Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 717: The Sinestro War (1)

The yellow defect and deadly weapon are the means set by the Guardians to prevent the Green Lantern Corps from getting out of control.

Every green light ring has a yellow flaw, and it will become extremely vulnerable to the power of fear and yellow matter, which is why they dyed all the buildings on OA star yellow.

Locking the deadly weapons is to prevent the Green Lanterns from being killed and fill their minds. It is also possible that the guardians are afraid that they will be killed by a Green Lantern, and they have specially set up life-saving measures.

The more a leash is around Green Lantern's neck, the more secure they feel.

Looking at the several companions who were arguing endlessly, Ganser sighed deeply. As the only one who retains complete emotions, he knows the few people around him best.

"If we don't loose these shackles, we won't be able to resist Sinestro's army... He really did it, he found a way to make a yellow light ring, and the emotional spectrum is no longer a top secret."

"That shameful traitor, as the former leader of the Green Lantern Corps, actually committed the evil deeds of killing his comrades. He must be judged, and he will be judged by the most stringent laws of OA."

"We have to win first. There are 7,200 Green Lanterns, and more than a thousand people have been killed. A large number of Green Lanterns are looking for successors in various sectors according to the pre-procedure... Generally speaking, Green Lanterns who have not undergone strict training It is very difficult for Xia to display the ability of the Green Lantern Ring, and if Sinestro continues to kill, the Green Lantern Corps will only become weaker and weaker."

The living body that took over the green light ring at first cannot strictly control its own thinking, and the green light ring is a weapon that relies on the user's will, thinking, and imagination to function.

For an untrained person, it is easy to run the train with his mind full. Maybe halfway through the sky, he starts thinking about what to eat for the next meal, and then this imagination enters the green light ring and becomes concrete. Come out, and then, the Lanternman just fell from the sky and fell to his death.

This kind of thing happens endlessly.

"Send the Supreme Green Lantern out, they have been hiding on OA star for several years, and it's time for Sinestro to show our sharp weapon." A guardian said indifferently.

The Supreme Green Lantern is a means of cruelly transforming a living Green Lantern into a cyborg. Those who become the Supreme Green Lantern will have their emotions wiped out and become living flesh and blood robots.

This is also the way the Guardians control the Green Lantern Corps. They don't trust the emotional Lanterns, so they specially created the Supreme Green Lantern as a "prosecutor" to lead the Green Lantern Corps.

Gunther said: "I propose to let Optimus Prime return to OA star..."



"Negative, we have the Supreme Green Lantern, and we also store a large number of Green Lantern Rings, and we can also untie the Green Lantern Corps to increase combat power."

"You don't need Optimus Prime to participate in the battle, otherwise Downey would have a reason to meddle in the internal affairs of Star OA. Many of our secrets are not suitable for outsiders to know. We can't take the slightest risk at this sensitive juncture."


"The lifeforms that Sinestro brought back from the antimatter universe have been fighting against me all year round. We know them well, and we don't need to let Optimus Prime join in and veto them."

The other six coldly rejected Gunther's proposal.

Ganser closed his mouth, talking about the words "sacrifice" and "enlightenment" with these emotionless companions was meaningless. In their eyes, it doesn't matter if all the 7,200 Lanterns die several times, as long as they can beat Sinestro.

Even the guardian Saito, who had a little more emotion, could not approve of Ganser's actions.

"Green light ring, yellow light ring, red light ring, three of the seven light rings have appeared, and the prophecies in the book are becoming reality step by step." Saito paused and said indifferently, "We can't take any more risks. "

In the ensuing discussion, Gunther remained silent, and he had nothing to say.


Most of the Green Lanterns have regrouped to Star OA. Although the Sinestro Corps has been intercepting and killing the single Green Lanterns, the Green Lanterns who have experienced many battles are not soft persimmons.

In the desperate counterattack, the enemy can always be slightly injured.

And only a little bit.

"Attention all members, the ban on deadly weapons is now officially lifted, and all Lanterns are allowed to use deadly force against the Sinestro Corps."

"Repeat, now..."

The Guardians once again loosened their grip on the Green Lantern Corps, allowing all Lanterns to use deadly attacks and methods at will.

After fighting Steppenwolf on Earth and the Oblivion Zerg in Sector 2814, the Green Lantern Corps had its third chance to fire at will.

The war between the green and yellow legions broke out in all directions. The war between the Lantern Corps is different from the battles of previous forces. The battle of the Lantern Corps can be regarded as the cruelest war of attrition.

After the death of each Lantern, whether it is a green or yellow ring, they will immediately leave the host and look for the next heir in the nearest area.

When Sinestro created the yellow light ring, it imitated the function of the green light ring, and even the function of finding new users nearby was exactly the same.

So in theory, as long as all life forms in the universe are not dead, and as long as there is one ring that is not destroyed, the war will continue endlessly.

After this death, the ring will immediately return to the battlefield with a new Lanternman, continue to fight the enemy desperately, and continue to survive the fittest.

People are dying and new fighters are being forced into this brutal war of attrition.

Sinestro smashed the head of a Green Lantern with one punch. His blood-red face revealed a fierce murderous look, and the thick fire of hatred seemed to burn away the enemies standing in front of him.

"I just want to destroy Star OA, and these stupid Green Lanterns don't need to pay too much attention." Sinestro looked contemptuously at the battlefield in front of him, countless yellow and green energies flew around, and all kinds of strange-looking concrete weapons were manufactured Come out, madly bombarding each other.

Sinestro flies across the vast universe, killing every Green Lantern that stands in his way.

Superboy-Prime has already rushed into the battlefield, rampaging, not a single Green Lantern can survive a move in his hands, and even some unlucky Yellow Lanterns are killed by the red-eyed Superboy-Prime.

It is very strange that Superboy Supreme, who wears the yellow light ring, enjoys this kind of fighting method of fighting imagination very much.

Duzun looked viciously at the laughing Supreme Superboy, his eyes flickering.

"Give up, Duzun, you are not his opponent, at least not yet." Sinestro crossed his arms and said expressionlessly.

Duzun said in a low voice: "You don't need to tell me, I know what to do."

"I hope so, otherwise I can't promise to fulfill the promise I made with Mobius." Sinestro snorted coldly.

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