Trinitas Mundus - The Story of Saint Knight Ray

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Thank you for reading to the end.

This work has been a big long story of 395 stories and about 223,000 characters. Also, when combined with the external legend Dream Life - Dream Life in the Other World of Dreams, it is 917 stories, about 554 thousand characters, and the person who wrote it is most surprising.

The first story post is January 7, 2013, so I could keep writing for a long time: six years and ten months.

This is thanks to our supportive readers. Thank you.

This is the piece, but when I started posting it, the main character Ray was sometimes uzzy, which wasn't very popular.

It's not the result either, but even though this one is the main part, it makes a double difference in points and triple in visits to the outgoing Dream Life.

Still, I think it's too much for me to do more than 29.55 million PV for visits and 40,000 for overall points.

This work has been written many times in activity reports and so on, but was originally used to promote the unpopular genre of the SF work "Cliff Edge Series”.

For that reason, I made it a fashionable cross-world transition at the time, but I struggled unscrupulously because I made this main character a high school student. I have no children, so I have no contact with high school students and have regretted several times that I should have kept them the same generation as Dream Life did.

Sometimes it was hard on the way, but being able to write this Trinitus series was such a happy thing for me.

It has been a good experience to have created one world in particular, this Trinitus world, and moved various characters, and I also wonder if I have had a bit of a width in my style.

Having written this series more than that makes it my treasure to have met so many readers.

As I'm sure you've noticed, I broke the last part into large pieces.

In the original plot there was also the reform of the Holy Kingdom, because I felt uncomfortable continuing the story after sealing off my greatest enemy, Vanitas.

As a result, the part of the subtitle, "Saint Knight Ray”, flew away.

By the time I booked it, I thought it would be good to write so far, but I have to think about it (laughs).

One thing that bothers me about that fractured part is the subheroine, Stella.

She never got tied to Ray until the end. I've also been worried about how to write this point.

I also thought I wouldn't be able to write something called a platonic relationship, but I also feel like I wanted to write about how she felt when she regained her humanity.

I have left some other voltage lines intact.

I was also going to write about Ray Arklight's body and weapons, about the relationship between the people of the meadows and the Empire, about Sokius and then about the dragon men who came out in an exodus with the priests of the Temple of Claretore, so that's also heartfelt.

As for this part, I might post about it in the future, but I don't know what will happen because I have a snakefoot feeling.

I'm sorry for the outrageous talk.

I write the same thing on the Dream Life side, but I don't really feel it's done and the tension seems crazy.

One last time, thank you.

Thank you for staying with my world. I've been able to keep writing so far thanks to you for reading it now.

Thank you so much.

We also look forward to seeing you in another piece.

Aiyama Yucho

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