Two-dimensional Daily Story

Chapter 535: The Incident in the Tenth School District

Disciplinary committee member, the 177th branch.

Uiharu Shiri is investigating information about the Fantasia Mitami incident.

Since the discovery of the fantasy master, the Disciplinary Committee has sent a lot of manpower, and now it is said that the special team of Academy City has been used to suppress it.

There are eight hundred students who have been strengthened by fantasy masters, and most of them are people who can use their abilities to do bad things.

The combat power of the Disciplinary Committee is simply not enough to solve this problem, and the security guards are not suitable to solve this kind of thing, so Academy City sent a special team.

They are mechanical life.

According to the Council of Academy City, these mechanical life forms are one of the future defense forces of Academy City, and they are currently in use, and their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of superhumans.

Some ability users strengthened by the fantasy master, singled out the mechanical life, all failed miserably, were directly knocked out by the mechanical life, and sent to a special institution.

The Council of Academy City attaches great importance to the Fantasia Hand incident, and even invested mechanical life to suppress it, which shows how serious the matter is.

At present, although the fantasy hand users are at a disadvantage, the number of fantasy hand users will continue to increase. As long as there are people who want to enhance or awaken their abilities, the fantasy hand incident will not end.

Unless, the person behind the scenes actively turns off the effect of Fantasy Royal Hand.

"Ding Dong" sounded lightly.

Chuchun Shili looked at the message that popped up on the computer, and was slightly taken aback.

"Cichun, did you find anything?" asked the young woman in a sailor's school uniform.

"The Disciplinary Committee issued a notice asking us to go to a meeting at the new Future Technology Research Center in the Tenth School District." Chuchun Shili replied.

"Does the tenth school district have this facility?" the young woman asked doubtfully.

"Don't seniors of Solid Law know? The Future Science and Technology Research Center seems to be the manufacturing center of the special team. It was originally the place where the group of incompetent people in the tenth school district gathered. Later, those incompetent people were taken away by the security guards. Now, there It has become a research center for future technology..."

Gufa Meiwei was taken aback when he heard about the group of incapacitated people in the tenth school district.

"Senior Gufa, the meeting time is at noon, but we may be rushing over now. A group of incapable people gathered in front of the Future Technology Research Center, and they are confronting those mechanical life forms." Chu Chunli opened his mouth and said.

Gufa Meiwei glanced at Chuchun Shili's computer screen, and when he saw the person on it, he couldn't believe it.

"Senior?" Chuchun Shuli turned off the computer, looked at Gufa Meiwei who was still in a daze, and shook her small hand in front of her eyes.

"It's nothing, let's go." Gufa Meiwei came back to his senses and walked towards the door.

At the same time, discipline committee members from other regions were also rushing towards the Future Technology Research Center.


In front of the main entrance of the Future Technology Research Center.

The huge mechanical life formed a wall, blocking the way of a group of powerless people.

They are not incompetent people in this area, but the Future Science and Technology Research Center occupies this place, and all the incompetent people here have been arrested, which makes them very flustered.

In addition, someone provided funds to let them come here to make trouble, and a group of incompetent people came here.

Its number exceeded five hundred.

The leader was a young man with red hair.

When Chuchun Shili and Gufa Meiwei arrived at the scene, the discipline committee members from various regions had already arrived here. Although the number was small, they were all capable.

The discipline committee members surrounded a group of incompetent people, but did not act immediately, but waited for the arrival of the security guards.

Some powerless people want to escape, but there is no way to escape.

A few incompetent people who had received money mixed in the crowd, thinking about what to do.

Their purpose is to infiltrate the Future Technology Research Center and take the opportunity to steal some data inside. They originally thought that these numbers were enough, but they didn't expect that all the members of the Disciplinary Committee came.

"Let's use that thing directly, and then, just crash into it?" A black-haired teenager whispered.

"Well, just use a weapon to pierce through the armor of those robots. Anyway, they are mechas researched by Academy City, so they can't kill us." Another blond boy nodded.

"Then let's get started." The purple-haired girl was wearing heavy makeup, eager to try.

They are all incompetent people who have been around for a long time. They are very clear about Academy City's attitude towards them. They are also members of Anbe. .

Several people finished their plan and headed towards the car they drove.

One of the vehicles is equipped with weapons, and the other vehicles are ability-reducing devices, specially prepared for these disciplinary committee members.

The purple-haired girl got into the car, and the blond boy opened the weapon on the car, aiming at the mechanical life.

The black-haired boy and a few others got ready.

Everyone looked at each other, and the black-haired boy dropped his hand.

next second.

The ability drop devices on the four vehicles activated at the same time!

The disciplinary committee members were taken aback. They were about to use their abilities when they discovered that there was a problem with their abilities.

The purple-haired girl was in charge of driving, and rushed towards the mechanical life.

The blond boy pressed the weapon switch.


The weapons on the car were not fired, but the car itself was directly trampled to pieces by the desperate mecha that fell from the sky.

The incapable people around were stunned. They could see clearly that there were two people inside.

"Let's charge together! These robots have killed people, there must be something ulterior in them!"

"Yes! They dare to kill people, we must not let them go!"

"Academy City wants to replace humans with robots. If you don't act, it will be too late."

Several voices sounded in the crowd.

Hearing this, the incompetent people who were already worried all took out their weapons.

They came prepared, and among them were real Anbu members.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka" was originally a mechanical life in a defensive posture, and all of them showed their weapons, and they had already locked on their targets.

"Bang bang bang bang" the ability-reducing devices on the four cars were directly scrapped.

Those Anbu members fell to the ground before they could react.

Several incompetent people who were driven by them also fell to the ground.

"One step forward, die." The energy cannon of the Despair Mecha aimed at the incapable person in front.

All the incapable people felt the horror of the Future Technology Research Center. They were not afraid of anything at all, and they even dared to kill these incapable people directly.

The security guards arrived late, and the blue-haired woman who led the team couldn't believe it when she looked at the students who fell on the ground.

However, her task is not to hold the future science and technology research center accountable, but to arrest all incompetent people and send them to special institutions.

Those disciplinary committee members who had recovered took action. There was no suspense between the capable and the incapable.

Those with weapons were already dead, and the remaining incapable people were even more frightened and could only crouch down with their heads in their hands.

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