Traverse in Marvel: I Possess Iron Man Body

Chapter 271: The one-eyed dragon that just woke up

The attitude of Eric on the other side is much more respectful. Ye Qingyang told him to be polite, but Eric hasn't adapted to Ye Qingyang's rhythm. How dare he throw his boss aside, and hurriedly ran before and after to introduce Ye Qingyang to the space exploration they are developing. instrument.

"The principle of this detector is the same as that of the steel armor, but we have added some new algorithms to it, which can track the characteristics of life in space. As long as there is life in the solar system, we can receive the news immediately."

After listening to Eric's introduction, Ye Qingyang nodded. The transmission of information takes time, not to mention, it takes eight minutes for light to travel from the sun to the earth.

As an electromagnetic wave, information travels in the air at the same speed as the speed of light, and the fastest known speed on the earth is the speed of light.

So if the enemy can be detected, it means that the earth still has the power to fight. If the speed of the enemy exceeds the speed of light, then everyone can wait for death with peace of mind.

According to Einstein's theory, the mass of an object increases with the increase in speed, so when the object is infinitely close to the speed of light, the mass of the object may become infinite.

At this time, the object is likely to have infinite gravity due to its massive mass, and if the enemy has a spacecraft that exceeds the speed of light and directly hits the earth, it is likely to tear the earth or turn it into nothingness, just like the formation of a black hole.

Ethan suddenly stopped working and said

"Tony, the power of our detector is a bit low, and we need a multiple amplifier to enhance the signal it detects, so that even if an object appears outside the solar system, we will receive it in advance."

Ye Qingyang nodded, Ethan's words are simple and easy to understand, just like the WIFI at home, if you make a cross-section like a can, you can greatly enhance its signal strength.

Ye Qingyang thought for a while and gave up the idea of ​​using Google to search. This kind of top-level secrets can't be found on ordinary websites.

Just like some books and classics, you must go to a special library or archives to find out. Most of the information on the Internet is the obscenity of netizens.

He dialed the phone of Cyclops, and then the tired voice of Cyclops came from the other end of the phone. Hearing him yawning, he should have not slept all night.

"What's the matter, Tony?"

The one-eyed dragon rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up from his desk. The sudden attack by Ye Qingyang last night and the attitude of the five permanent countries made him sleepless at night as the highest person in charge of the strongest mysterious institution in the world.

Ye Qingyang gave a message and left after slapped his butt. He also wanted to stay and discuss details with the representatives of the Wuchang countries.

The Great Power Game is not as simple as it is shown in the movie, it is a sentence in the news broadcast, and behind this sentence, how many people need to work overtime day and night.

How much manpower and material investment is needed, just like a policeman catching a thief, what the masses see is the handsome police pounce, torture, and take away, thinking that they will be sent to prison immediately.

But who knows that after the thief is brought to the case-handling premises, he must first collect a fourth-rate one, search his body, interrogate him, and submit detention procedures to the public security legal system, and then the cumbersome report to the leader and the platform to circulate.

After all the procedures are completed, the suspect must be taken to the medical examination. Fortunately, if the medical examination is passed, it is better to consider the bail pending trial or residential surveillance if the medical examination is unqualified. Sometimes the medical examination will take one day.

There are diseases and infectious diseases that you haven’t heard of about the suspects. When they can be sent in, they have to wait for the review in the detention center and wait until the detention center accepts them.

The next step is to report to the procuratorate for arrest. If you do not arrest, you must be released or released. If you are arrested, you must continue to collect evidence for prosecution.

After the procuratorate's review, the prosecution is finally brought to the court. After the court's trial, the thief will finally be sent to the prison.

What the Cyclops is doing now is after catching the thief, and each country’s national conditions are different. Naturally, the plan formulated is adapted to local conditions. I hope that Ye Qingyang can just say that an enemy that has not actually appeared can make each other suspicion and suppress each other's five permanent nations to unite. Consistent?

That is simply a dream. The exchanges and cooperation between countries are more complicated in all aspects.

It is impossible for anyone to disclose the secrets of their own country to others. Don't let the aliens arrive, and most of their details are exposed first. Maybe some countries will make a fuss about this.

Don’t underestimate the shamelessness of some countries, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries all day long, and calling it the world police, oh my!

Ye Qingyang went straight to the subject and said

"Good morning Chief Fury, have you eaten?"

The one-eyed dragon was confused and did not hear what Ye Qingyang was talking about, he said

"I have been busy all night, and I haven't slept yet. What to eat. If you have something to say, please let it go. I want to squint for a while."

Ye Qingyang didn't continue to talk nonsense when he heard the huge amounts of qi of getting up from the cyclops, said

"I need the world's largest radio transmitter here. Can you please contact me? I'm in a hurry to use it."

Hearing Ye Qingyang's words, Cyclops' sleepiness was reduced by more than half. He knew that Ye Qingyang, a technological genius, wouldn't beg to do things by himself for no reason, radio transmitter?

He thought for a while and said

"I really know this, but the largest radio transmitter in the world is in Dahan. It is the world's largest single-aperture giant radio telescope with independent intellectual property rights. It is said to have a diameter of 500 meters."

Ye Qingyang had no time to listen to his introduction and asked

"Then you hurry up and help me contact, I have an urgent need here."

Cyclops became curious, he asked

"Can you tell me what I'm doing?"

As he said, he had already pressed a red button on the table.

After a while, Hill walked in, and the Cyclops told her that Ye Qingyang was going to use the radio telescope, and asked her to contact the Chinese side as soon as possible.

Ye Qingyang didn't keep it secret, and directly told him the whole story.

After hearing this, the one-eyed dragon was very agreeable, saying that the art of war is clear, knowing oneself, knowing that the enemy is victorious in all battles, and he never fights unprepared battles.

If you can know the action route and attack time of the Zeta Ruixing in advance, you should prepare early on your side, otherwise waiting is not an option.

Once all countries are ready to start preparing for war, the consumption is extremely alarming, and the economic losses caused by martial law and cleanup in large cities are also not small.

What's more important is the people's aspirations. This may be easier to handle in Dahan. After all, the national system is in that place, and the people are more cooperative.

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