Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1147: intern

Maria Hill's powerlessness at this time was not brought to her by the tyrannical strength of Uzumaki Goddai, but the analysis ability of Uzumaki Goddai. Maria Hill was not angry, and once again gave Uzumaki Kamdai a pair of eyes.

Before this guy changed, no matter what your conspiracy and tricks, I was able to break through the attitude, and I started to play with my head. Maria Hill felt darker than her last time on Uzumaki Kamdai. If you are an adult, you still have a terrifying ability.

Maria Hill's sense of powerlessness also came from the blow that her self-confident ability was ruthlessly broken by Uzumaki Goddai.

Maria Hill really thought about it at this time, and asked God Uzumaki Kamdai, what kind of enchantment he really was.

If you change to someone else and hear Maria Hill say this, if you really like Maria Hill, then the other person will be so happy that they can't find North.

Although she didn't agree to Maria Hill, she was already considered a ‘default’, and they were already thinking about the contract they handed to the other party.

If the other party is not interested, no matter how attractive the contract is, I am afraid that the other party will not be attractive. Not to mention that you want to know more about your own "future" boss.

Therefore, after normal people hear what Maria Hill said, their normal reaction is that they should, before their favorite future is below, put themselves as the boss, and show the best.

But is this what Maria Hill wants to see? Absolutely not! If Uzumaki Kamdai really, like these normal people, only knows to blindly show her own advantages in front of Maria Hill, then Maria Hill will not agree to Uzumaki Kamdai's contract in the end.

Don't ask why, don't doubt whether Maria Hill is an idiot, don't let it go with such a good opportunity. Maria Hill is not a **** after all, she doesn't know what kind of person Uzumaki Kamiyo is, let alone what kind of world the ninja world is.

Therefore, Maria Hill did not know what kind of person Uzumaki Kamdai was in the ninja world. Maria Hill, who doesn't know anything, should rely on how to establish a trusting relationship with Uzumaki Kamidai and the two?

That is observation!

Even if Uzumaki Kandai did nothing, it seemed to Maria Hill to be one. If a ‘reliable’ boss really shows off, in Maria Hill’s view, it’s okay for such a boss not to follow.

What kind of boss will deliberately create a good side under his own?

The first boss, who is not confident, is not confident in his own charm, and is worried that he will not choose what Uzumaki Jindai wants. The second is that there are ghosts in their hearts, and they want to "fudge" themselves on the thief boat.

And Uzumaki Kamdai’s "unconcealed" response to Maria Hill was just to tell Maria Hill the'signal', so that Maria Hill could be assured of what it was like, that’s what kind of person he was. Won't play you.

This has been completely exceeded. Maria Hill’s "expectation" for Uzumaki Kamiyo, Uzumaki Kamiyo also made Maria Hill understand a little, her future boss is not only a fist who only knows everything depends on. 'Speaker.

Therefore, you can rest assured and prepare to show your talents completely in another world. This is Maria Hill's third pit, and the most important. Although you have taken a fancy to my "potential value", you also believe that I can make a difference in your world.

But if you are only one Uzumaki God, if you encounter something like this, just use your fists to solve these problems. Then, Maria Hill, I can only thank you for your fancy and wish you prosperity.

Because, you already have a fist, you don’t need Maria Hill anymore~ As a result, the Uzumaki Goddai is not only crushed by strength in reality, but also in the “technique” and the “field” that Maria Hill is good at. In the middle, Uzumaki Goddai also relentlessly'strikes out with a punch'.

What else can Maria Hill say? Of course, the reason Maria Hill rolled her eyes was that during this period of time, she wanted to stare at what Uzumaki Jindai was going to do, and carefully thought about what purpose she had, and she was also seen by the other party.

‘So, Uzumaki Kindai is the person cultivated in the ninja world? Is it so scary? So in the Ninja World, there are people like Uzumaki Jindai everywhere? ’

Having not seen the world of Uzumaki Jindai does not mean that Maria Hill has no opinion on ninjas. There is also a ninja industry in this world.

Normal ninjas will be classified as: thugs, stealing information, assassination roles.

The nature is similar to the birth of her agent, but the name of agent is even more official. After all, some agents are doing the same shady deeds as ninjas.

Poisoning, deceiving, for goals and tasks, they are all used.

Everyone’s ‘professional’ names are different, but the same goal by different routes is essentially the same. This shows that Uzumaki Goddai was in the vest of food critics.

My expectation of this guy is not bad at all, the difference is that the guy in front of me is really good at acting.

This guy doesn't need to be ‘trained’ at all, nor does he need to be nurtured. The Uzumaki Goddai is already the ultimate ‘agent’ who does not lose to the S.H.I. What's ridiculous is that I was still foolishly blinded by the drum. If it wasn't for the food critics to take the initiative, he would lift his vest.

Maria Hill had a hunch that she probably didn't even know it until she died. The food critic in front of her was Uzumaki Kanzaro.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Maria Hill suppressed the feeling of powerlessness in her heart, staring directly at the eyes of Uzumaki Goddai, and at the same time glanced at the surrounding town.

The purpose of coming to the town has been completed. There is no one here except myself, knowing that the food critic is actually the vest of Uzumaki Goddai.

The same goes through the encounters of Super Virus Spider-Man, Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner. I'm afraid there won't be any more unexpected superheroes.

Stopped in front of food critics, making a difference for myself soon. When he got here, his Maria Hill's affairs had come to an end. Maria Hill was more like an ‘early’ entry, and she quickly brought herself into the role of an ‘intern’.

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