Two-dimensional System

Chapter 192: survey

what? Suddenly disappeared?

Kakashi's head tilted, but Uchiha Shisui, who was talking to himself, stared blankly with his left eye.

I don't know how suddenly, the captain Uchiha in front of me became nervous.

But soon, Parker led a pair of small milk dogs trotting to Kakashi.

"Parker? Did you find anything?"

Uchiha Shisui also stared closely at Parker, who looked strange, and saw Parker Dog's face with doubtful confusion on his face.

Facing Uchiha Shisui who vaguely looked at him, Kakashi and Parker's dog faces were as human as a ghost, and sighed in Uchiha Shisui's bewilderment.

"Wang! There are two smells, but nothing around..."

Uchiha Shisui looked at the magical expression on Parker's face, and really wanted to know how a dog can achieve such complex emotions.

But Parker's words, like a sledgehammer, hit Uchiha Shisui's heart.

‘Is there really a ghost? ’

Kakashi seems to have been used to seeing him, Parker's attitude, but Parker's words let Kakashi be taken aback.

"Parker, what do you mean?"

"Wang, that is to say, except here, the same taste is not found anywhere else."

"No taste? How did they leave?"

"I don't know this Wang, but there is a situation that can disappear in place..."

Parker scratched the dog's head and looked at the puzzled Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui. Why are these two people inferior to Benwang?

"Really? Parker did you think of something?"

Ripples appeared in Uchiha Shisui's heart, and his eyes flickered as he looked at the ninja dog in front of him and despised them.

"Psychic art."


Kakashi's only left eye flashed, he realized everything, and Uchiha Shisui's expression gradually calmed down.

"Parker, you mean the two people fighting here disappeared through psychic techniques?"

"This is very likely. After all, the smell that disappears in place, unless someone reverses the psychic to take them away."

Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi nodded secretly. After investigating the matter to this point, both of them understood that they had reached the limit.

"Thank you Parker."

In order to thank Parker, Uchiha Shisui took out a snack from his ninja bag and handed it to Parker.

The latter, wagging his tail and dog face, seemed to admire Uchiha Shisui's ability to be a human being.

Kakashi felt ashamed to see Parker holding the food in his mouth, and relieved the psychic technique and let Parker go back.

"Then Kakashi, I'll report to Master Naruto, and I'll give it to you first."

"Yes, Captain Shishui."

Kakashi nodded and watched the disappearance of Uchiha's Shushui Shushu Shunshu, Anbe had made all the records, and he packed his things and prepared to leave.

In the Naruto office, the fourth generation of Naruto Hakodate looked at the report in his hand, raised his head and looked at Uchiha Shisui with a puzzled look.

"Who do you think are the two fighting? Is there a clue? What is the purpose of each other?"

"Report to Master Naruto, from the analysis of the strange battlefield, and the scope of the battle. I don't think the opponent is our Konoha ninja. As for the purpose of the opponent, I think the opponent is not good."

Bo Feng Shuimen's jaws expressed his approval. From the description in the report, both sides seemed to avoid them when fighting.

So if you don't want them to know, but fight outside Konoha, it is obvious that both sides of the opponent are outsiders.

‘Who would it be? Iwa Shinobu? Mist Shinobi? Yun Ren? Or Shinobu? ’

"One of them is good at fire escape, and the other is a wind ninja. The blood samples we collected from the battle place have been sent to the hospital for testing."

"Master Hokage, I think we should take precautions, especially the most suspicious people in the village, who are extremely closely monitored."

"Zhishui? Do you suspect it is a spy in the village?"

"Well, this possibility is not ruled out, and this possibility is very high, and the traces of the scene are very large. At least it is the strength of Shangren, but the battle between the two sides should be very fierce, but there are not many traces left on the scene. My guess is Both sides are speed ninjas."

"We did not see the two of them at the scene. It can be seen that they have at least one of them. Very powerful perception ability. After I integrated the clues, I came to the conclusion. The two sides found us when they were fighting, so the two of them are very good. May use your psychic skills to leave."

"This is very unfavorable to us. We don't know what the other party's purpose is, but at least two forces are secretly eyeing us."

Uchiha Shisui looked worried, obviously caring about the enemy who was staring at Konoha secretly, and Hafeng Mizuno also put away the smile of Little Taiyo in normal days.

Only a few hours after becoming Hokage, Bo Feng Shuimen knew how difficult it was for Hokage.

"Then everything is up to you, at Shishui, I will let all departments cooperate with you until I find out behind the scenes."

"Yes, Master Naruto."

Peng Peng!

"Please come in."

A female ninja who was a white nurse walked into Naruto's office holding the report.

"Master Naruto."

"Has the blood sample been detected?"


However, the latter seemed to glance at it intentionally or unintentionally, and Uchiha Shisui, who was standing on the side, looked like hesitated and stopped.

Seeing Uchiha Shisui was very puzzled, it seemed that his own existence made the other side very wary.

"Then Hokage-sama, I will avoid it first."

Hafeng Mizumon raised his hand to stop it first, and Uchiha Shisui who was about to leave. She smiled, and the female ninja gestured.

"Don't evade, let's say Zhishui is not an outsider."

"Yes... Master Naruto passed the inspection, and 80% of the blood stains sent by Anbe are compatible with Uchiha."

"What!? This is impossible!!!"

Uchiha Shisui couldn't believe his ears, and Bo Feng Mizuno was surprised that he didn't close his mouth.

You know, if this thing is true...

"Are you sure? The test was not wrong?"

Feeling that Uchiha Shisui and Naruto-sama Hafengshuimen have doubts about their work?

This is absolutely unbearable, the female ninja is very angry, with the help of anger.

He brought up the courage and placed the documents in his arms in front of Hafeng Mizumon and Uchiha Shisui.

"Yes, I can be responsible for our inspection report. This is the report form. The blood on the scene belongs to a person, and that person is probably Uchiha's."

"If there are no more questions, then Naruto-sama tells his subordinates to say goodbye."

"Sorry, thank you for your hardship. Organize and save your inspections to facilitate future queries."



The female ninja just nodded, before she turned around and left, she saw that the door of Naruto's office was suddenly opened, and a very embarrassed Konoha ninja rushed in.

"It's not good! Hokage-sama, the database is on fire!"



The database is on fire? Now Zibo Feng Shui Men really couldn't sit still, his face changed a lot and he stood up directly from his position.

"I go."

"Let's go together."

After Hafeng Mizuno faced Uchiha's Shishui Chin, Hafeng Mizuno led the ninja who delivered the letter in front, and the four rushed towards the database.

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