Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Chapter 123: How are you going to die?

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Grayson was at the forefront of the front line, surrounded by dozens of law enforcement officers, holding long guns and shooting forward.

A row of bullets hit the shield. Although it failed to penetrate the opponent's defense, it also blocked the Noxian's progress.

Mel is also commanding the front line. As a member of the Myrdalda family, Mel is no stranger to the scene in front of him. Even if he is a member of the family who was expelled from the family, Mel has seen the war. Too much.

She stood behind Grayson and commanded calmly.

Unlike Mel's composure, Ms. Gilamann, who is also a member of parliament, seemed a little flustered. Although she was at the top political level in Piltover, it was the first time that Senator Gilamann had contact with such matters as war. But not long after the panic, the strong woman immediately changed her state.

"Everyone grab your stuff, if you don't have guns, then pick up rocks and sticks!"

Senator Gila Mann carried a double-barreled shotgun and said loudly: "In short, we can't sit still, we have to buy time for our compatriots to Zaun!"

"And at the same time, Zaun has sent people to reinforce us!"

"Hold on, the victory will be ours!"

Senator Gila Mann used words to mobilize everyone present.

Stay here for the escape of your loved ones.

But also to hold on until reinforcements arrive.

Do your best to survive!

When Mel heard her words, there was some helplessness in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.


Zaun's reinforcements, even if they wait, but what's the use of that? Mel didn't think things would change when the Zaun came.

Mel didn't even think that Piltover, who was being targeted by the Imperial Army, would be able to tide over this difficulty.

A thousand Noxian soldiers, that's just a drop in the bucket!

Even...they weren't even Noxus' elite, but even so, they had taken half of Piltover's city in just a few hours.

Mrs Piltover was now driven west.

But just as Mel was thinking about it, the sky suddenly lit up.

A strange light flashed over Piltover, and faintly, Mel seemed to see a woman, a woman with slender ears.

But soon, the light disappeared.

Just when Mel thought it was his mistake, a small blue dot suddenly appeared above the bridge of the sun, accompanied by a strong wind.

And these blue dots are rapidly magnifying.

They...are a bunch of people!

A group of people are flying fast!

Among the group of people, the leader was a black-haired youth, and behind him, there were nearly a hundred people.

Mel looked at this scene in surprise, flying...Blu-ray, it's so obvious, it's Hextech!

In addition to Piltover, the one with Hextech is Zaun.

The Zauns are here!

Then, a loud roar resounded in the sky above Picheng.

"Disperse quickly, act independently, and pay attention to safety!

"Wei, Kai'Sa, the two of you land quickly and help the Picheng people who are caught in the battlefield!"


Wei responded.

On Lin Wen's back, Kai'Sa released the hands that had wrapped around Lin Wen's neck, and then flew upside down to the ground.

She blinked at Lin Wen when she was in the air, and then gave a thumbs up: "Don't worry."

Lin Wen nodded. With Kai'Sa there, Lin Wen didn't worry about Wei's safety.

What's more... Wei, who is blessed with a set of hex equipment, is also a superwoman.

Let's just put it this way, if Wei in a three-piece suit fights a group of minions, will he still be injured?

How can it be!

Therefore, Lin Wen chose to place Wei and Kai'Sa in the sky above the Noxians, and this position was on the front of the battlefield.

At the moment, there are more than four hundred Noxians in this place.

Kai'Sa and Vi fell into the center of the enemy's circle just like that.

Mel looked up, and she looked at the group of people riding the flyboard.

I even saw the leader's face.

It was a face that... Mel was familiar with.

"Lin Wen!"

Mel called out subconsciously.

Beside Mel, Ms. Gila Mann's voice also sounded: "Caitlin, is that Wei?"

Standing beside Ms. Gila Mann, the tall girl was holding a sniper rifle, she glanced at the sound, nodded, and then she raised the gun again.

Standing up straight, her heartbeat is steady, Caitlyn can pass through shields and armor with every shot, and hit the enemy's deadly position.

Although they were only carrying ordinary sniper rifles, more than a dozen Noxian soldiers were killed or injured in Caitlin's hands.

Lin Wen quickly landed in front of Mel, then looked left and right.


What about Jess?

"Mr. Mel, what's the situation now?"

