Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes

Chapter 511 The Treasure on the Isolated Island

Looking down from the sky, this isolated island actually has three hills, and the place Li Mo sorted out is the highest among them. Sun Dasheng took Li Mo and ran towards another hill, but when it reached the other side of the hill, it stopped moving forward, squatting on a rock and barking forward.

The little monkeys following up also yelled, and some of them even picked up small stones from the ground and threw them into the dense forest opposite. Just when Li Mo was puzzled, there was movement from the opposite woods. Then I saw monkeys with black hair rushing out. Both sides were about the same size, but they were clearly divided into two camps, just like Chu and Han fighting for hegemony.

Sun Dasheng's power is a little smaller than the opponent's. At this moment, it ran to Li Mo's feet, grabbed his ripped pants and pointed at the opponent. Its attitude was quite arrogant.

When I went, I actually pulled myself to be a helper, and it was obvious that I wanted to teach them a lesson. Li Mo felt that his IQ was pulled to the lowest all of a sudden, and he would be used by a monkey.

Just when the battle between the two sides was about to break out, Li Mo suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. There seemed to be a dangerous giant approaching there.

Those monkeys with high fighting spirit also sensed the danger, and fled towards the tree one after another, leaving Li Mo standing alone on the ground. He swung his sword straight away, and Yitong could already see that it was a giant python charging towards him. It was more than ten meters long, and the snake's body was as thick as a thigh.

Although pictures of giant pythons have been seen on the Internet before, they are just pictures, not enough to appreciate the fear they bring to people. But now Li Mo had a disgusting urge, he turned his head to look around, and hurriedly climbed up a tree. Being condescending, he finally felt a sense of security in his heart.

The pattern on the giant python's body was rather black, and after swimming out of the dense forest, it also directly entangled with the tree trunk and went upstream. Its target of capture was the monkey in the book.

Squealing monkeys scatter in all directions, their instincts driving them away from the big hunters.

Li Mo forgot that boa constrictors also have the ability to climb trees. He held the machete tightly in his right hand. Suddenly, the boa constrictor attacked a small monkey. The flat mouth instantly turned into a bloody mouth, and half of its body had already left. Trunk, is in the volley predation.

"good chance."

The place where Li Mo was staying was a tree next to him. Seeing the giant python attacking in the air, he rushed out immediately, swung his knife and slashed in the air, splitting the giant python in two. And he fell to the ground, unhurt.

Seeing that the python was still writhing on the ground, Li Mo stepped forward and chopped off its head again.

For a while, the fishy smell dissipated.

Li Mo frowned slightly, and holding a thick-backed machete, he found a small lake nearby, and carefully washed the python blood stained on his body.

creak creak——

A group of monkeys reappeared and gathered behind him. Li Mo turned his head to take a look, then snorted softly and said, "Sun Dasheng, you escaped fast."

The Monkey King tugged at his trouser legs and dragged him towards one direction. It was only then that Li Mo discovered that there was also a huge flat land on this side of the mountain. In addition to the lake, there were many piles of stones piled up on the shore.


After Li Mo approached, he felt that those piles of stones looked like tombs. No wonder nothing was found on the other side. It turned out that all the dead Ming people should be buried on this side. To be honest, this place looks like a treasure land of geomantic omen.

I didn't count each one carefully, anyway, the number of tombs must be over a hundred if you look at them casually. Now the tomb is covered with grass, but there are no tall bushes or anything. The Monkey King kept running forward, and Li Mo had no choice but to follow closely, passing through the cemetery to the entrance of a valley. This valley is a big crack between two hills. In the valley, he saw buildings full of green plants, which looked like houses in shape.

Sure enough, there are relics of human life here. The Monkey King ran into the valley, and Li Mo followed. At this time, the sun was in the sky, and countless golden rays of light shot out from a building.

Li Mo approached slowly, the building in front of him was like a high platform layer by layer, in the middle of the high platform stood a huge thing, the surface was already covered with various vines, but there were still many places reflecting under the sunlight With golden awns.

"Why is it a bit like a sailboat?"

Li Mo used a machete to clean off part of the vines on the surface, revealing the true face inside, and it was all golden in sight. He froze for more than ten seconds, and then cleaned up faster, revealing more and more golden faces.

