Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1317: , Will not become a lazy pig

But watching Meiyu's departure, a trace of doubt appeared on Xiao Chi's face.

"Uncle, is Sister Miyu angry?" Xiao Chi asked worriedly looking at Miyu who was different from usual.

"Nothing. Sister Meiyu just slept too late last night and wanted to go to sleep again. In order not to become a lazy pig like Meiyu, I will go to bed earlier tomorrow." Zhang Xiang smiled Come, lightly nod Xiao Chi's Qiong nose.

No matter how the result develops, it is impossible to let Xiao Chi see something that will make her feel sad.

This is the custom of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

"Huh, the little chick won't become a little lazy pig little chick, but it's very powerful" little chick raised his little arm and said with a small nose wrinkled.

"That would be fine. By the way, did Xiao Chi brush her teeth?" Zhang Xiang asked with a smile.

"Well, I brushed it. And, Xiao Xian brushed it very cleanly" Xiao Xian proudly opened her small mouth, showing her white teeth.

"Then, let's go to dinner with Sister Huahuo and Sister Xiaoai." Zhang Xiang touched Xiao Chi's long and smooth hair, and said to the very proud Xiao Chi.

"Yeah, good" Xiao Xiao said with a cute smile on her face, nodding her head in a stretched voice.

And at this moment, the little Lolita who knew Zhang Xiang seemed to have something to say came over.

"Then, Xiao Chi, let's go eat first." Hua Huo Lori took Xiao Chi's hand.

"Yeah" Xiao Chi smiled happily.

Then, Hua Huo Xiao Lori took Xiao Chi and walked towards Xiao Ting with Xiao Ai.

It wasn't until Xiao Chi's figure completely disappeared from sight that Zhang Xiang turned his head and faced Miss Sha Xia's direction.

"So, Miss Sa Xia, what do you plan to come back this time?" Zhang Xiang asked with a serious expression on his face.

The purpose of the other party will determine Zhang Xiang's attitude towards the other party.

If the other party wanted to bring Mei Yu back, Zhang Xiang would not agree to it anyway.

This is not just Zhang Xiang's selfishness.

The most important thing is that Zhang Xiang really doesn't worry about handing Meiyu to the opponent who once left Meiyu.

Although, the other party is because of his family.

However, if you have done this kind of thing, you have already done it. It is not easy to forgive for a reason.

Zhang Xiang would not agree unless Meiyu forgave the other party personally.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's firm face, the other party gradually cleared up that sad face, and smiled again.

"This time, I want to see what Miwa is like. I will discuss with Yuri and the others about the previous agreement. By the way, where are Yuri and Shingo?" Miss Sasha stretched out her head and looked around. It seems to be in the shadow of Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law.

And listening to this sentence, both Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong's body was stiff, and a trace of sadness flashed in their hearts.

"Don't you know..." Zhang Xiang's face was a bit bitter.

"Know what?" Miss Sha Xia and Zhang Xiang looked at each other, seeing the bitterness in Zhang Xiang's eyes, and then looking at the sadness on Xiao Kong's face next to him.

"What's the matter? Is it because Yuri and Shingo I hate me? Or..." At this point, Miss Sa Xia suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart.

"No, Miss Sha Xia, Dad and Aunt Yuli have already had an accident..." Xiaokong explained to each other with sadness on his face.

It's just that, halfway through, her eyes are already red.

Regarding this matter, it was a heavy blow to every family member of Xiaoniaoyou.

"Xiaokong, okay, let me do it next." Zhang Xiang stopped Xiaokong from continuing to force herself, and said softly to her.

Then, Zhang Xiang turned his head to look in the direction of Miss Sha Xia, and told her everything.

Including his sister and brother-in-law, because of the accident, the whereabouts of the accident are still unknown, and there is a high probability that it will be bad luck.

Of course, there are also things about Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law's disappearance, those about relatives, the loneliness of the three sisters, and Zhang Xiang finally adopted the three sisters.

Also, with the help of his aunt, the monitoring rights of the three sisters are now in his hands.

"How could it be... an accident..." The cup that Miss Sha Xia was holding in her hand suddenly fell off the table top, and the tea spilled out, soaking the whole table top.

Fortunately, there is not much tea inside, otherwise the other party is already in one suit.

"It's a lie... Shingo he... Yuri..." Miss Sasha's appearance seemed to have been hit hard.

Xiao Kong's eyes were red because he thought of the sad memories, and he held a towel to dry the tea that Miss Sha Xia had spilled.

"...I want to be able to come sooner." Miss Sa Xia covered her face with her hands, her eyes flushed a bit, she was obviously very sad.

And at this moment, Xiao Kong finally couldn't help it, she shed crystal tears, and hugged each other with Miss Sha Xia.

The two people who hadn't seen each other in seven years ended up hugging each other like this.

And Zhang Xiang didn't make any sound either.

The entire middle of the living room seemed extremely silent, only the whimper echoed.

As for the original plan to discuss with Miss Sa Xia about her return, it was temporarily stopped.

After all, the other party and Xiao Kong are so sad that it becomes inappropriate to talk about these things.

In short, Miss Sasha temporarily stayed at Xiaoniaoyou's house.

After all, the other party is considered to be the former owner of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

As for Miyu, it seemed that she calmed down afterwards, and came out to eat with Xiao Chi talking and laughing.

However, there was no response at all in the conversation about Miss Sasha, as if she had not heard it.

Even if he learned that the other party was going to live temporarily, there was not much reaction.

As for the place where she lives, it is the master bedroom that has been empty since Zhang Xiang's sister and brother-in-law had wrecked, except for cleaning.

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