Mel looked at Lin Wen, who could fly without a flying board, and asked subconsciously, "You, Lin Wen, why did you come here in person?"

"Is there any problem?" Lin Wen looked at Mel with a puzzled expression.

"No, er... Yes, there's nothing wrong with that." Mel took a deep breath and quickly told Lin Wen the current situation.

"Wait, are you saying that Jace is now facing the general of this army alone?"

Lin Wen was taken aback when he heard Mel's words.

"Where is Jess now?" Lin Wen hurriedly asked Mel.

what a joke...

That arrogant, sturdy looking guy who doesn't actually fight...he's facing a hundred Noxian soldiers, and a Noxian general?

Is his brain a joke? What kind of hero did he do? Looking for death?

Mel hurriedly told Lin Wen the location of Jess.

Of course she was also worried about Jace's safety.

"Then I'll go find him now."

"Wait!" Senator Gila Mann was standing next to Mel. After listening to the conversation between the two, she turned to stop Lin Wen and said loudly, "Are you leaving now?"

In a stern tone, Senator Gilamann continued: "You took someone away, but what are the two girls going to do?"

Councilor Gillamann asked Lin Wen with a frown.

She just saw with her own eyes that Lin Wen sent two young girls into the center of the enemy.

two girls?

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then said "Oh", nodded and said, "Don't worry, Senator."

"Ka'Sa and Vi will figure it all out."

"What? What are you kidding me?"

"And Congressman, don't worry, I didn't plan to take people with me. These people will stay and help you."

Lin Wen took a breath, stepped on the ground hard, and flew out in front of Senator Gila Mann.

Today, Lin Wen no longer needs to hide his clumsiness.

"I'll go alone."

Soon, Lin Wen disappeared into the dark night.

"Is he crazy?!"

Senator Gila Mann stomped her foot, carrying a shotgun, she couldn't understand it from a high place.

Are the Zauns... all lunatics?

Didn't he worry about the lives of those two girls?

"No, Senator Gila Mann, Lin Wen is not crazy..."

Mel looked at the battlefield not far away and said softly, "But I'm going crazy."

After hearing Mel's words, Congressman Gilamain paused and asked her, "What did you say?"

"Come and see." Mel gave a seat.

Senator Gillamann made it up, and then she saw a shocking scene.

Over the center of the battlefield, the Zauns riding flying boards dragged the Noxians, constantly staggering their flight paths, as if planning something.

And at the very center of the battlefield, at the heart of the Noxian army, at this moment, two wide spaces were forcibly vacated.

"Strong punch!"

In the crowd, Wei shouted loudly, her Hex glove was buzzing, she opened fire, the glove emitted a strong flame, and the steam spurted, driving Wei's body, and punched at a high speed. past.

With every punch of Wei, a Noxian soldier can be easily knocked into the air, and facing a soldier with a giant shield, Wei also needs to raise his hand, then smash him down, and then he can be hammered. half dead.

In just one minute, Vi had knocked down two dozen Noxian soldiers.

Those people want to surround her?

Then I'll smash them in the face!

Seeing Vi so terrifying, even the mighty Noxian soldier was terrified.

One punch and one... That's more powerful than a general!

On the other side, it was even more terrifying.

The hands wrapped in plasma waved, no one around Kai'Sa could get close, and with Kai'Sa approaching, the crowd would disperse on their own.

No one could stop Kai'Sa, even if she didn't fire like Vi, but even so, Kai'Sa quickly took control of the battlefield.

"Zuan, Zaun, they have such fighting power?" Councilman Gilamann murmured.

Is this... a Zaun?

A poor and weak Zaun?

Is it... the Zaun that Piltover can't see?

Yes, but also not.

They're... powerful and alien to Senator Gilamain.

"Everyone, soft hockey ready!"

Just then, a group of Zauns dressed as magistrates was ready.

Bringing the enemy into the control circle, one of the leading Zauns stepped on the hex board and shouted loudly: "Let me go!"

"call out..."


Nearly a hundred soft ice **** were smashed down, and within a few breaths, a small iceberg appeared in front of Mel and Councilman Gilamann.

Hundreds of Noxian soldiers were frozen inside!

"This, this is the power of Hex!"