About half an hour later, Li Mo looked at the sailboat in front of him. Although there were still many vines that had not been cleaned up, it did not affect his judgment. This is a sailing ship made of gold. It is called a sailing ship because there are three sails erected in the middle of the ship. Those sails are also made of gold, very vivid.

Walking around the golden boat twice, it is about six meters long, four meters wide, and the sail is about three meters high. A huge golden skull was carved on the bow and stern of the ship, and densely packed symbols were carved on the body of the ship. He couldn't understand what it meant, and felt that it was similar to the ghostly symbols in ancient China.

On this high platform, there is also a half-person-high tank with a diameter of about one meter. The vines on the surface have been cleaned to reveal the golden body, and four skulls are carved on the golden tank.

Li Mo looked inside the tank again. He fiddled with it a few times with a machete, and picked out a few bones that hadn't been completely decomposed under the vines.

"The high platform, the golden boat, the golden vat... Could it be that this is where the pirates used to sacrifice?"

Li Mo muttered a few words, a little hard to believe that the pirates were able to build such a huge and exquisite golden sailing ship six hundred years ago.

If he could go back alive this time, the golden pirate ship and sacrificial gold jar from the early fifteenth century would surely be reborn, shocking those coastal countries.

More than a dozen monkeys jumped on the sea boat to play, Li Mo was really afraid that they would cause some damage to the golden sailing boat, so he turned cold and glared at the monkey king fiercely and shouted: "Sun Dasheng, let your little brother go away!" .”

The monkey king didn't know if he understood, or felt the anger emanating from Li Mo, and hurriedly squeaked at the monkeys around him. The monkeys playing on the pirate ship jumped down one after another and looked at this side from a distance.

"Lead the way ahead."

Li Mo waved the machete in his hand, the monkey king screamed, ran towards the buildings in the valley, then stopped in front of a building, and pointed to an entrance that could be drilled into.

After a few cuts, all the vines and shrubs in front of him were removed, and the house covered was indeed made of wood. When Li Mo walked into the house, he saw that there were boxes of things piled up in four layers. One of the wooden boxes fell on the ground and basically fell apart, revealing all kinds of gold and jewelry inside.

The Monkey King picked up a fist-sized diamond again, which was pure and transparent with a pink tinge.

"Sun Dasheng, this is mine, give it to me."

Li Mo stretched out his right hand towards him, the Monkey King squeaked twice, and handed the pink diamond into his palm under the intimidation of his eyes.

Precipitated in the hand, exuding a dazzling and charming luster.

"These two natural diamonds of this size are probably heavier than the world-famous Cullinan diamond."

The Cullinan Diamond is currently the largest diamond in the world. It is pure and transparent, with a light blue tinge. It is almost the size of an adult's fist. It is the best gem diamond and has been endowed with a legendary color. Later, the Cullinan diamond was processed into nine large diamonds, the largest one was inlaid on the King's scepter, the second largest was inlaid on the King's crown, the third and fourth largest diamonds were inlaid on Mary's Queen's crown.

If the two diamonds in his hand are confirmed to be heavier than the Cullinan diamond, then the most legendary one will become himself.

Li Mo put the diamond into the unbroken pocket, and then looked at the other gold jewelry on the ground. He picked up a gold coin, with a head portrait on one side and a pattern on the other side, it was impossible to tell which country's currency it was.

In those years, Zheng He's voyages to the West had reached Java, Sumatra, Sulu, Pahang, Chenla, Guri, Siam, Bangkala, Adan, Tianfang, Zuofar, Horumos, Mugudushu, etc. More than 30 countries, as far as East Africa, the Red Sea, Mecca and so on.

So this gold coin may be the currency of a small overseas country in the early fifteenth century.

There are too many gold coins, all kinds of exotic styles, and I don't know if they were traded by Zheng He's fleet or those pirates snatched them.

Li Mo randomly opened four boxes, all of which were filled with gold coins.

After a while he walked out of this wooden house and entered the second room next door, where there were also many wooden boxes piled up.

With a slash, the wooden box immediately fell apart, and the gold inside flowed to the ground. The second box is gold coins, and the third box is still gold coins.

