Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 734 New Book

The new issue of Chapter 734 of the main volume of Transformers in the American manga "A new record is born!"

"The sales volume of the "New God" series of comics has exceeded 890 million copies, breaking the highest record of "One Piece". Its works are also very popular and won the annual sales champion!"

"The movie "The Birth of a New God" swept the global box office, and the major theaters made a lot of money, catching up with the historical record of "Avatar"!"

""The Beginning", "Birth", "Rise", the "New God" series, including everything around it, has become a phenomenon-level cultural concept. They are creating history. According to insiders, "New God Rise", which is being serialized, It will be the longest comic strip ever, and its creation will be close behind, and the content is magnificent!"

"What we need to do now is to see how far "New God" can go, but at least we can be sure that our field of vision will be monopolized by "New God" in the next few years."

"It's hard to understand why the "New God" series is so popular. Compared with "Iron Man", "Batman", "Superman", etc., it is still very young, but it has created unprecedented miracles. Below we invite famous Comic analysis expert XXX..."

Everyone on Earth knows that as long as it has something to do with entertainment and culture, the most popular comics at the moment are "New God" comics, which have exploded dozens of old characters and attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of people.

"Honey, I want to buy the latest issue of comics!" Laurie leaned in the arms of the Supreme Superman, pointing to the bookstore on the side.

"Of course, I'd be more than happy to help you... Hiss! No money..."

Superboy Prime touched his pants, fumbled around, only found a coin...

Well, buying a newspaper is more than enough, and buying periodicals is fine...

Superboy Superman has an awkward expression on his face. He has been in the multiverse for a long time, and his eyes are full of fighting, fighting, fighting. When did he ever worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation... But he finally returned to the original universe, and he had to adapt to ordinary people. Live, as he did for the first 15 years of his life, as a normal person.

He restrains the desire to break the law and commit crimes. This is his planet and his hometown.

Superboy Supreme comforted his girlfriend, with a cold face, his unbelievably burly body was lying in the hands of a customer like a mountain, and after a sneer, he grabbed the comic book.

"You..." The innocent passer-by was furious, pointing at the Supreme Superboy and about to curse, but the Supreme Superboy just gave him a hard look, stepped forward, and his tall and strong body felt like it could crush him.

The passer-by paused, and shouted: "Give it to you, make a friend!!!"

The Supreme Superboy snorted coldly, and glanced at the passerby with disdain, "Trash!"

Walking quickly in front of Laurie, the Superboy Superboy took out the comic book as if showing off, and handed it to his girlfriend.

"You wouldn't use your superpower to steal it while others weren't paying attention, would you?" Laurie looked suspicious.

"No, I got it in the fairest way." The Supreme Superboy was full of confidence.

He didn't beat the man to death, which he thought was fair.

Laurie didn't think too much, she opened the comic book happily, and quickly flipped through the contents of the tenth issue.

The Supreme Superboy glanced boredly, frowned slightly, and directly used super perspective to read the whole content quickly.

"The plot lags behind so much? It's not like the style of the editorial department..."

Superboy Prime frowned and mused.

As a frequent visitor to the editorial department, he often beat up the editors and writers there, and he couldn't understand their behavior style very well.

The content of the 10th issue is clearly written that the annihilating Zerg has stepped out of the negative space, and there is still a long distance from what is happening in the main universe.

Switching to other character journals, the editors would like to dig out the brains of the relevant characters to show the readers clearly, how come there is such a big gap when they come to Downey...

"Because of the only god? The editorial department can't directly spy on the events related to the only god? But they arranged the five gods and the apocalypse,

Never relent. "

Superboy-Prime scratched his head, confused.

He understands that group of guys in the editorial department, they are all a bunch of cowardly garbage, they just master the ability to arrange the plot, if it weren't for those bastards who made up the mess, how could the great Supreme Superman become a big villain...

The more he thought about it, the angrier Superboy Supreme became. He always felt that he was cheated by those guys in the editorial department.


editorial office.

A group of people are getting together, looking strange, looking around cautiously, for fear that someone will hear what they are talking about.

"The editor-in-chief sent back a message. He doesn't allow us to use the juvenile body. Now is not the time."

"I said a long time ago that you shouldn't use that dangerous thing. It's too risky. Maybe we'll kill ourselves first..."

"Then what should I do, continue to wait? My heart is bristling."

"Go ahead and work on the bomb, bam, everything is solved."

"The editor-in-chief didn't give detailed instructions, and he never returned. Alas, my head hurts... Do you know how painful it is for me to suppress the desire to go out and pretend to be cool?"

"I know, brother, you are me, I am you, I also want to leave here and become a big star in Siyuan Universe. After all, the latest issue of comics is so popular that there will be tickets, cars, and houses. There are a lot of milk..."

"I blocked your next word."

"Tsk tsk tsk, once the new god comes out, everything else becomes scum, it's really amazing."

A group of people of different ages, heights, fat and thinness gathered together to communicate in a low voice—it was said to be in a low voice, but because there were too many of them, everyone who spoke used roaring.

Well, without using a loudspeaker to speak, unification is considered "quiet".

"What will be drawn in the next issue? Sinestro Legion War? Or Mobius? Shazam? Ghost Rider? Ghost Prison Adventure? Well, there are so many things to draw."

"Let's find a way to overcome the threshold in front of us... The editor-in-chief will definitely not allow us to be so happy. I always feel that he is preparing a huge plan."

"Since he didn't tell us, it means that we don't need to participate in this plan for the time being. Too much attention will only arouse the disgust of the editor-in-chief."

"Wait, I think..."

Suddenly, an editor jumped onto a table with a terrified expression on his face, and shouted hoarsely: "The biggest troll on the Internet is here!!!"


All the editors and writers dispersed.


The fourth wall was smashed with brute force by the visitor, and the gate was roughly kicked away. The Supreme Superman in casual clothes broke in here with an unfriendly expression, and his cold eyes swept over these mortals like quails. .

. Miaoshuwu

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