Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1228: , The **** of Haruhi?

And when the high school man was stunned, Zhang Xiang's figure already appeared in front of him.

"Hello, can you understand me?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and shook it in front of the opponent's eyes.

However, this one of his movements seemed to stimulate the other party.

Seeing Zhang Xiang who suddenly appeared in front of him, and the swaying right hand, the other party seemed to feel an infinite crisis, and the whole person flew out to the back.

"Who, who are you?" A red light appeared on Gu Quan Kazuki's body, like a guarded hedgehog.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't say anything about the opponent's reaction.

"Oh, speaking neon language, in other words, you are not an alien?" Zhang Xiang's eyes showed interest.

After all, this was the first time he had encountered other abilities besides magic in this world.

Looking at the abilities used by the other party, it looks like a super power.

However, feeling the intensity of the power used by the other party, Zhang Xiang didn't think the other party would cause any danger to him.

"Then who are you? You know, in this sealed space, not everyone can enter? Are you a new superpower?" Gu Quan Kazuki's eyes revealed a look of doubt.

"Oh, in this world, is there a way to become a superpower?" Zhang Xiang showed interest in his eyes.

You know, in the Black Technology Research Institute in his basement, the experiment of the super power development device encountered great setbacks, and it was not possible to safely develop human super powers, even to the level of lv1. Successfully developed. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Therefore, he is now interested in the ways in which others seem to be able to become superpowers.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the clever Gu Quan Kazuki keenly grasped a word in Zhang Xiang's words-‘this world’!

"What you mean is:'in this world', that is, you are not a person in this world anymore?" Guquan Kazuki's alertness once again soared to the extreme, even the vigorous red light He must be rendered into a red ball of light.

And listening to the other party's words, the light of interest in Zhang Xiang's eyes can't help but grow stronger.

"You said that too? Is there someone from another world on your side?" Zhang Xiang said with interest.

However, in reality, Zhang Xiang flashed a hint of shock in his heart.

The word'traverser' flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

After all, since he has traveled through so many worlds, he has not seen a traveler.

Not to mention, it comes from the existence of the previous world.

Therefore, he is very sensitive to the word crossing, and even feels a bit of danger.

You need to know that Zhang Xiang, who had watched more of a certain point before crossing, knew exactly how destructive the traversers could achieve.

He didn't want it, so that what he had built up so hard was destroyed by others.

However, Zhang Xiang still didn't realize that the aliens he spoke of and the aliens he spoke of were two different existences.

Zhang Xiang is talking about a traverser who travels from one world to another.

The world in the other party's mouth refers to the earth and living things outside the earth.

In other words, Nagato is hopeless!

"Yes, she claims to be a humanoid contact device created by the information integration mind body to contact organic life forms. In other words, aliens!" Gu Quan Kazuki said guardedly.

After listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang realized that he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Oh, is it?" Zhang Xiang smiled, and said nothing.

After a stalemate, looking at the gray sky that did not disappear, Zhang Xiang looked in the direction of Gu Quan Kazuki again.

"By the way, I was involved here for the first time. Can you tell me what exactly is this place? It seems to be no different from the real world, but in fact, there is no trace of popularity. There is that kind of strange thing." Zhang Xiang pointed to the ground, and it was a blue liquid that had disappeared without knowing when.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Gu Quan Kazuki, who was always on guard, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Could it be that you were involved without knowing it?" Guquan Kazuki's face was puzzled.

"Oh, should I know?" Zhang Xiang raised his brows.

"Well, it seems that I have misunderstood. Regarding the news here, I can also tell you that this is a sealed space. It is a girl with divine power. Due to the large fluctuations in spirit, the space created As long as you defeat the gods and people, and wait for the other's emotions to calm down, this space will naturally be lifted." Guquan Kazuki explained all this to Zhang Xiang.

Since Zhang Xiang didn't show any malice and seemed to have super powers, he chose to tell Zhang Xiang something selectively.

"The power of God?" A trace of doubt flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

If it is God, he has never seen it before.

However, if he talked about gods, he had seen one thing before, and that was the ten-fist sword held by Uchiha Itachi.

According to the legend, Izanagi, the father of the gods, relied on it to defeat the Eight-Different Serpent.

Of course, if the one he saw was true or not, no one knew.

"Yes, the power of God. If she wants to, she can even destroy this world, or create a world. Therefore, in order to protect this world, our organization will choose to hide around the other party and protect the other party." Kazuki Koizumi continued.

But listening to Gu Quan Kazuki's statement, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed uncertainly.

You know, the power to create and destroy the world is really only gods can do.

‘It’s just that I don’t know whether the power that creates and destroys the world in the opponent’s mouth refers to the power that can affect the entire universe or only the power of the earth. "If it only refers to the power of the earth, then as long as he has full combat power, and by the way successfully evades one or two nuclear bombs.

Then, he can also destroy this world.

Of course, creation is impossible.

After all, destruction is more difficult than creation.

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