Twenty Years in Business

Chapter 302: Level 3

The blushing little sister Bao ran to Zhang Xiaobai's office, picked up a bottle of mineral water, poured it into her mouth, wiped her mouth and sat down on the sofa.

"Brother, that man's name is Chen Wei, a college graduate!"

Because of the trot all the way up, Little Sister Bao's forehead was full of sweat, and this girl was always so upbeat.

Zhang Xiaobai pulled a few tissues and handed it to her, and said angrily: "The secretary of the dignified district manager, what are you going to do with them? Don't pay attention to image at all!"

Little Sister Bao wiped her face, threw the tissue into the trash can, grinned, "Brother, why do you think I participate in the running competition?"

Zhang Xiaobai squinted at Little Sister Bao, thought for a moment, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It seems that Secretary Bao is doing well! I want to recruit more female salesmen in!"

At first Zhang Xiaobai really didn't think much, but thought it was a little girl who was too playful. This little girl sometimes really got moths. Now, after listening to her say this and thinking about it, she is really not playing.

Imagine that the secretary of a district manager is still a thin girl who can finish the race. The other girls who participate in the competition will definitely be more motivated.

In fact, this method proved to be very effective. Only a few girls withdrew from the competition, and everyone else ran the course.

Little Sister Bao raised her thumbs up, "Brother is still very eye-catching! I can see through my tricks all at once!"

Zhang Xiaobai said: "It is estimated that you will be let down by your hard work, don't look at this pass, believe it or not, few girls can pass the last pass!"

Little sister Bao smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true. I am still very confident in these lesbians!"

Zhang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Then let's wait and see!"

Little sister Bao suddenly suppressed her smile and asked seriously: "What if more than one hundred people pass the last level?"

Initially, Zhang Xiaobai’s application with the head office was to recruit one hundred salespersons. If it exceeds that, do I still need to report it?

Zhang Xiaobai said: "Don't worry, only those who are not enough and impossible to exceed!"

Little sister Bao condensed her eyebrows and thought, this time she really didn't understand what Zhang Xiaobai was saying.

Will the pass rate be so low for the obviously simple last level?



The next day, the one hundred and fifty people who had advanced to the last level gathered in the conference room.

For this reason, all tables and benches under the stage were removed from the conference room, and only a long table was left on the stage.

Little Sister Bao and Zheng Jianda are standing behind the table.

The eyes of the people below showed excitement, that is to say, after the last pass, they will officially become members of the Broad Group.

Little Sister Bao clapped her hands, and several staff members held a pile of red vests with the words Broad Group printed on them and threw them on the stage.

Xiaomei Bao said: "No more nonsense. The content of this third level is that each of you wears a vest and runs on the busiest street in the city. While running, you call me the most handsome, the coolest, and the most awesome! As long as there is more than one Pass the third level of hours!"

After speaking, Little Sister Bao looked at the audience with a smile.

There was no noise, and there was silence below, so quiet that a needle could be heard falling to the ground.

But their eyes showed confusion, confusion and even...anger!

Little Sister Bao really can't understand why they are doing this?

After a dry cough, Xiaomei Bao asked, "Who is the first to come?"

There was no response, and the audience became a little noisy.

After a while, Chen Wei, who was closest to the vest, slowly stepped forward, picked up a vest and ran out.

A shout came from the corridor, "I am the most handsome, I am the coolest, I am the most awesome!"

With the first one, the crowd rioted, and some people stepped on stage and put on vests and ran out!

After half an hour, more than half of the audience remained, but only one girl ran out with tears still in her eyes.

That girl, Little Sister Bao, was impressed, and she was the one who looked a little like herself.

Little Sister Bao said: "Is this something so difficult? Isn't it just a matter of running around and shouting a few words? What are you afraid of?"

A girl slowly raised her hand and asked with a blushing face: "Secretary Bao, can you not shout the last sentence?"

Little Sister Bao shook her head and said firmly: "You must shout!"

The girl put down her hand, her eyes showed pain, as if she was doing a fierce ideological struggle.

A boy suddenly came out and cursed: "What the **** broke the company! What the **** broke the problem! I would rather beg for the job!"

Little Sister Bao sneered: "Please!"

The boy rushed out angrily, and slammed on the ground before leaving.

With him taking the lead, some people followed and stared at Little Sister Bao angrily.

The girl was relatively calm, sighed lightly, and walked over with helpless eyes.

Little Sister Bao stopped them and asked: "Is face really that important?"

A girl raised her head and said sternly, "Don't people live for the sake of face?"

Little Sister Bao thought for a while, but she still didn't figure out why it was just for the sake of saving face.

The rest of the people were doing fierce ideological struggles Finally, some put on vests and ran out, and some slammed the door directly.

As Zhang Xiaobai expected, only two girls wore vests, including the one just now.

Little Sister Bao smiled bitterly, thinking that she was still too tender, and she was still good at her heart.

An hour later, someone ran back one after another, and they were in two states when they ran out.

When I put on the vest at the time, I was reluctant and his eyes were full of pain. Now when I look at it, my face is full of excitement and there is a trace of confidence in it.

There are some things you think you can't do. After you pinch your nose, you realize that it is simple.

Chen Wei went out the earliest, but came back very late.

Little Sister Bao stopped him and asked, "How did you do it?"

Chen Wei scratched his head and said: "I ran to the busiest street, yelling that I was the most handsome, I was the coolest, I was the best, and I ran back after two laps!"

Little Sister Bao smiled and said, "It's really real. It's not close to the city. Why don't you go by bus?"

Chen Wei exclaimed: "This is okay?"

Little Sister Bao said: "It's okay, you are doing a great job. Go back!"

Chen Wei walked down silently.

After a while, everyone came back. There were only over 80 of the original 150 and only two girls, and the pass rate was just over half.

Xiaomei Bao smiled and said, "Congratulations, you will be full employees of Broad Group in the future. We will have dinner in the cafeteria at noon, and regional manager Zhang will give an important speech at 2 o'clock in the afternoon!"

Up to this moment, everyone was relieved, thinking about how difficult it is to have these days. Who knows what tricks this company will come up with to test everyone?

It seems to be over.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

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