Congressman Gila Mann exclaimed, and she looked at the "iceberg" that appeared in front of her, with joy and sorrow on her face.

On the one hand, Gilamain did not expect that the Zauns were so powerful, such powerful technology... It could drive away, really drive away the Noxians!

On the other hand, MP Gillamann also had concerns.

Such a powerful Zaun...Will it be difficult for the Zauns to take Pi City after this war is over?

You know, now a whole bunch of Piltovers have fled to Zaun.

After that... can Piltover still be Piltover?

Congressman Gilamain thought so.


"Miss Jace, I have to admit, you're a genius."

"Please join Noxus! People like you should join Noxus!"

Wipron looked at Jace who was still insisting, and there was no more ridicule and fooling of Jace on his face.

Now, Wipron admired Jace.

"Come on, join us!"


Wipro roared, and then an axe smashed in front of Jace.

Panting and raising his hand, Hex's strength allowed Jace to block Wipron's attack. Then, Jace struggled to lift the hammer and tried to swing the attack to Wipron.

All it takes is a touch...a touch and Jace can break his bones.

But... Jace couldn't touch him.

Wipron's agility is outrageous, and it doesn't match his height and appearance at all!

On the other hand, Jace... at this moment, he was exhausted.

Even the strength to hold the hammer is almost gone.

Wipron looked at Jace like this and said aloud: "Surrender, Jace, and join us!"

"You've already lost, and I don't need to wait until your magical weapon energy is exhausted. I can see that you can't hold on anymore. Your hand is about to be lifted, right?"

As Wipron said, he threw the axe in his hand and threw it heavily at Jace.


The yellow barrier reappeared, but the light, the range, and the obvious were cut a lot.

"No need to say more."

Jace stood with the hammer back.

"What a pity..."

Wipron looked at Jace's eyes and stared at Jace's eyes for a while before Wipron shook his head and said, "A guy like you... If it can't be used by the empire, then you go Die."

"Charge! Clamp him to death!"

Behind Jace, Noxian soldiers also appeared.

Right in front, Wipron took the giant axe from his subordinate's hand, held the axe, and walked towards Jace while shaking his neck.

before and after...


Jace gave a wry smile.

I didn't expect that the first time I had a fight, it was this kind of fight.

To be honest, he suddenly regretted it at this time.

He should have run with Mel and them.

But... the regret only lasted for a moment, and soon, Jace shook his head and discarded those thoughts.

Because if you do that... well, no one will be able to run away by then.

Raising the hammer again, Jace bent the Mercury hammer in both hands, and then... Jace spread his legs.

In Wipron's surprised eyes, Jace took a first step, raised the Mercury warhammer and rushed towards Wipron.

Although the cannon form is powerful enough, it is not easy to defend, not to mention... in a cramped environment, Jace cannot use the cannon form.


The giant axe slammed into Mercury's Hammer, and the feel of the hand sent back made Wipron pull out a hideous smile. Then, he raised his foot and kicked Jace heavily.


Jace gritted his teeth and unscrewed a button, the hammer of Mercury's warhammer made a sizzling sound, and the lightning field appeared again. Wipro had long been accustomed to Jace's three-axes, so he quickly retracted his feet, turned his shoulders to press down, and used the giant axe to suppress Jace heavily under him.

Compared with strength, ten Jess can't compare to Wipron.

In Wipron's view, Jess was able to stick to the scene, relying on this magical hammer.

Without this hammer... Jace could not even beat a Noxian soldier single-handedly.

So... Hextech is something that the Empire is bound to acquire!

"Your combat experience is really bad!"

While speaking, Wipron raised his axe, and another heavy axe smashed it down.

Jace raised his hand and raised his hammer to block up, but behind him, a hatchet also slashed at his shoulder at the same time.


With a grunt, Jace stumbled forward, and for the first time in this period of time, he was truly hurt.

And soon, Jace was hurt a second time.

Wipron's big foot finally kicked Jace once.

He kicked Jace's chest with a kick, and Wipron threw his hips hard and kicked Jace several meters away. It wasn't until he hit a soldier's shield that Jace stopped.



A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jace lay on the ground with difficulty.


A small sound came out, and Jace knew that it was the sound of his own broken bones.

