A month passed quickly, and Han Mingxiu gave birth to a confinement.

However, after confinement, the uncle and aunt did not go back.

The three children are still young, and Huo Jianfeng has to go to the army every day. Han Mingxiu can't do it alone.

After thinking about it, my aunt decided to live here for a while and help Han Mingxiu with the children for a while. After a few months, she can go to the nursery and go back.

As for the house, there is only one person in the chaos.

Don't look at the chaos. Usually there is no righteous hippie smile, but the ability to survive is still very strong. Not to mention that there is food and shelter at home, even if he has nothing, let him live in the wild, and he can also dance and live...

As for work points, in front of the two lovely grandsons, they are nothing.

Now, in Zhang Shuzhen's eyes, there are only her two eldest grandchildren, and even her son has to fall behind.

I have to say that in Zhang Shuzhen's mind, the idea of ​​patriarchal preference is still very serious. It is estimated that if Han Mingxiu gave birth to her two granddaughters, although she had to stay here to help watch, she would never be so active!

If Yaoyao knew what her grandmother was thinking, she would probably be very angry.

However, Zhang Shuzhen is a traitor. Although there is a patriarchal idea in her mind, she will never show it. In front of the slim, she even shows that she likes her granddaughter a little bit more.

It is precisely because of this that she lived so happily in her later years. She was full of children and grandchildren, and Cheng Huan was under her knees. Not a single one of the younger generation did not respect or love her.

It's not like those heartless rural old women, who put the preference for sons over daughters incisively and vividly. When they see their sons and grandchildren, they love something. When they see their daughters and granddaughters, they lose money and a girl's movie one by one, and have no one all day long. good face.

They may not have imagined that after a few years, the sons and grandsons they once loved to the bone would be unreliable, and the daughters and granddaughters who had been degraded to the dust would also refuse to forgive them because of their past. Good to die.

This is all done by themselves, and they can't blame others...

Of course, Han Mingxiu could not ask for the uncle and aunt to stay and look after the children. As for the work points missed by the uncle and aunt, Han Mingxiu has long thought about it, and she will double it for them.

Anyway, she has money, food, and things in her space. When the time comes, whether the uncle and aunt are short of money, food or things, she will be able to supply them, and they must not be asked to take jobs and lose money.

With the help of uncle and aunt, Han Mingxiu and Huo Jianfeng are much more relaxed. Han Mingxiu is a grandmother and child almost every day, and it is enough to take Xiaoyao out for a walk.

As for the two little girls, they were all handed over to the uncle and aunt.

They are an old couple who are solely responsible for bathing, washing diapers, drinking water, changing clothes...

The two of them did the same job at home, and Han Mingxiu and Huo Jianfeng didn't even need to cook and clean up the house.

With the assistance of the uncle and aunt, Han Mingxiu's young couple lived a happy life of putting on clothes to stretch out their hands, and eating to open their mouths.

Such days have been going on for several months.

In a flash, it was October. One day in October, an explosive news spread all over the country-Huaguo was going to restore the college entrance examination system!

The 12-character policy proposed by the newly-appointed leader has given hope and light to countless intellectuals.

These twelve characters are: Volunteer registration, strict examination, and merit-based admission!

As soon as the news came out, thousands of educated youths, including countless educated youths in the countryside, unemployed youths, previous high school graduates, and some intellectuals who did not have a job, rushed to tell each other, actively signed up, and wanted to pass the college entrance examination to change. own destiny.

As the saying goes, "Education is a century-old plan", and you can't lose anything to education. The prosperity and development of a country is inseparable from talents. After the new leaders came out, they attached great importance to education. Restoring the college entrance examination system under enormous pressure can be said to be a major decision to save the country's destiny.

Han Mingxiu had long known that this would happen this month. So, listening to the radio all month, when she heard this exciting good news from the radio, she immediately announced in front of the whole family:

"I want to take the college entrance examination, I want to go to the university!"

Han Mingxiu's decision surprised the whole family.

Auntie was the first to object, "Xiu, how many days have you been in junior high school? What university did you go to? Can you get in? Besides, even if you go to university, what about your kids? The child is still so young, how can he go to college?"

Han Mingxiu said firmly: "Take the child to go, I estimate that if you are admitted to university this year, you will have to go to school next year, and in the coming year, Xiaoyao will be able to go to kindergarten, and Dashuang and Xiaoshuang will be able to go to nursery school. Now, I take care of my children while I go to school, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

The uncle said: "Then you have to think about it carefully. If you go to college, you have to live with Jianfeng. Can Jianfeng agree?"

Everyone looked at Huo Jianfeng.

Huo Jianfeng looked at his wife's expectant eyes. Although he was reluctant to leave his wife and children, he thought that this was his wife's wish. He didn't want to disappoint her, so he nodded solemnly and said:

"If you want to take the test, take the test. If you can pass the test, I will support you to go!"

Huo Jianfeng supports it, and the uncle and aunt have nothing to say.

Their husbands are all supportive, what qualifications do they have to stand up against it? What's more, the uncles and aunts are also open people. Although they will express their positions and express their thoughts, they will not excessively interfere with the decision of Han Mingxiu and his wife.

So, the next time the purchasing car entered the city, Han Mingxiu brought his uncle and aunt to the city.

Several people held two children respectively, and led one child, they went to the city admissions office and signed up for Han Mingxiu.

After paying the registration fee, filling out the form, submitting the photo, and a series of busy work, finally the name was registered, and Han Mingxiu also became one of the 5.7 million candidates who are about to take the college entrance examination.

The fact that Han Mingxiu signed up for the college entrance examination was known to other people in the family area. She was seen when she went to the leader to issue a certificate, so the news that she was going to go to university spread in the family compound.

After the news spread, everyone spread it around like a joke, thinking that she was just a dream come true.

Although she can write a book, she does not necessarily have knowledge if she can write a book. After all, she is just a person who has only studied for one semester of junior high school. With this degree of education, she wants to go to university. What is this not a dream?

However, Han Mingxiu's mentality is very good. No matter what others say, how they think, or how they see it, she turns a deaf ear and devotes herself to preparing for the college entrance examination.

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