When entering Beijing this time, they plan not to go by train or bus, but to go to the capital by plane!

Taking the train is too time-consuming, and since Han Mingxiu crossed over, he has never been on a plane. He wanted to try it, so he decided to go by plane.

Take the train to Harbin first, and then fly to the capital from Harbin Airport.

Chaos has never been to the capital, and has never been on a plane!

As soon as I heard that I could go to the capital or go by plane, I was so happy that I was jumping up and down like a monkey, and I didn't know how to express my excitement.

Uncle and aunt heard that they were going to the capital by plane, and they were both nervous and excited.

"Oh my god, take a plane? What kind of plane does our old commune take? Can people like us get on that plane?"

Although excited, they were still a little nervous. In their consciousness, they have to be big figures at the national leadership level to get on the plane. People like them don't deserve to fly.

Han Mingxiu told them that as long as they bought a plane ticket, anyone could take the plane, regardless of their status.

Besides, what happened to the old staff? No old commune members grow food, what do you guys eat? Not to starve to death.

What's more, now is the world of workers, peasants and soldiers, and the status of peasants is glorious, so there is no need to belittle yourself.

Under the comfort of Han Mingxiu, my aunt finally no longer has low self-esteem. However, even if he is no longer inferior, he is worried that the plane is too expensive, and he is reluctant to let Han Mingxiu and his wife spend so much money.

Han Mingxiu lied to them, saying that using Huo Jianfeng's military ID to buy air tickets is very cheap, similar to taking a train. It takes two to three days to arrive by train, and four or five hours to arrive by plane.

Hearing what Han Mingxiu said, Wang Wenyuan and his wife believed it was true, so they put aside their doubts and waited excitedly for the arrival of the 25th.

In the next few days, uncle, aunt and Huo Jianfeng were busy preparing for their entry to Beijing. Many sister-in-law who had a good relationship with Han Mingxiu came to see Han Mingxiu off. Bai Xue, Chen Qiulan, Deng Chunbo and others also came over. , One is to see Han Mingxiu off, and the other is to apologize by the way.

Of course, no matter whether it was a farewell or an apology, it was not sincere, it was just an order from above and they had to do it.

Han Mingxiu received them coldly, disapproving of their false apology and farewell. In Han Mingxiu's eyes, these women were like mad dogs, waiting for an opportunity to bite him at any time.

For such people, she couldn't respond to the call of 'uniting one family', she couldn't get close to them at all, and she didn't want to unite with them as a family, she just asked them not to make any more fuss and she would be thankful... .


In a flash, it's the twenty-fifth.

It was after four in the morning that Ma Lijun drove over to pick them up.

In order to commend these college students, the leaders decided to send a public car to send them to university.

Those two college students were fine, both of them went to universities in the northeastern region. The closest one is in Harbin City, 600 miles away, and it will be there soon, and the farthest one is in Spring City, and it will take at most one day to arrive.

Only Han Mingxiu passed the exam and went to the capital at once. It is somewhat unrealistic to have a public car drive her to the capital to go to school. So Huo Jianfeng applied for as long as the troops sent their family to the train station in the black market and let them go by train.

Although they didn't send them to the university, it was a big help for them to be able to send them to the train station.

The family happily got into the car. The driving building was a little crowded. Huo Jianfeng sat in the front passenger seat with his slender body.

Fortunately, the four adults are not fat, and the two little children can also be hugged, so it is not too crowded.

It is not far from Heihe Railway Station, which is more than 70 miles away. It is still dark and there are no pedestrians on the road. Ma Lijun's car drove very fast and arrived in more than 40 minutes.

On the way to the station, Han Mingxiu wanted to ask Ma Lijun several times about why Bai Xue knew that he had bought a luxury sleeper. But after thinking about it, I finally persevered.

She had not known Ma Lijun for a day or two. She knew that this man was not bad-hearted, but it was probably just because he was talking about it, and it could not be out of malice.

It's better not to ask, so as not to hurt each other's face, it's a big deal to hide something from him in the future, just don't let him know.

After arriving at the station, Huo Jianfeng went to buy a ticket, and the whole family rushed to the train.

Heihe is more than 600 miles away from Harbin City, and the speed of trains these days is not as fast as that of later generations.

At that time, the average speed was 40 to 60 kilometers per hour, and 80 kilometers per hour in places with good lines was considered fast.

When the group of them arrived in Harbin, it was already past eleven o'clock.

After getting off the bus, a few people didn't even bother to eat, they just bought some steamed buns and tea eggs near the station, and hurriedly got on the bus to the airport.

Although Han Mingxiu had one hundred and one thousand unwillingness, in the end, he had to squeeze the bus.

Buses in this era are so crowded, people are one by one. With so much luggage, you can imagine how difficult it was to get on the bus.

Fortunately, they had a lot of luggage, and the luggage took up a certain amount of space, so they put the children on the luggage to prevent the children from being crowded.

It stood for several stops like packing bean bags, and many passengers went down one after another along the way. By the time the bus left the city and headed for the suburban airport, there were not many passengers on the bus.

Everyone had a chance to sit down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, regardless of the environment in the car, he ate the steamed buns and tea eggs on the bus to solve the problem of lunch.

Of course children will not eat cold buns, cold tea eggs.

Han Mingxiu specially brought a thermos and three large tea jars, and gave each of them a jar of thick milk powder to satisfy their hunger.

After everyone finished lunch, the bus also arrived at the airport.

After that, this group of people dragged their children and daughters off the bus. Time was very tight, and they hardly had time to visit the airport. A few people trotted all the way to buy tickets, found the boarding gate, and then went to the silver-grey shop. big plane.

When they got to the plane, the couple settled down.

When we got on the plane, everyone was very excited. After all, it was the first time to fly on a plane, and we were surprised and excited to see everything.

Especially in the chaos, a pair of eyes are rolling, and his head is like a rattle. He will look here for a while, and look there for a while.

"Hey, Sister Xiu, Sister Xiu!" Da Chao shouted while stretching his neck.

Han Mingxiu put her finger to her lips and "shhh", "Keep your voice down, don't make loud noises in public places."

Da Lian stuck out his tongue, lowered his voice and asked, "When the plane takes off later, does the arm of the plane flap like a bird?"


Before Han Mingxiu could answer, the passengers in front of him couldn't help laughing and said, "You'll see for yourself later..."

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