"Han Mingxiu, Han Mingxiu, are you participating in the chorus competition next month?"

In the morning, as soon as Han Mingxiu walked into the classroom, Wang Hongli, who was at the same table, approached excitedly.

A few days ago, the universities in the capital are going to jointly hold a chorus competition, the theme of the competition is: Celebrating August 1st - Sing the Motherland and Praise the Party..."

This is the first competition between universities in the capital since the resumption of the college entrance examination, and it is ranked second, so all universities pay special attention to it. Although they all shouted the slogan of "friendship first, competition second". However, in reality they all want to get good grades.

Yes, this is the first time that Zi has organized such a large-scale competition since he resumed the college entrance examination. Which principal doesn't want his school to win the championship?

If you win the championship, it will not only be an honor, but also free publicity for your school!

You know, there are so many well-known universities in the capital! If you want to stand out and stand out, you have to excel in every aspect.

If this large-scale competition wins the championship, it will definitely attract attention. It can be said that it can create a certain momentum and influence for their school in the hearts of the people without any effort.

How can school leaders miss such a good opportunity!

The leaders of the School of Foreign Languages ​​are no exception, and they attach great importance to this chorus competition! Therefore, the personnel participating in the chorus cannot be randomly selected, but carefully selected from each class.

The selection conditions are very harsh. The selected students are required not only to sing well, but also to pass the test.

After all, when the judges score, they also need to look at the mental outlook of the contestants, so the visual senses of the judges must be taken into account.

Because of the requirements for the image, it is very difficult to choose the personnel for this chorus.

In this era, there are very few people who sing well, look good, and have good temperament.

Therefore, after receiving this arduous task, the student union will walk almost from class to class, check from class to class, first record all the male and female students with good image in each class, and then let them sing. Listen to their voices, and finally select the best and select the members of the chorus.

There are 36 students in Han Mingxiu's class. Among the thirty-six people, apart from the older, ugly, bad temperament, and bad singing, there are really not many left.

Han Mingxiu became one of the remaining ones.

But to be honest, Han Mingxiu didn't want to join any chorus.

It's already July now, and the sky is getting warmer, and Dashuang and Xiaoshuang will be walking a long time ago.

These two little things are very scouring, as long as they open their eyes, they are clamoring to go out to play. Uncle Gao and Aunt Gao depended on them, and as a result, they played off-road more and more. Now, these two little naughty bags can no longer be trapped in the house.

Uncle Gao and Aunt Gao are getting old, even if there are nanny to follow them, it is a tiring job to take them out to play every day. Although Uncle Gao and Aunt Gao never said anything like being tired, Han Mingxiu saw it carefully and cared deeply, and really didn't want Uncle Gao and Aunt Gao to be so tired.

So, she would go home after school and share the burden for Uncle Gao and Aunt Gao...

However, she has already become one of the candidates, and it is not up to her to decide whether she wants to participate or not.

If she said she didn't want to participate, she would definitely be criticized by the school leaders and head teachers, saying that she was individualistic, backward in thinking and low in consciousness.

She didn't want to be a negative example of the class. Although she was no longer interested in getting on the line at this time, if she was not active in group activities, she would probably be labeled as a backward person.

She can't leave an inactive record in her file!

Therefore, if she is really selected, she can only participate. Who told her to be beautiful and sing well?

Hearing Wang Hongli's question, Han Mingxiu's heart skipped a beat and said, "I'm just a part of the shortlist. I haven't decided whether to use me or not. I don't know if I will participate or not."

This is said as if she is willing to participate but is afraid that she will not be selected.

Wang Hongli grinned, revealing her big buck teeth, "You've been chosen, and only you and Ma Wen were chosen in our class. How's it going? Are you going to participate?"

When Han Mingxiu heard that he had been selected, the expression on his face suddenly cracked.

"Ah... I chose? Is this news accurate?"

"Accurate, what Ma Wencai said, if you don't believe me, ask him." The Ma Wencai Wang Hongli said was a male classmate who was selected with Han Mingxiu.

When Han Mingxiu heard this, she silently lit a row of candles in her heart and said, "It's over, I'm afraid I'll have to contribute to the school in the future...

Wang Hongli went on to say, "Didn't you say that your child is young and you are very short on time? If you don't want to participate, can you recommend me to the teacher of the chorus, and I can participate for you!"

When saying this, Wang Hongli's face was a little shy.

She likes to sing very much, and she sings better than Han Mingxiu. She is also the literary committee member of the class. The only disadvantage is that she looks a little sloppy, so she was screened out during the pre-selection.

However, she is very unwilling to be screened like this. She believes that the chorus should be compared to singing skills, not better than other chorus members, so she has been trying to find a way to join the chorus to show her strength.

Otherwise, if she is a literary and art committee member, but can't join the chorus, she will be laughed at, and she will feel embarrassed.

Of course Han Mingxiu was not willing to participate, but he did not dare to stretch his head and say that he would not participate in the lover instead.

If she did, she would also be seen as not taking the group seriously, no different from her not participating.

Therefore, even though she was full of hope that Wang Hongli could participate for her, she still rejected her.

"Hongli, if you want to participate, you might as well ask a teacher to apply for it alone. I don't dare to find someone else to participate in without authorization. If I get criticized by the school for making a fuss, it's not worth it..."

When Wang Hongli heard this, she sighed in disappointment and said, "I have already looked for her, but it doesn't work. It looks like there is no drama."

Han Mingxiu looked at her tablemate's look of loss, and actually wanted to comfort her, it's really nothing to not participate in the chorus, don't worry about it!

However, as a person who participated in the chorus, to persuade a person who did not participate in the chorus in this way is a bit suspected of drawing hatred, think about it and forget it...


After the class, the head teacher announced that Han Mingxiu and Ma Wencai were selected into the chorus together. From today, they will stay at school for an extra hour every day after school to participate in the rehearsal of the chorus.

There are 60 people in the chorus, half male and half female. Han Mingxiu was assigned to the bass section and was responsible for singing the bass section.

Those who were selected into the chorus not only sang well, but also had a good image and temperament. When they go out, they can not only represent the school in the competition, but also represent the spirit of the school!

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