The glaring blood at the knee immediately stained the white trousers red, and soon the entire trouser leg was soaked in blood.


Ai Qianqian's choked throat let out a trembling and terrified cry!

"Ji Moji..."

The blood, reflected in Ai Qianqian's hazy and moist eyes, is dazzling and heartbreaking...

It turned out that Freire had already ambushed in the Roman Forum, targeting the six people of Ji Shaoting and his party, and Ji Tianqi was naturally among them, but he didn't expect that a man who was desperate to block the gun suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

In the light reflected from the handle of the pistol, Freire saw the man approaching from the side.


Half of Ji Tianqi's body was numb, but he clenched his teeth tightly. His blood-red black eyes looked deeply at his woman who was being held hostage, and he stood up straighter.

Watching, Freire's ferocious face became even crazier and crueler.

In his hand, the pistol that was emitting black smoke was slowly raised again, aiming straight at Ji Tianqi's forehead!

Ai Qianqian's already weak body trembled violently, and once again struggled in panic, a sobbing sound came out of her throat with difficulty,

"Ji Moji, don't... run away, run away..."

The blood-colored tears became more turbulent.

Ai Qianqian's voice could not be heard clearly at all, but Ji Tianqi knew what she was talking about.

The upright body remained motionless, and the dark smoky eyes looked at her even more deeply. The domineering gentleness belonged only to Ai Qianqian, and she said silently,

"Qianqian, don't be afraid, I'm here."

At that moment, all the fear of the gunfight in Ai Qianqian's heart, and the panic of being held hostage, were all wiped away by that overly hot gaze.


Freire has no time to deal with this life-and-death lover, just dragging them all to hell together!

Freire continued to point the gun at Ji Tianqi, turned his head, and yelled fiercely at the three people who had already walked halfway up the steps,

"Master, retreat your helicopter!"

Ji Shaoting glanced at Ji Tianmo, the queen's violent face was already extremely angry.

Qianqian was in Freire's hands, and Ji San was not armed at all, not even a gun.

Just now, their fighter jets had shot and killed another five shooters in Freire, and now there are three left, two on either side of them, and one who is hiding somewhere.

Once you offend this lunatic, no one will live!

Frere actually bought their bombs!

The bomb strapped to his body is a battle bomb developed by Dark Fire, he/mother/is enough to blow up this square!


With a cold wave of Ji Shaoting's hand, he gestured towards the fighter jet hovering in mid-air, and then with a "boom", the helicopter circled again and flew away.

"Freyer, what do you want?"

Ji Shaoting raised his head slightly, and asked Freire sharply.

Freire suddenly laughed wildly, his hoarse voice dissipated in the smoky and bloody air.

"I'm going to drag you to hell with me!"

All the bones in Ji Tianmo's body made a "creaking" sound, obviously, it completely provoked the Queen's anger.

A trace of contempt flashed across Ji Shaoting's frowning brows.

Ji Shaojue raised his peach eyes, and glanced at Ji Tianqi, Ji Tianqi's smoky eyes deepened, Ji Shaojue nodded his chin lightly, and laughed like a sunflower, howling at the crazy Freire,

"How boring it is to die!

Freire, come on, let's have a good talk.

I promise you whatever you want! "

While talking, Ji Shaojue seemed to be walking up the stairs casually.


Freire was obviously taken aback by Young Master Ji's words, and then his expression became even more terrifying,

"Don't move!"

The gun aimed at Ji Tianqi shot at Ji Shaojue all at once,


Ji Shaojue dodged like a ghost, and the bullet hit the marble, piercing deeply.

Ji Shaojue's goblin face with a sinister smile suddenly turned cold, raised his head, and patted his chest in an exaggerated way and yelled,

"I told you what you want, I will give you!

You fucking shot!

Freire, I keep my word! You let people go! "

Freire pinched Ai Qianqian who was about to suffocate and passed out, and smiled coldly,

"Let people go? I'm going to kill people now!

I want to go to hell with you, go to hell..."

Ji Shaojue's face darkened.


Ji Tianmo has found the last shooter.

The black eyes soaked with toxin slowly drooped.

Suddenly, it stopped! There was a brilliant light in his eyes.

I saw ---

Not far from the square, in front of the French windows at the end of the second floor at the Italian restaurant where they had dinner just now, a black and indifferent figure stood coldly...

Ji Tianmo's tightly pursed red lips slowly curled up, and he smiled wildly.

Like a bloodthirsty poppy blooming in gunpowder smoke, it is indescribably coquettish, but deadly!


From childhood training, the children of Ji's family have a tacit understanding that is more interlinked than ordinary teammates.

Ji Tianmo glanced at Ji Shaoting and Ji Shaojue from the corner of his eye, and the cold faces of the two showed slightly.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of the restaurant---

Through the glass, Xuan Chenhao looked at the woman in the middle of the square with cold black eyes.

Ji Tianmo smiled frivolously.

In the pervasive gunpowder smoke, the four eyes met, and the two of them nodded their jaws at the same time.


A tiny hole in thick glass!

On the stairs, Freire was still laughing madly,

"Draw you to hell together, go--"

About to detonate the bomb on him.


There was a loud bang that fell to the ground!

Freire is dead! brain burst...

From that tiny hole, a golden bullet shot out, piercing Frere's head.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Xuan Chenhao faced the queen in the gunpowder, his enchanting hair dancing wildly in the wind.

Slightly curled his lips, smiling incomprehensibly.


Without any distance, Ji Tianmo, Ji Shaoting, and Ji Shaojue turned around at the same time, and shot sharply.

"Bang - bang - bang -"!

Three gunshots were fired at the people who were about to aim and shoot at three different commanding heights!

They didn't understand what happened just now...


Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief ---


Ji Tianqi's convulsive roar echoed throughout the square!

Falling to the ground following Freire's death, Ai Qianqian, who had been pinched in her hand, was thrown out all of a sudden!

Ai Qianqian was almost about to lose consciousness, she just felt light and light all over her body, as if she would be blown away by the wind in the next second.

Is she dying?

But, she doesn't want to die yet, she just married Ji Moji, hasn't had enough with Ji Moji, hasn't had their baby yet, hasn't...

But luckily, he's fine...


(Baby, please recommend tickets, please reward, please collect ~~~)

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