Li Mo suddenly lost interest. These gold coins may have been minted in the 15th century or the 14th century. He has never studied those small foreign countries, so he can only roughly judge a time period based on the reaction of the different pupils.

"Means nothing."

Li Mo walked out with a sigh, entered the third wooden house, and walked out shaking his head within two minutes. The first two wooden houses are all gold coins anyway, and both have certain historical value. But the boxes in the third wooden house are all neatly packed with gold bricks, with a big word 'Ming' on them

It should be Zheng He who directly minted the gold coins traded into gold bricks, so that it is easy to count and manage.

"Sun Dasheng, let's go back to eat first, and then come over and count slowly when we are full."

When he was leaving the valley, he passed the altar and looked at the pirate golden sailing ship. A thought suddenly popped up in Li Mo's mind. He wondered if it would be able to float if the ship was placed on the sea.

That's called pulling the wind.

As time passed day by day, Li Mo's greatest pleasure every day was to search those wooden houses. There were more than a hundred of them in total, and each room was filled with wooden boxes. In addition to gold coins, silver coins, gold bricks, and silver bricks, they were found one after another later. I bought jade wares from exotic places, including many jade bowls, jade plates, etc., which are well protected.

Of course, he also found a large amount of rouge gouache. Obviously, the rouge gouache had agglomerated and turned into waste, but those bottles and cans used to hold rouge gouache made Li Mo unable to put it down. These small and exquisite porcelains are actually fired from five famous kilns, and each one is a fine product.

For those Ming official kiln porcelains, Li Mo carefully re-protected each piece. The things used for protection were pieces of bark that were dried and beaten softly. Although I don't know if I can go back alive in this life, I still have to cherish the wealth left by my ancestors.

It has been half a year since he counted all the treasures in the wooden house one by one. But these are only the things counted in those wooden houses, and he also found dozens of caves around the valley, and there are boxes of gold, silver and jewelry piled up in the caves.

Li Mo could never have imagined that such an astonishing wealth was hidden on this isolated island. He suspected that before the Daming people fell here, the pirates here had been operating for a long, long time, from grandparents, fathers, to grandchildren. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to rely on a stranded ship of the Ming Dynasty to have so much gold and silver.

With a splash, Li Mo jumped into the lake, his naked and robust body paddled underwater, and it took seventy or eighty seconds before he emerged from the lake.

The temperature here has been maintained at about 30 degrees, so the water will not feel very cold. Swimming is already something that Li Mo must do every day. After swimming, he sits on the top of the mountain and basks in the sun. After his hair is dry, he goes to the valley and continues to count the treasures there.

"Great Sage, why hasn't your wife appeared for several days?"

Li Mo was bouncing in the water, chatting with the monkey king on the bank from time to time. Sun Dasheng couldn't speak, only bared his teeth and screamed a few times.

"You have to argue with me. I have been here for more than seven months. You have never won a fight with Sun Ersheng over there. Can you be a little bit promising? I suspect that your wife has already been abducted by that Sun Ersheng gone."

Li Mo floated on the water.

Squeak, squeak, Sun Dasheng jumped up and down.

"How fierce is it? Look at your prospects. If you can't beat Sun Ersheng, you want to let me stand out for you. You have to remember that happiness needs to be won by yourself. It's okay, be quiet."

Li Mo swam in the water for a long time before he walked to the shore naked. The only set of clothes he had on had already retired honorably. Under the sun, there were seven scars on his strong and straight body, and his skin had already been tanned.

A head of wet hair has grown to the shoulders, a full beard, the only thing that has not changed are the eyes.

There was still hope in his eyes.

When the water on his body dried up, he put on an apron made of bark, and then carried a machete on his back, holding a stick in his hand, with one end of the stick sharpened and roasted over a low fire. Make the spikes harder and more lethal.

If there was an outsider here at this moment, he would definitely be regarded as a savage.

"Great Sage, let's go around the other two mountains today. If we can still find the treasure, I will take your wife back from Ersheng Sun tonight."

The Monkey King grinned at him while eating the fruit.


Li Mo shook his head, so what if he became a master, a monkey will always be a monkey.

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