Ribs tingling in his lungs, and Jace smelled blood between his breaths.

It was the smell of his own blood.

Jace reached out and twisted the hammer again with difficulty.


Mercury's hammer, under the control of Jace, once again appeared yellow light.


Wipro waved his hand.

Needless to say, Noxian soldiers knew how to evade Jace's attacks.

After all, with just a few calls from Jace, they had already figured out how Jace fought.

"Jace, you've done enough."

Wipro looked at Jace, who was still enduring severe pain and struggled to stand up until the end.

This time, appreciation turned into recognition.

"It's just...Unfortunately, you're not one of us."

Wipron sighed, raised his axe and walked up to Jace.

Jace lowered his eyes, held the hammer, and looked at Wipron, who was blocking his view like a hill in front of him.

Wipron said nothing more about persuading Jace to join Noxus.

He knew that this young man would not join Noxus.

From his eyes, Wipron saw the belief called warrior. Jace's belief.

What a pity...

"such a pity..."

"What a pity."

"However, Jace, I will give you a good time, and I will leave you a whole corpse. And this weapon of yours will be my trophy, and I will use it well to fight in the Quartet and make achievements!"

"I won't forget your name."

"Jace Tallis."

Wipro raised his axe and slashed heavily.


The voice that came out again made Wipron frown.

For this sake, Talis... still unwilling to give up?

Wipron looked at Jace with admiration, "The sizzling sound...but, like you, it's already run out of fuel, let it go, Jace."

"No...not me this time."

Jace heard sizzling noises too.

He raised his head, coughed, and said to Wipron.

Then... he saw behind Wipron.

In the sky, under the moonlit night, the dark clouds were swept away to both sides.

"This time, it's really not me..."

Wipron frowned, failing to understand what Jace meant.

But soon, his heart throbbed, and he fought on the battlefield for many years, killing countless Wei Pulang, and an emotion called fear was born in his heart.

He turned his head quickly, and saw a cloud appear above him.





It was the sound of a knife cutting through the air.

That's... a person!

"Through the body...the strength!!!"

With a cold voice.

"Smashing" from the horizon stretched out his fist to the people here.

It's an ordinary fist.




Except for Wipron and a few Noxian soldiers who were close to Jace, the rest of the Noxians present seemed to have been attacked invisible for a moment. Near a hundred Noxian soldiers, their bodies shrunk in half in an instant, and something terrifying happened.

The spine was punctured from the tip of the waist, the head was crushed into the neck, and they became dwarfs.

And the ground beneath their feet collapsed.

Nearly 40 meters away, large rocks were thrown flying, as if they had lost their gravity.

And in front of Wipron, the huge stones... became smashed again.

Then, it turned into powder.

Then, it was blown away by the wind.

Except for the one-meter radius of Jace, the surrounding area... was tens of meters shorter in an instant.

Whipton felt that he was standing on a "cliff" for a moment.

But Whipton knew that it wasn't that he was standing higher, but... other positions sank.

When he turned around, he saw a young man beside Jace.

He was supporting Jace, pouring a potion into Jace's mouth.

Moments later, blood appeared on Jace's pale face.

"I thought...I was going to miss you."

Jace looked at him and smiled weakly.

"Am I coming in time?"

"Um...cough, just in time."

Jace coughed and said, Jace saw the situation around him again, and his eyes flashed with shock and helplessness. Jace leaned against him and buried his head on his shoulder weakly.

Jace said to him softly: "Why are you so careless? Destroyed the facilities in Picheng... You have to lose money, Lin Wen."

"I'll pay you back."

"Okay, stop talking, take a break first."

"Well... well, I'm... really tired It's just right to feel tired, this is the light that is working in your body." Lin Wen said to Jace He smiled, "Go to sleep, you'll be fine when you wake up."

Jace nodded at Lin Wen, and then slowly fell asleep.

Lin Wen looked at Jace, who had fallen asleep, and then, supporting him, Lin Wen looked up at Wipron, who was tall and pale.

Lin Wen's face turned ashen.

Just a second.

Just a second.

Jace...maybe really dead.

At this moment, Lin Wen's eyes were filled with endless cold, as if he was using all his strength. Facing the Noxus General in front of him, Lin Wen squeezed out a few words:


"How are you going to die?"

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