There is also a sister named Shanshan in my mother's house. The sister is very pitiful. Although she is very beautiful, she is not in good spirits and often hides in the corner like a child crying.

He wants to grow up quickly, make himself stronger, and help his mother take care of his sister and sister (Li Jia).

In addition, he has now changed his name to the same surname as his sister. His surname is Qin and his name is Qin Chengjin, which was given to him by his mother. I hope he will have a bright future and a splendid life in the future.

My sister is no longer called Li Jia, and has changed her surname to Qin, and is called Qin Yuanyuan, just to hope that she can have a fulfilling life in the future.

In addition to my mother, sister Shanshan and sister Yuanyuan, there is also a nanny and a tutor at home.

The tutor was specially invited by my mother for Sister Yuanyuan. Younger sister Yuanyuan is twelve years old, but she hasn't attended school for a day, and she doesn't know a word.

My mother said that she can't keep up with school now. If she was 12 years old and entered the first grade, she would be laughed at.

So, my mother specially hired a tutor for her, and let the tutor teach her at home. The same is true of learning at home. The progress is faster than at school. My mother hopes that she will catch up as soon as possible. That way, she can go to school to study.

Moreover, there is another advantage of letting my sister stay at home to study, that is, she can accompany her sister Shanshan, who gets along very well with her sister. My mother usually goes out to work, sometimes on business trips for several days, leaving sister Shanshan and the nanny at home alone, and my mother is not at ease.

Now, with Sister Yuanyuan and her tutor, there are two more people at home, and my mother feels more at ease when she is on a business trip...

Han Mingxiu was very relieved to see that both Xiaosuo and Li Jia lived a happy life. She has always believed that good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, and good people will have a good end. I just hope that Uncle Zhou, Uncle Gao, and Director Cui can get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible, and like Aunt Su and the others, they can live a happy life as soon as possible.

This wish came true not long after it was made.

In September, Han Mingxiu received a letter from Director Cui.

In the letter, Director Cui excitedly told her that their family had been rehabilitated, and the family of three had left the county and returned to their home in Nanjing!

Moreover, he will soon be able to resume his original job and be the deputy director of the garment factory again. His wife will be able to return to the Education Bureau to go to work, and his son will be able to go to school.

Director Cui was very grateful to Han Mingxiu for his help to their family in the past few years. He sincerely told Han Mingxiu that without Han Mingxiu's help, their family would have lived very hard these years. To people, it was like a life saver. Their family not only regarded her as a savior, but also regarded her as their closest relative.

If she doesn't meet them, she is welcome to bring her husband and children to Nanjing as guests when she is free, so that they can also have the opportunity to entertain their benefactors well and do their part...

In addition, Director Cui also told her that Uncle Gao and Uncle Zhou could almost be rehabilitated. They have already submitted their rehabilitative materials to the organization, and if nothing else happens, the two of them will almost be rehabilitated.

This news was expected by Han Mingxiu, but he didn't expect it to come so soon! She felt that she was about to become a koi, and as soon as she looked forward to it, the good news came immediately. It seems that she has to think more about good things, maybe she can really achieve it.

As for her current wishes, except for the hope that Uncle Gao and Uncle Zhou will be rehabilitated as soon as possible. There is also a wish, that is, I hope that I can have another baby soon.

If she remembered correctly, family planning was about to start. If she doesn't conceive a baby soon, and give birth to a baby soon, it will be too late.

She didn't want to be the only child in the family. It's not that she is looking forward to her son, but she doesn't have any patriarchal thoughts at all. It's just that she likes children very much. If she wants one or two more, she is not too much.

A few more children, make the family more lively, and their lives can be richer...


In a rental house in Nong'an County

Xifeng knelt beside the kang cabinet, looked at the empty kang cabinet, and screamed, "Oh my God, this thief who killed a thousand knives, how did he steal my treasure? tell me how to live..."

At this moment, her man was squatting on the ground in a slump, holding his head in his hands, as if he was struck by lightning, with all his thoughts burning.

Their home was stolen, stolen!

