Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 147 Wakanda War (1)

Adamant alloy technology was "delivered" to Downey in time. . .

There are both incomplete original Adamantium technology and complete second-generation Adamantium alloy technology. In fact, Downey also wanted information about the Beta Adamantium alloy—a special Adamantium alloy mixed with a self-healing factor from Wolverine.

But out of prudent considerations, he still didn't ask for it, otherwise he would not be able to explain the source of the information. If he wanted to get the beta version of the Adamantium alloy information, he could only look for Stryker.

Technology is a trivial matter now, and the attention of the entire military has been attracted by the poor and rich African country Wakanda, and the occupation of Wakanda has become a consensus.

Four full-fledged aircraft carrier battle groups have begun to assemble under the guise of exercises, and 60,000 'elite' soldiers have also begun to be secretly dispatched to a certain base. When the time comes, they will be transported to Wakanda as quickly as possible.

Everything is for the sake of secrecy, in order to hide from agencies such as S.H.I.E.L.D. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. sensed something was wrong, there was no reason and no right to 'intervene'.

"Although there are only 60,000 people, the fully armed mechanized troops are still very deterrent...compared to other African indigenous people."

Standing on an aircraft carrier, Downey felt the salty sea breeze, the tidal air rushing towards his face, and the endless blue ocean, which made people feel refreshed.

The endless sky and the seemingly endless ocean are connected into everything blue, and the tumbling waves set off waves and flowers, and little drops of water slap on the huge aircraft carrier battleship.

This is a different kind of outing, and everyone who knows the details thinks so, but they don't know that they are stepping into hell step by step.

"Donnie, General Ross ordered you to go to his command room." A tall female soldier came over to remind him, and before leaving, she gave him a wink.

Life in the sea is not boring, and these soldiers naturally need other forms of relaxation.

But Donnie's mind was not on this. He tidied up his military uniform, and the sarcasm on his face was fleeting, and the fierceness was buried deep in his heart, and he didn't 'show' it at all.

The mechanic took a step and followed behind the 'female' soldier who was twisting her buttocks.

In the command room, Ross and other general staff members were pointing at the map.

"Donnie, in this war, I plan to send you as the first team to occupy Wakanda." Ross said.

"Me? The military advisor also wants to go to the battlefield?" Downey's expression didn't change, revealing his confusion just right.

Before leaving, he was given the title of "Military Advisor". He has no real power and can speak. For a special person like Downey, this is a position thrown to him by the military because of fear and guard against him.

"Your war weapons are very suitable for this kind of occasion, don't you want to? Don't forget, the 10,000 tons of vibration gold you asked for is still in the hands of those natives." General Ross's voice was stern.

He has never given up on the idea of ​​completely subduing Downey. This time, it was Ross, the commander-in-chief's plan, to pull Downey into the military system and go out with the army. Obey the order, there is a possibility of subduing it, if you don't obey the order, after occupying a large amount of vibrating gold mines, it's time to consider how to clean up a disobedient superhuman like Downey.

With countless vibrating gold, the military can start researching weapons with even more lethal power.

Downey was silent for a while, and then said with a wry smile: "General, I didn't want to join the war at first, I just wanted to hurry up and study the Adamantium alloy technology. It's not that I haven't killed people before, but almost every time I counterattack in self-defense, this time the military The operation is, after all, an invasion of a country that is at peace with the rest of the world..."

The other officers in the meeting room showed a hint of ridicule and contempt.

Rose stared at Downey with a pair of eyes,

Staring at him coldly for a long time, he said in an obviously displeased tone, "If that's the case, then you should fight under threat."

Rose waved his hand, and Downey walked out of the meeting room with his head down.

Several staff members in the meeting room immediately took out a bunch of observation instruments and started observing directly against the walls and the ground.

"Is there any trace of being activated?"

"No, General, everything is fine."

Ross squinted and nodded in satisfaction. This is also a test. Downey's ability will definitely be able to activate the aircraft carrier. If he has evil intentions, he will definitely activate it quietly.

An aircraft carrier is too huge, and it will take a little time for Downey, who is at the peak of the third level, to make a move.

"Boring exploration... I value Wakanda's high-tech aircraft more than this aircraft carrier."

Donnie came outside again, quietly watching the sea like a statue. He considered whether the military would pull him into the war, and if he didn't invite him, he would study Edman alloys with peace of mind and wait for the military to be wiped out; if he was pulled, he would focus on Wakanda's high technology.

It would be great if we could take advantage of the 'chaos' to loot a batch of high-tech technologies.

"I just took this opportunity to observe how far Wakanda's technology tree has developed. When I come next time, it will be time to completely capture Wakanda."

Downey calculated that the Vibration Gold Mine in Wakanda is too precious, and sooner or later he will get his hands on this place, take the entire Vibration Gold Mine completely, and take them to the universe starry sky.

Downey plans to immediately mobilize a million Transformers Legion to besiege and occupy Wakanda when he reaches level four.

Under the guise of an exercise, the four aircraft carriers came to a military base in North Africa, and then diverted to Northeast Africa. Although No. 1 recorded the specific location of the tribe, it only shows that the tribe has a connection with Zhenjin, and the exact location of the Zhenjin mine needs to be caught and tortured.

Well, it's time to give them a few broken guns. The tribes that still use spears as weapons can be imagined as ignorant and backward.

It seems that everything is going for the better.

No. 1 led a team and drove towards the tribe observed earlier in a military vehicle, at least to grab back the head-sized Zhenjin first.

There is also the location of the vibration gold mine.

The bigwigs in the military are already thinking about how to deploy troops in this area, so that they will surround the Vibrating Gold Mine, and not a single fly is allowed to fly in.

Downey also attended the meeting, just sat in the corner and listened obediently. Rose occasionally looked at him with suspicion in his eyes. This cunning old guy always had the most basic vigilance against Downey, especially Downey's performance In such a low-key situation.

A few hours later, when the officers were about to plan, only one of the exploration team was left, and they fled back covered in blood.

Super Soldier No. 1 was drenched in blood, his arms were missing, and the regenerative ability in his body supported him to hold his breath.

This tragic scene shocked everyone and angered everyone.

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