Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 418 You Should Stand Up

In the entire ocean, there are still many Atlanteans fleeing in all directions.

Of course, 30 nuclear bombs could not kill all the underwater people. These natural aquatic life scattered and fled into the vast sea.

Many Transformers have been awakened by Megatron, and then they were all thrown into the sea, which should be regarded as training. As for how many soldiers were lost, Megatron said he didn't care at all.

Even if a hundred Decepticon soldiers died in battle, one potential warrior could emerge, that would be a profit.

Cruel, cold-blooded, but fair, this method of elimination is exactly the style of the Decepticons. If you have the ability, you can not only survive, but also kill the enemy and make meritorious service in exchange for more super energy crystals and resources and opportunities to upgrade the body.

As for incompetence, Megatron and other high-level executives don't care much about those who die because their brains don't respond well, or their awakened genes are not suitable for fighting.

Only the fighters who continue to survive the bloody battle and make continuous progress are the fighters they need.

They don't need weak chickens fighting five scumbags.

If it was the Autobot Legion led by Optimus Prime, it would never use this kind of selection method with a high casualty rate, but the Decepticons led by Megatron did just that.

The oceans of the world have become the hunting grounds of the Decepticons. Although there are examples of Transformers being killed by the hated Atlanteans every day, no one cares about them.

Even the human forces silently participated in the hunting and killing of the sea people, and when they saw them, they immediately killed them.

There is no way, the hatred between the sea and the land is too great, so great that it does not hesitate to exterminate the whole family.

Don't be fooled by the guys on land who flaunt justice. I don't know how many high-level human beings died in the sudden tsunami, and they have hated it for a long time.

They are more interested in everything in Atlantis, such as technology.

But now, the major human forces had to gather their troops and stared at the giant Kryptonian spaceship in the sky with vigilance. Although it was flustered and angry, it did not collapse.

Well, with the Chitauri and Atlantis at the bottom, the human government has more confidence.

"Order the Avengers to dispatch, by the way, let the X-Men do the same."

"Spear Bureau on alert."

"Do you want to contact Karma Taj?"

"Is it gone without that Downey,

Can we just wait to die? ! We also have our own team of metahumans! "

Human beings issued orders one after another, ordering their respective teams.

"Order Constantine to dispatch." A rich man ordered in horror, while scolding the aliens.

"...Boss, Zhakang stole your money and ran away!"

"What about Deadpool? Where's Deathstroke? Contact them! I've hired them many times, and I know them very well!" the rich man suppressed his anger and asked.

"Mr. Deadpool went to kill Constantine and threatened to share half of the money. Mr. Deathstroke went to hunt down Deadpool, claiming that Deadpool, the scum that ruined his reputation, must be hacked to death, and at the same time demanded to share the other half of the money. "

The rich man's face changed, red and white for a while, and then suddenly clutched his chest, spat out a mouthful of blood and fell unconscious.


A farm in Kansas.

Clark was wearing a straw hat, and came back from the cornfield at home in a hurry. At this time, it was harvest time.

Strong and burly, he has been busy all afternoon without leaving a drop of sweat. If it wasn't for covering up his tracks, he could have finished all the corn in one go with super speed.

As soon as he got home, General Zod's voice entered his ears, which made Clark frown uncontrollably and his expression became more depressed.

He was already worried because humans and Decepticons hunted and killed the Atlanteans in the ocean. He felt that he was in a panic and wanted to do something, but he really couldn't find a reason or excuse for doing so.

All mankind is looking forward to the genocide of Atlantis, what can he do?

Now Zod is at it again.

The consciousness left by his father in the spacecraft told him to be careful of Zod and not to trust Zod.

Preconceived, Clark felt helpless and angry.

Why, I obviously only want a quiet life, fight criminals, and protect innocent civilians. But why does someone always jump out and do something?

Da da……

There was a knock on the door.

Louise Lane, who was wearing professional attire, pulled the collar of her chest nervously, hesitated for a moment, and finally revealed a little whiteness of her chest, showing her plump and proud chest just right.

In the past, she relied on this to be invincible. But now, the person she wants to visit is an alien, a person whose secret she has discovered.

Strictly speaking, this is the second time they have met. Last time, in the spaceship at the North Pole, Louise followed and discovered Clark's secret. In order to facilitate the conversation with his son, the consciousness left behind by Jor-El had to drive the spaceship to fly to the other end of the North Pole, but was caught up and blocked by Starscream again.

The most important thing is that people are always social animals. No matter how much the Kent family conceals Clark's specialness, they will always reveal something different.

For example, those classmates who were in the same class as Clark.

The honest Clark was often beaten by strong children since he was a child, but the other children were surprised to find that no matter how hard they tried, the young Clark was fine and endured silently.

Especially when the school bus had an accident, the teenage Clark pushed the school bus out of the river alone, stunned them.

If it was just like this, Louise would not pay much attention, because there is a group of mutants in this world, with all kinds of strange superpowers.

But her father, General Sam Lane, has been in charge of the super soldier program since Rose's death.

Ryan used satellites to see the fierce battle between Clark and Orm and others in the Atlantic Ocean, so he paid attention to it, and took the photos with him, but was discovered by his cheating reporter daughter, who then stole, compared, and visited.

As destined in fate, Louise came all the way to the door.

But Louise wasn't the only one who was smart. A huge organization also came to visit, and their director personally came to visit Clark.

Over the past few years, Coulson's hairline has become higher and his face has more wrinkles, but his aura has become stronger.

Gentle yet majestic, that is how to describe Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson.

He led a team of soldiers to monitor the cornfield a few hundred meters away, and at the same time used monitoring equipment to eavesdrop on the conversation between Clark and Louise.

"...You should stand up, you are the hero who saved the earth! We will all stand by your side!"

Louise stopped Clark and said excitedly.

Clark's mother, Martha, was very angry: "First, you have misunderstood the person, my son is just an ordinary person! Second, even if he is really that hero, he should not fight against aliens, but let the Avengers Go! Let the Supreme Master go! Why should my son stand up?"

The gray-haired adoptive mother, Martha, was emotional at this time, with a trace of fear and sadness of her son who was about to die.

She has already lost her husband, and if she loses her son again...she doesn't know what to do.

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