The remnants of the timeline are very interesting things, but at the same time, they are also a great tragedy. This is a method of self-replication from a straight-forward timeline.

From the momentary stagnation of time, pull out the self that is a billionth of a second, and finally become two selves, one is the main body, and the other is the time remnant. This is a very superb method of replication. Genes, cells, souls, memories, and thinking are all exactly the same, because the time remnant is the self before one trillionth of a second.

Even the distinction between the so-called noumenon and remnants is inappropriate. Both of them are themselves, the same self on the same timeline.

Savitar, known as the god of speed, is actually a product of the remnants of time, which is also the root cause of Savitar's birth and extreme madness and violence.

One day when the Flash Barry Allen was fighting criminals every day, a man wearing a sci-fi armor suddenly appeared. Barry's lover.

This man covered in battle armor claimed to be Savitar.

Barry, who had lost his beloved, was almost crazy and tried all means to take revenge, but Savitar's speed was thousands of times and tens of thousands of times faster than him. No matter how hard Barry tried, he could not catch Savitar's figure.

Finally, one day in the future, Barry found a way to defeat Savitar, that is to create massive time remnants crazily.

Savitar and countless Barries in a certain universe had a tragic battle at the end of time. Even with the participation of the Wall of Speed ​​and Force, most of the time remained dead. In the end, Savitar only let go of one seriously injured The remaining time of Barry, and then locked into the speed force prison by the body Barry.

Then, tragedy was born.

The last surviving time remnant, Barry, has become an outlier in the eyes of others. Everyone knows that he is a remnant of time, but the real Barry still exists, so he becomes a redundant person.

Even if he is also Barry himself, everything is exactly the same as Barry, but when he is pulled out of the timeline by Barry, he is destined to be a tragedy.

A hero full of love and protection is avoided by everyone, familiar friends and relatives all avoid him.

This time remnant, Barry, who lost the meaning of existence, eventually went crazy. He traveled through all human history to find the meaning of existence, but found nothing. During this long process, his heart was also distorted and blackened a little bit.

Finally, this time remnant, Barry, suddenly woke up. He traveled back in time, went back in time, and created a suit of sci-fi armor for himself.

He wants revenge.

He discarded his past name, used the name of his enemy, and called himself Savitar.

He went back to that critical point in time, killed his love in the past, and was revenged by his past self. The past self finally found a way to defeat him, creating massive time remnants, and united with the wall of speed and force to besiege at the end of time.

He killed most of the remnants of time, save for one badly wounded one, and he was locked in a Speed ​​Force prison by his past self.

The remnants of the time when he was seriously injured, he continued to lose his sense of existence, and his mind was distorted a little bit...

This is the remnant of time, this is the terrible time paradox, even if it is an extremely fast person, even if it is the wall of super speed force, it is powerless to face the inevitable result born in billions of coincidences.

This is why Savitar can only be imprisoned and cannot be eliminated.

Savitar is no longer a specific person, but a special reference symbol. After one Savitar dies, there are thousands of Flashes waiting to inherit the name of Savitar.

The Speed ​​Force Wall cannot kill its creator, and Barry himself is a member of Time Paradox,

To kill or not to kill is meaningless.

On countless timelines, the birth of Savitar has long been doomed. As long as Barry is still alive, Savitar must exist. But Barry is the one who created the Wall of Speed ​​and Force, so how could he die? The Wall of Speed ​​Force can tolerate the death of countless Barry, but it can never tolerate the death of all Barry in the multiverse.

Otherwise who is going to make it?

The Savitar of this universe is killed, and new Savitars will continue to be born in other universes, creating more tragedies.

Savitar went from loving and protective Barry Allen to an unscrupulous monster.

And the so-called God of Mars in front of Downey is nothing more than a little bit of leaked power recorded by the timeline when Hollenmeyer wiped out all the Martians in the multiverse, and was born.

A sad timeline replica.

"Hollenmeyer, why do you want to destroy your admirers?" Downey raised his head, looked at the phantom figure like a giant, and asked flatly.

The giant shook his head, his thinking was a little confused, he frowned, muttering fragmentary words in his mouth, and then suddenly reacted, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Ant, go to hell!" The giant looked irritable and painful, and swung his huge arm down, grabbing Downey.

The fire seed source suddenly lit up, and huge energy particles spewed out, smashing the giant hand that seemed to cover the sky and the sun in an instant.

Downey's face remained unchanged. He could use magic, but similarly, the source of fire could also become his means of fighting.

Mana is a particle of energy, and so is Fire.

The fire source energy, which can be called the particle of creation, is used as a weapon to annihilate every quark of the enemy or even smaller life particles from the microscopic level, and the effect produced is very horrifying.

Just as Downey instantly turned a mountain range into powder, the giant's body was also slowly disappearing.

"It's a pity, a guy who doesn't even have a full consciousness..." Downey sighed, feeling a little regretful.

The giant let out a roar, full of unwillingness, "I am a god, I want to be the only god, how could I be given by you, a lowly creature..."

Downey's eyebrows twitched suddenly, and he asked, "What are you talking about, the only god? You exterminated the Martians in order to become the only god?"

"Oh..." the giant howled in pain, his eyes were full of rage, and he rushed towards Donnie.

Downey sighed helplessly, wandered around the giant, asking a few questions from time to time, but found nothing.

"This giant is worthless at all. The main body is obviously a god of fire and darkness, but now it can only use physical methods to attack..."

After Donnie asked one last question without giving up, he simply killed the killer and wiped out this poor giant completely.

The ground is in a mess, and it may be observed by Earth scientists many years later. As for what kind of waves will be caused, it has nothing to do with Downey.

Donnie found a place, sat down to think carefully, and he felt as if he had grasped something.

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