Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 741: The End of the Reverse Flash (1)

Man is a creature that never remembers what he missed until the last moment.

Reverse flash is this kind of mentality, he is going crazy.

This time it wasn't just Flash and Smoke Screen who surrounded him.

Smoke screen is against him, Reverse Flash understands that although he is eager to find a chance to kill Smoke Screen, Smoke Screen needs more speed force if it wants to become stronger, and fake speedsters want to get speed force, they have to steal it from real speedsters. .

Constantly stimulating Reverse Flash and The Flash to fight, and Smoke Screen playing the autumn wind on the side, will naturally be able to get a lot of Speed ​​Force, which makes Smoke Screen's strength grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. All are growing.

This hurt Reverse Flash very much.

Originally, he was the only thief stealing the Flash's speed, but now there is one more. Frightened and angry, Harrison's reverse flash, incarnated as a life mentor, vaguely told the Flash about the possible reasons for his inexplicable slowdown in speed growth.

"Maybe someone is stealing the speed force. I have been observing your growth trajectory. Until that guy appeared, your speed growth slowed down. During daily training, sometimes there will be a slight decline..." Harry Sen pushed his glasses with a wise face.

"You mean reverse flash?! I knew it was him!" Barry Allen was really furious.

Reverse Flash almost vomited blood from anger.

Sisko and Catherine looked at the two suspiciously and strangely, and looked at each other secretly, silent.

"Smoke screen is also possible... He appeared suddenly, and he is also a speeder. As far as I know, Downey has never mastered the speed force before." Harrison smiled.

Barry lowered his head in thought, thought for a while, and nodded heavily: "I still think it was the Reverse Flash guy who did it."

Reverse Flash completely despaired of The Flash, and tried to kill Smoke Screen, but was worried about being killed by Downey, so he could only wait angrily for the opportunity.

He can only accumulate speed power little by little, waiting endlessly for the slight possibility of traveling to another universe.

Reverse Flash has not given up on his plan, and it is impossible to have a future if he continues to stay in the main universe. This damned world is crucified by the new god, and there is no way for him to survive.

If you want to go back to your own time, you can only use a lot of speed to travel to another universe, kill yourself in that universe, and then travel back to the 25th century in that universe, everything will be exactly the same.

But what Reversible Flash didn't expect was that he had already been targeted by Sisko, who had a super-intelligent IQ.

If he hadn't acted as a reverse flash, Sisko wouldn't have suspected him if his tracks were weird, but if he acted too much, there was always something wrong.

They get along day and night, and know a lot about each other's whereabouts, but every time Barry is attacked by a reverse flash, Dr. Harrison is always busy...

Sisko has a strong intelligence, the more frequent the reverse flash attacks, the more traces will be exposed.

Human beings, as long as they start to doubt a certain person, they will start to look at this person from the perspective of looking for disadvantages and secrets, and all the details will be magnified.

Sisko looked up Dr. Harrison Wilson's growth records, and took advantage of the night to sneak up to the scene of the car accident where Dr. Harrison's legs were crippled in a car accident, and dug out a dry corpse with his own hands.

This is a mummy that seems to have been artificially drained of flesh and blood, leaving only skin and bones.

Genetic testing confirmed that this is also Dr. Harrison Wilson, with the exact same gene sequence as the Dr. Harrison in the Advanced Particle Laboratory.

One is true and one is false.

Reverse Flash was too anxious, he desperately wanted to leave the main universe.

If there is no smoke screen, it's okay, Reverse Flash will have more patience to steal the speed force, but when the smoke screen comes, the efficiency of Reverse Flash will be directly reduced by more than half. Whenever the Flash haunts, the smoke screen will appear.

Smoke Screen's identity is public, he has no scruples, and can easily get in touch with The Flash.

This is blatantly grabbing business, and Reverse Flash has fallen from a monopoly to a predicament of competing for food in an instant.

Still can't get rid of competitors.

But there is no doubt that his identity was exposed. Long-term deceit and pretense, once exposed, will only arouse the anger of the injured person.

The ultimate trust will cause great hatred after being betrayed.

Especially when Barry knew that the "Dr. Harrison" who had been guiding him and teaching him was the reverse flash, the real murderer who killed his mother when he was five years old, this indescribable complex emotion broke out in one breath.

Barry didn't collapse on the spot, thanks to his firm will.

"I still can't believe it..." Barry held his head in pain in front of Sisko, with a look of despair on his face.

Many times, Barry sees Dr. Harrison as his father, which is not an exaggeration at all.

When he was five years old, his mother was killed. After the police failed to investigate, they determined that it was Barry's father who did it. He was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Except for Barry's adoptive father Joe, no one has been so patient with him as Dr. Harrison.

But the truth is always the cruelest truth.

"Gideon, why are you helping me?"

Barry scratched his head in pain, looked at the artificial intelligence brought back from the 25th century in front of him, and asked in a low voice.

He found the secret room arranged by Dr. Harrison in the cutting-edge particle laboratory and activated Gideon.

Gideon replied in the same tone: "Because you created me, Barry, and your orders will always come first."

"It's the future of the 25th century again..."

Barry was startled, his face darkened.

Artificial intelligence or something, on the contrary, is a trivial matter.

Now find a way to uncover the hypocrisy of Reverse Flash.

"I need your help. I want to see it with my own eyes, and I want him to admit it!" Barry gritted his teeth like a wounded beast.

How much he respected and admired this so-called Dr. Harrison...but the reality gave him a shoulder throw.

He was a fool the whole time, a fool so stupid that he was exploited to the bone and still counting money for the villain.

Sisko slowly put on the glasses, "Of course I will help you, I will use my ability to monitor all the items of that guy, maybe I can see his true origin."

Sisko's ability is shock wave, which is a kind of panacea-like ability. Not only can he see the picture of the person related to the item through haunted items, but he can also create a time-space tunnel that moves long distances.

When the future develops to the extreme, Sisko will be able to create a tunnel that travels across the universe.

It's a pity that Reverse Flash doesn't know this. In the history he knows, Sisko never awakened super powers at all, and died of old age as a genius scientist.

Everything happened after the flashback returned and the real Dr. Harrison was killed and replaced.

That night, the explosion of the cutting-edge particle laboratory not only allowed Barry to come into contact with the Speed ​​Force many years in advance, but also changed the fate of Sisko, Catherine and many others.

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