Nick Fury looked at him gratefully, hugged the black box tightly in his arms, his lips trembled a few times, and said

"Thank you, Tony."

There are many words of thanks, but when the words come to the lips, a thousand words, the Cyclops only said this one.

This gift is readily available to Ye Qingyang, but for Cyclops, it is no less than a lifelong, so this gift is very important.

Even if he joked with Ye Qingyang last time and said that he wanted two sets of steel mechas, it was just a joke. I didn't expect Ye Qingyang to really take it to heart. The key is to really give him one set.

Now the situation in S.H.I.E.L.D is tense. With such a mecha, you might be able to save yourself at a critical time, and your plans can be more changeable.

Ye Qingyang ordered two more cups of coffee. The things here are very cheap. A cup of regular coffee costs only $10. Ye Qingyang picks up a cube of sugar and stirs it gently with a small spoon. He takes a sip. It is mellow and rich, and it is really hand-ground coffee. It tastes better than instant.

He looked at the one-eyed dragon who was still stroking the box in love with a smile and said

"Okay, you can take it home later and watch it slowly, but I have to inform you in advance. You must keep the matter of me sending you mech secret. You SHIELD, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, I don't want my equipment to appear on the enemy. Body."

Hearing Ye Qingyang's words, Nick Fury's face turned straight, remembering the purpose of coming here today, and said

"Hill has already told me that I haven't found some cobweb horse trails before, but I thought it was some small people that some hostile forces have inserted in. I really haven't thought about the HYDRA organization. After all That's too far away, and their leaders have been solved by Steve. Who would have thought that a subdued scientist could stir up such a big storm."

He sighed, took the unsweetened coffee, and took a big sip. The bitter black coffee greatly stimulated his taste buds, as if he was not drinking coffee, but poison.

But only in this way can he keep his mind sober. Before, he had drunk too much sugar water and was a little fluttering. If Ye Qingyang hadn't given him a blow this time, he would still be kept in the dark by the puppet chief.

Ye Qingyang didn’t say anything to console him. People like Cyclops do not need to be consoled. Anyone who succeeds in big things has perseverance. He has experienced strong winds and waves, let alone this kind of small gutter. Now Ye Qingyang has informed Nick Fury in advance. , I believe that by his means.

Sweep out S.H.I.E.L.D, it should be no longer a problem to find the rape, he said immediately

"Colson is still in Mexico?"

Nick Fury nodded and said

"Since Obadea's death, Norman Osborn has become even more crazy. He has gathered a large number of experimental products in Mexico and has been injected with his human strengthening agent. According to reliable sources, the actual controller of the Sam Group is now It has been replaced by Norman Osborn. The hang gliding technology and ball bomb technology he has in his hands have already made him a lot of money."

"I heard that he also signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with the mayor of Veracruz. He produced technology and provided cheap labor and land in the local area. He re-established the Osborn enterprise, but this time he also learned the skills. He holds the holding by himself, and he will never be evaded by shareholders before."

Ye Qingyang rubbed his teeth. Unexpectedly, this Norman Osborn is really a centipede, but not stiff. A thin camel is bigger than a horse.

I also complied with the old saying, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and don't be afraid to travel all over the world.

Ye Qingyang thought for a while and said

"Originally I wanted Colson to find Dr. Bruce Banner, but now it seems that we have to choose another person."

Nick Fury heard this and asked

"Bruce Banner? Why are you looking for him? Hulk is not something you and I can control. I don't think we should let Hulk get involved. At present, the damage caused by Hulk is limited to a limited number of countries, most of the world. The masses still don't know his existence. If the aliens invade New York this time, I am afraid that he will not cause less damage than the aliens."

Ye Qingyang picked up the mug and took a sip. The sugar cubes had completely melted in the coffee, and it tasted sweet. This made Ye Qingyang very satisfied.

In his previous life, he chose low-calorie foods in order to lose weight and remain fatter. He never dared to add sugar to coffee, and he kept away from foods such as ice cream.

However, his weight did not become lighter because of his diet. Instead, he remained motionless. Whether he increased his exercise or ate some meal replacement foods promoted on the Internet, there was no effect.

Now he can eat as much as he wants, play as much as he likes, stay up late to watch the phone, and do two exercises without fear of getting fat. The feeling of doing whatever he wants is really superb.

He said slowly

"This world is a mess. Do you think the general public are good men and believers, with pure hearts? I tell you, in fact, they are not. Most ordinary people have gone through the current information bombardment and there are all kinds of overwhelming news reports. They may not know much about the world, but their imagination is endless, and various conspiracy theories emerge in endlessly. Do you believe that once SHIELD is exposed to civilians, how many people will criticize you?"

Seeing the Cyclops with unbelief, Ye Qingyang shook his head and continued.

"You don't believe it, because you have been in the current position for too long. You have been out of the way of thinking of ordinary people. The instructor told us that we must go deep into the masses and go among the masses, and improve the ability to solve practical problems is to deal with the current complexities. The situation, the urgent need to complete the arduous task, you have been away from the masses for too long, too long, maybe you think that as a high above, I am not a luxury car, or a beautiful rich second generation, what qualifications do you have to say such things, but I tell You, my heart will always be with the ordinary people. Investigation and research are the basic skills for doing a good job."

Ye Qingyang didn’t speak big words. During this time, he didn’t just hang out with Xiaojiao and Xiao Rongyu every day. You see, he asked Hill for dinner and chose a roadside stall in Brooklyn. Every night, he had to go deep. At the bottom of New York, learn about the living habits and lifestyles of the locals, and take a look at the various aspects of life.

This may be a habit brought by the memory of his previous life. People always like to go to places they are familiar with. If you let Ye Qingyang stay with people like Obadiah and Hans every day, he will feel bored and feel fake.

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