The orange porcelain spoon turned a deaf ear, turned the spoon, and flew away again.

Several people were all wet, and they lost the interest in chatting, so they hurriedly wiped off and started to work. Next, the old trick of the orange porcelain spoon was repeated, serving water and splashing people one after another, which was a lot of fun.

Once the ability is introduced into the small spoon array, it can last for three days. As long as Lin Yanchong withdraws the ability, the orange porcelain spoon will not be able to toss.

In this way, you can have fun with the orange porcelain spoon.

In the afternoon, when the sun was hiding behind the clouds, Robbie sat on a small chair and stared at the water. She fished for small rivers, but she didn't care about big or small ones. For example, those small fish fry with their tails next to their eyes, she didn't want those when she saw them.

The ones two or three inches long are most suitable for making small dried fish. When she saw a group swimming up, Luo Bi immediately scooped them up with a bamboo stick.

Not long after the attack, someone started arguing in the shallow water section, and Bai Juan ran over: "Luo Bi, Qi Han, who followed us on a mission, had a quarrel with someone, the captain asked me to talk to you."

The members of the fighting team are not good at dealing with this kind of quarrel, Luo Bi dropped the bamboo in his hand and stood up: "Go and have a look."

Xue Zhijiao asked the chief officer, and was about to withdraw his ability to take a walk, when Luo Bi and Bai Juan came back one after the other, Luo Bi said: "Keep busy, I'll go take a look at the situation, if you can't, you can go again."

Xue Zhijiao said: "You can go, I am impatient to meddle in such nosy matters."

Luo Bi called Bai Juan: "You go with me."

Lin Yanchong said: "There's nothing to do, hurry back."

Bai Juan nodded, and followed Luo Bi on short legs. The shallow water section was not far from the fighting team's territory. When the two arrived at the place where they were arguing, there were already many people around, shouting and saying anything.

Luo Bi didn't hurry to squeeze into the crowd, and asked the crowd to find out what was going on, but it was Qi Han's fish basket that someone envied, and because she knew Qi Han and was from Qi Han's home planet, she offered to borrow it.

Qi Han disagreed, so he quarreled.

"I'm your auntie, and I'm not an outsider. What's the matter with borrowing your fish basket?" Ye Shu, with dry and thin branches, stood opposite Qi Han and said, "I'll give it to you when I use it up. I don't want it from you, little one." How could you be so ignorant at such a young age?"

Luo Bi couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong even if he said a few words, so he mixed in the crowd to watch the development of the situation.

"Hey, it turned out to be a family." Zhang Xie and Qi Han went on two missions, and out of good intentions, they came out to smooth things over: "Qi Han, it's not easy to refute her face because your aunt has spoken, so you borrow the fish basket. Give her half a day, even an hour, what do you think?"

Zhang Xie looked at Qi Han, and before Qi Han could speak, Ye Shuzhi became unhappy: "What can I borrow for an hour? It will take half a day anyway."

After these words fell, people whispered to each other, most people thought Ye Shuzhi was right, a small number of people just watched the fun, it didn't matter to them who was right or wrong, what's the point of arguing? It's good to start scratching.

Qi Han saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and his face was ugly: "I don't want to borrow my own things."

"Little girl, what you said is wrong, she is your aunt." Someone accused.

"Let's not talk about Aunt Tang, even a mother who came from the mother planet should give some face. This little girl is too bad at being a human being. She doesn't understand the world at all. It's not good to go out like this."

"It's still too young to know how to behave in the world."

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