Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Chapter 51: I understand

"I'll have someone call Singed over now."

Shirko said loudly to Lin Wen.

Make your own hex gems that belong to the Zauns? Just listening to this sentence made Shirko's blood boil.

"No, Shirko, it's already this time... It's not good to ask Xin Ji De to come here, isn't it?" Lin Wen thought about it and said, in fact, he was not in a hurry for this night, but it was obvious that Lin Wen didn't understand Xi What kind of mood did Erko have at this time.

Seeing the hope of being able to resist Picheng, Shirko was more excited than anyone, and he was more concerned about Zaun being independent than everyone else.

For this reason, Shirco ignored Lin Wen directly, and instead blew a loud whistle, and immediately, the door of Fugan's Tavern was pushed open.

Among the subordinates that Sirke brought, one of the men with a strange tattoo on his face said loudly, "Boss, are you leaving?"

Shirko stood there and waved: "Go and call Singed for me."

"Now?" He was stunned.

"Yes, right now."

"Okay, wait a moment." He didn't ask more, but nodded and closed the door.

"You can absolutely get the blueprint and give it to him tomorrow. We don't need to worry about this night." Lin Wen said to Silko.

"One night? Lin Wen, I'm in a hurry every minute now, you won't understand my mood." Hilco said loudly: "You have the blueprints and these things in hand, then Yixin Ji De's ability, he can definitely make it, but there is still one problem, money, Lin Wen, we need a lot of money."

"It's not enough to be able to make gems by yourself, we also need a lot of hex crystals." Shirke stared at Lin Wen's eyes and said seriously.

Lin Wen said with a headache: "Of course I know this, but Sirke, we are now in an infinite loop."

"With Hexphones, we can have a lot of money, a lot of money. But to have Hexphones, we must first have a lot of Hex Crystals to make Hex Gems."

"And hex crystals can only be exchanged for money. There are some in the Philos family's shops, but they are all sold by gold coins."

Lin Wen spread out his hands, "As far as Vander and my belongings are concerned, even if we sell half of Zaun, we can't buy a hundred hex crystals."

The hex crystals that Jace uses now are all from the Philos family.

As a person favored by the Philos family, he certainly has this right.

But at the same time, the ownership of Hextech no longer completely belongs to Jace. He traded the future for the present.

But there is no way, what does science compare to? Knowledge? intelligence?

Of course, but the most important thing is money.

You have no money to talk about the science of Goba?

If you don't have money, do you want to do scientific research?

"The money in the early stage... I can pay for it." Hilco said solemnly to Lin Wen, "I made a lot of money selling Shimmer, I will buy the hex crystals I need in the initial stage, you don't have to worry about it. "

"Silco, it's not allowed to sell Shimmer in Zaun."

Lin Wen looked at Shirko seriously. To be honest, Lin Wen was really afraid that Shirko would be swept away by the anger of revenge.

There is still a huge gap between the two cities of Pizu, even if the bottom city already has Shimmer, and will soon be able to have Hex technology, but the gap between the two city-states is still the gap between heaven and earth. .

But...for Shirko, he can finally see hope.

The shimmer really lit up.

Although it is indeed very weak... but it prevents Hirko from always thinking about breaking the boat with Picheng and gambling the future with death.

Shirko looked at Lin Wen in a complicated way, reached out and tapped his forehead, and said aloud, "I know, once the current Shimmer is sold in Zaun, it will ruin our cause."

"I still have this sense of proportion. Besides, Lin Wen, do they have money? Zaan has no money to do, we are too poor, so poor that the so-called alchemy technology is to dig into the stinky ditch and the abandoned garbage dump. Uptown people don't want to assemble things, so they really want to make money... I know I can make money from those two places. I can make money, and I can make a lot of money." Facing Lin Wen's curious eyes, Hilke extended With his fingers out, he said while comparing:

"It's uptown, and... outside the country."

"You're going to sell to the Pilgrims and the Noxians?"

"Picheng people won't need this kind of thing." Lin Wen said with a frown.

"You are wrong, Lin Wen."

