Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 725 Fierce Battle

The Guardians went into battle themselves.

That's right, don't look at these little blue people who are skinny, dry and old, but they are also powerful fighters, and every guardian is very good at using the green light ring to fight.

Except for Ganser, Saito is a little bit less, and the other five have no emotion, and they are essentially an enhanced version of the Supreme Lanternman.

The little blue man is also very strong when he goes crazy.

What's more, it was assisted by more than thirty robot hunters.

"What the hell is that?"

Lila was covered in scars from being beaten by Superboy-Prime, and with one arm drooping limply, she stared at the robots with wide-eyed amazement.

First the Supreme Lantern, familiar comrades in the past turned into strange things, and now these robots...

"Your traditional cognition is being subverted, what you see now is reality." Optimus Prime said calmly.

Laila glanced at Optimus Prime in surprise, opened her mouth, but said nothing after all.

The guardians floated in the space with the robot hunters, their expressions were indifferent and terrifying, they glanced at Optimus Prime ruthlessly, then at Megatron who was fighting fiercely with the Supreme Superboy, frowned, and finally turned their attention to the lonely Zun body.

Duzun in a state of depression, with a distorted mentality, a gloomy face, and red eyes.

He roared and rushed towards the guardians, with a sinister smile on his lips: "You dwarfs should have died a long time ago!"

Ganser said indifferently: "Change the plan, first find a way to defeat Duzun, and don't let him touch OA star, otherwise OA star will collapse."

The other six nodded and dispersed in an instant. Their super tacit understanding saved them from even making eye contact. They have been together for more than 10 billion years and know each other well.

A series of green chains were made from the rings of the guardians, and swept towards the Sovereign at a super fast speed. The chains seemed to be alive, and the chains were extremely dense, instantly locking the direction of the Sovereign. The next one In an instant, Duzun was already trapped in the center.

The guardians can't let the Sovereign really crash into the OA star. As the antimatter life Sovereign, with powerful combat power and amazing energy index, if he really doesn't care about it and pierces the OA star, then the OA star will collapse. Like the last time it was crashed by the ancient doomsday.

The antimatter energy touches the planets in the positive matter universe, and the huge annihilation is the only result.

Nothing will happen to the domineering, the OA star is finished, and the guardians absolutely cannot accept this result.

"Sovereign, you will be judged by the Green Lantern Corps!"

Saito said indifferently, the green light ring erupted with super-powerful energy rays, and an astonishing number of chains were created, continuously forming a net.

Duzun's face was ferocious, looking at the chains that surrounded the sky and covering the sky, without leaking a single gap, he couldn't help roaring, like a wounded beast, his eyes turned red, and his scorching hot gaze gushed out, shining on the countless chains in front of him.

The ear-piercing sizzle sounded, and a large number of chains were immediately broken. The intense heat vision broke through the blockade, and some unlucky guys from the outside world were pierced through their bodies and fell powerlessly.

More than 30 robot hunters are expressionless. They are just loyal dogs under the command of the guardians with super intelligence. Under the order of Ganser, they quickly fly up, pass through countless chains and come to the front of the sovereign, spreading their hands Opened, a large amount of energy bombarded the Sovereign.

On the other side, the battle between Megatron and Superboy Supreme has reached a fever pitch. Both of them have wild combat styles. They look at each other with a deep killing intent, like two awe-inspiring meteors colliding, and a punch Each foot contains the combat power of Broken Star.

The sound of bangs and bangs is continuous, and the simple and rough combat methods make people feel frightened.

The Supreme Superboy's hair was disheveled, and blood flowed continuously from his forehead, staining his face red. He stared into his blood-red eyes and roared crazily, like a wild beast out of control. Hit Megatron on the head.

The extreme terrifying force directly made Megatron's brain dizzy for an instant,

The huge amount of data in the pupils unexpectedly became disordered for a moment, which shows how powerful and terrifying the Supreme Superboy is.

Megatron let out a sinister grin, and the corners of his metal mouth opened, with a trace of madness, and crazily confronted the Supreme Superboy.

The purple and yellow gemstones kept flashing, and the fire in Megatron's body was also desperately squeezed, trying to mobilize as much power as possible to fight against the Supreme Superman, and the iron fist, which was so fast that ordinary people could not see it with the naked eye, smashed it continuously. To Superboy-Prime.

The guys with the upper body of the two berserker templates don't care about defense at all, and they basically use the battle mode of exchanging injuries, which is extremely crazy.

Purple-yellow beams of light collide crazily, and the power from the Infinity Gem is exerted to the maximum in the hands of Megatron, shopping with the Supreme Superman from the Origin Universe.

But it has never been able to gain an advantage, and can only guarantee a stalemate.

The entire battlefield has become a huge meat grinder. In addition to high-end combat power, members of the other two camps are also fighting crazily. Everyone's eyes are red, and they have become extreme beasts. Their minds are full of killing each other.

"Stop it, Sinestro! Too many people have died!!" Optimus Prime came to Sinestro with a solemn expression.

Sinestro still crossed his arms, like an outsider, watching with cold eyes, occasionally making shots, and cleanly killing the guy who pounced on him looking for death.

From time to time, the Yellow Lantern with treacherous thoughts, seeing that Sinestro, the commander of the legion, was only watching the fun, felt dissatisfied, went around behind Sinestro and attacked him, and was also killed by Sinestro.

After killing a group of people, the entire Sinestro Corps calmed down a bit, and could only vent their anger and dissatisfaction on the Green Lantern Corps and the Supreme Lanterns.

"I knew you would come, the nanny always has to take care of the master's children carefully, and you are more competent than the nanny." Sinestro sneered.

Optimus Prime looked at the person who brought him into the Green Lantern Corps and taught him to become a Green Lantern Corps from scratch. He was silent for a while, and said lightly: "I only care about these warriors who maintain the peace of the universe, not those who control these warriors." people."

Sinestro sneered: "But those despicable guys will try their best to control you. You have no other choice, either withdraw or submit. But what about you? Return to the battlefield again and again, awkwardly accepting the control of the guardians."

"Whatever you say, I have to take you back to Cybertron. If you stay on OA, you will die."

Optimus Prime lit up his right fist, and the green light ring on his middle finger was shining brightly, which was in complete opposition to the yellow light ring on Sinestro's hand opposite.

The confrontation between will and fear, when the flaws are smoothed out, is the time to compete for absolute strength.

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