of this guy's nose.

When I explored it, I wasn't afraid of this stuff. Will he suddenly bite himself and eat his own blood?

The neural reaction speed of the Uzumaki Goddai was enough for the Uzumaki Goddai to jump away from his own space in this extremely short time.

‘As a senior ‘old’ TCM doctor diagnosed, this child seems to be still angry. ’

"Hey! If you are not dead, just make a sound!"

Uzumaki Jindai didn't know, but from where he brought a small wooden stick.

Using a small wooden stick, he stabbed Fei Duan and then poked again.

Flying section:...

Is it bad to be a person?

Fei Duan resisted the urge to bite Uzumaki Goddai.

Don't let later generations not bite, and then stick yourself upside down, Uzumaki Goddai can avoid his attack.

After this point of Hida calmed down, his mind couldn't help but began to recall the fragment of his fight with Uzumaki Kamiyo.

This is a person's instinct, not to say that Fei Duan wants to recall, the memory that made him want to commit suicide before.

The damage that Uzumaki God Generation brought to him has been deeply imprinted in his soul by Fei Duan.

Human is a strange creature, if not actively controlled.

People will remember particularly humiliating segments or memories in their lives.

This memory will accompany everyone for a lifetime, so don't be too pretentious.

Don't leave a shadow deep in your heart that will last a lifetime. If the shadow is too big, people will have big problems.

Isn't this?

Now Uzumaki Goddai is facing one.

From self-confident and cheerful youth to autistic and doubtful youth.

Perhaps Fei Duan could write a novel during this psychological journey.

Seeing that there is still no movement, as if silently protesting this Uzumaki Goddai, let me just leave me alone.

Don't ask me who I am quietly, and don't ask where I come from or where I am going.


It seemed that he was regretfully shook his head for the child, Uzumaki Kandai, who had been hit hard, stood up and patted his palms with regret.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Nan, all said regretfully.

"It seems that this child is abandoned. If there is no rescue, I dug a pit and buried it~"


What did i hear Buried?

Uchiha Izumi, Hakura, and Terumi Mei, the three daughters all acted on the Uzumaki God, and looked at Uzumaki God in amazement.

‘This is still a person? ’

"Um~ then buried it~"

most! most! most! most!

The most overwhelming thing was that Xiao Nan, who was next to Uzumaki Goddai, nodded with approval without saying anything.

The tone was plain without a trace of fluctuation, and the face of Uzumaki God was right on your behalf.

Please, you can see it with that eye? Isn't this guy still blinking?

Isn't it a rescue?

The three women did not speak, but all looked at the poor child lying on the ground with pity.


But they didn't give it. With the idea of ​​Fei Duan's early days, Uchiha Izumi even turned his head ‘unbearable’, and came out with a blind eye.

My boss, the source of such a bad character is found, so let’s just say~

How could there be such a shameless person with such a bad personality for no reason?

Uchiha Izumi, Ye Cang, and Terumi Mei, the three women cautiously gave Xiaonan a secret look.

I found that Xiao Nanzheng had a face, what you said was what you said.

Suddenly, the heart of the three women was deeply touched.

The source of all evil turned out to be Sister Nan...

"Wait! I feel...I'm still alive..."

Heard, Uzumaki Goddai was going to bury himself?

Fei Duan suddenly became flustered, and what made Feiduan immediately express his position is that he did not dare to question Uzumaki God's words at all.

He could see it, Uzumaki Goddai was definitely the kind of person who could just say it.

Isn't this?

Uzumaki Kaminari smiled while facing her a second ago.

Saying that you don't wait for the weather, the location, the object or the time to beat him, other people have to choose an auspicious time, right?

The flying section jumped up, muttering angrily in his heart.

If Uzumaki Goddai knew about this, he would definitely give this guy a roll of eyes and an angry reply.

Want to fart? Do you think it was marriage? Have to pick a lucky day?

But looking at the present, Weak and Weak stood in front of him, looking like I was a good baby.

It seemed that he was being beaten by the Uzumaki God on his behalf. The key was that the flying section was not injured, but he couldn't stand the devastation mentally.

Don’t be so horrible, now you are the boss, what you say is what you say~

"Well, if you are alive and kicking, I won't bury you, what about my previous proposal? What do you think? Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, let's discuss it again?"

Hehe, still discuss?

The corner of Fei Duan's mouth twitched, looking at the cute smile of Uzumaki Goddai, as if he saw the world, the most evil big devil.

嘤嘤嘤~ The Cthulhu Lord is not a small disagreement, but the Demon King is really terrifying~

Looking at the flying section that was educated like this, Terumi Ming, Hakura and Uchiha Izumi, the three of them didn't know what to use to express their current feelings.

I especially want to say, what you say is what you say, you want me to die, the flying section, the contrast is so big...

"Don't worry, I'm very reasonable, right? Come on, we want to find a place to sell...a contract..."

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