Hilco smiled confidently, he spread his hands, and the corners of the vest under the suit were exposed, with a touch of red, Hilco said: "The Picheng people are exactly the opposite of what you think, precisely, they are the ones who need the most. Light people."

"You always think that shimmer is addictive and harmful to the human body, but that was the original shimmer. The current shimmer is not so addictive as it is because those people crave power."

Shirko said slowly: "Picheng people are hypocritical. They are bright on the surface, peaceful and friendly, but most of the time, they are the ones who love to bully the weakest."

"Such a prosperous city-state has such cruel survival laws. Those Picheng scientists who have been oppressed by Picheng's survival laws for a long time, they are Shimmer's best customers."

The people Hirko refers to are the students who desperately want to join the big family and get investment from the wealthy people in the upper city.

Among these people, more than 50% are from Picheng, and the rest may be people from all over the world who love science and yearn for Picheng.

The big families of Piltover occupy more than 90% of Piltover's resources, and in Piltover, they are one of a kind.

Therefore, the resentment accumulated by being oppressed and humiliated for a long time, the glimmer of light, became their outlet.

Now this thing can not only strengthen the physical body, but also improve the reaction, sharpness, and enable a weak person to enjoy the pleasure of a strong person in a short time, but... After all, it is an alchemy potion, and it will naturally have side effects, and the low light will also have side effects. The side effect is that after drinking a large amount of illegal, it will make the human body mutate.

Shimmer is a kind of medicine that can modify human genes.

"Okay, but you should be careful, don't really mess up Picheng..." Lin Wen said with a sigh.

"Isn't it a good thing to be in a mess?" Hilko frowned, he took a step forward, stared at Lin Wen's face, and whispered: " have feelings for Picheng people? Just because of him? "

"Silko, take a long-term view. Piltover is not our enemy. There can be many enemies on this continent, but it will never be Piltover."

Lin Wen said helplessly.

This world is so big that Lin Wen has been in this world for five years, but he still only stayed in Shuangcheng.

He has never been to Shurima, never to Valoran, never to the Freljord in the north, and never to the mysterious Ionia.

In Kumangu, there are guys like Zyra, Icacia, who has been eroded by the void, and warriors who have lived for thousands of years are organizing teams.

The world is too big.

So big... Piltover and Zaun are just a little bit in the world.

But as soon as Lin Wen's words came out, Hilco sneered.

Of course Sirco also knew that the world was huge.

He even knows some secret histories from thousands of years ago, and he also knows that there are extraordinary powers in this world, the power that can easily kill him.

But so what?

Then what's the matter with him?

He doesn't care about those mysterious gods, warriors, magicians.

All he cares about is now.

So, he looked at Lin Wen, his eyes gloomy and said: "I don't care about a hundred years or even a thousand years from now. Lin Wen, I only care about the present, I only care about Zaan and her in my lifetime, while I am alive. Independence. Whether the Zauns can stand I don't care about anything other than this."

"I hope you can discard those useless feelings, Lin Wen, at least before making Picheng surrender, I hope you can... be more firm."

After hearing Shirko's words, Lin Wen wanted to refute.

I want to tell him that there are so many things in this world that you didn't expect.

Shurima's thousand-year-old warriors are wandering the continent.

A darkspawn named Aatrox is staying in the north...

And that guy, he might remember his former territory at some point.

That is... Zaun.

Zaun, once a port under Shurima.

If he came back, a thousand Lin Wen wouldn't be able to stop him.

The more people there are, the stronger he is.

At that time, the only thing that can stop him may be Jace's Hextech.

Picheng people are really not enemies.

At least, Picheng cannot become an enemy in the future.


Lin Wen's mouth opened, but the last words he spat out were:

"I see... I understand."

"I will, until Zaun is completely free...I will do what I need to do."

Silko closed his eyes, "That's the best."

Looking into Shirko's eyes, Lin Wen was speechless.

What kind of eyes are those?

Calm...without any turbulence.

But Vander, who was beside Silko, kept shaking his head at Lin Wen, telling Lin Wen to stop talking.

Don't persuade others to be kind.

Sometimes, if you don't understand, please shut up.

Because you never know what other people have experienced.


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