When the two of them were not at home, the thief sneaked into their house quietly, pried the door lock, and stole not only the clothes and shoes that the two of them had newly purchased in the past few months, but also the "big gold with gemstones". The chain" was also stolen.

That chain is their entire property, and it is also their future hope!

Not long after they moved to the county seat, when the two of them were strolling around the city, they saw that gold had risen to ten yuan a gram at the place where the People's Bank of China sold gold. A gold necklace as thick as noodles can be sold for more than 200 yuan a piece.

And their gold chain can weigh five or six pieces of that necklace, and that gold chain alone can sell for more than a thousand dollars!

In addition, the gems on the pendant of the necklace are also very valuable, more valuable than the gold chain itself.

They had seen it at the jewelry counter. A ruby ​​the size of snot and slag was sold for more than 80 yuan a piece. The rubies on her chain were more than the rubies in the jewelry store. There were more than ten rubies. Ruby, at least can sell for more than a thousand dollars!

In addition, the chain pendant is also set with dozens of diamonds, large and small. Diamonds are very precious. A bean as big as a grain can sell for two or three hundred dollars. There are seven or eight diamonds the size of a soy bean on her chain, and the smaller one is the size of a mung bean. Ten, how much is that worth?

After reading the gold and gemstone market, the two of them were both overjoyed, and immediately gave birth to an inflated mentality of getting rich overnight. They both felt that the two of them had made a fortune and made a fortune. As long as the two of them shot the chain, they would not be able to finish eating even if they were lying down...

With this kind of mentality, the couple didn't even look for a job, and they simply lived a happy life of eating, drinking and having fun.

What kind of work are you looking for? If you work hard, you will only earn more than ten yuan a month, which is better than eating, drinking and having fun. Anyway, they are not bad at the moment. After you spend it, you will sell the gold chain, won't you be able to get it by then? It's enough for those stinky workers to earn a lifetime.

No, they can't earn so much in their lifetime!

So, the two of them relied on the fact that they still had more than 200 yuan in their hands. Every day, they would eat and drink spicy food, and they would buy whatever they saw was good. In the past few months, Xifeng bought four or five pieces of clothes, and Huo Changsheng also Bought two new sets of clothes.

The two of them dressed up every day and went out for shopping, watching movies, and eating out every day. They lived a small life, not to mention how moisturizing it was.

However, the big tree attracts the wind. The two of them do not go to work every day, but they live a life of spending money like flowing water. After a long time, it will naturally attract the attention of others.

Among them, including those neighbors who love to gossip, but also those petty thieves who specialize in crooked ways.

So one day, while the two of them were going out to watch a movie, two thieves sneaked into their house, pried the lock on their house, and ransacked their house! Of course, including that gold chain!

After Xifeng and Huo Changsheng came back from watching the movie, they saw that the door of their house was open, and their hearts immediately rang out. When I rushed into the house, I saw that the house had been turned over in a mess, the kang cabinet was open, all the newly bought clothes were gone, and the box hidden at the innermost end of the kang cabinet was also stolen.

And in that box, it is their 'golden chain! ’

When Xifeng and Huo Changsheng saw this scene, they were all stunned as if they were hit in the head, and it took a long time to come back to grind.

After returning to the mill, Xifeng began to shout and roll around. Huo Changsheng was helpless, squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, weeping.

It's over, the golden chain is lost, and the family wealth they imagined is gone? The days of eating and drinking spicy food are gone forever, how can this be done?

Soon, Xifeng's screams and cries attracted many neighbors, who expressed deep sympathy when they learned that their house had been burglarized and a valuable 'golden chain' was lost.

Although what the two couples usually do is quite annoying, but when such a big thing happens, very few people gloat at the misfortune.

When Xifeng and Huo Changsheng heard it, it was as if they were holding onto a life-saving straw in desperation. The couple quickly wiped away their tears and stumbled to the Public Security Bureau to report the crime.

It's a pity that the efficiency of the police in this era is not high. After all, there is neither sufficient police force nor surveillance screens in this era. In a huge county, it is impossible to find a thief who has not left any clues!

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