Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1139 I am the end of the American comic world (1)

The terrifying light that belonged to the reality controller finally became larger and larger, and began to rise crazily from the incredible man.

The weird perfect copying ability of the Incredible Man finally touched the realm of reality controllers with full power.

While devouring the emotional spectrum pool crazily, Downey watched this scene with an almost fanatical gaze.

This is what he has been waiting for for a long time, seeing an incredible person in front of him, perfectly replicating the reality controller in his body!

This is also the best way and method for Downey to take the opportunity to touch the ultimate realm and finally get rid of the constraints of the reality controller!

He, Donnie, has never been willing to be oaa's trumpet! ! ! Things like the Reality Controller are always just tools. Whenever there is a chance, Downey will only regard this thing as the most perfect way to rise, not the greatest reliance!

"That's it, that's it. Copy it quickly and copy as many as possible..."

Danny murmured quietly.

He won the bet.

Even if the Incredible Man fails to perfectly replicate the Reality Controller in the end, as long as he can partially replicate it, Downey has already won.

If you think about it carefully, there are many reality controllers in the Almighty Universe. It is an important node specially launched by oaa to control and stabilize the Almighty Universe.

Each real-life controller has its specific position. Even if these real-life controllers are exactly the same, there must be differences in the specific positions. Otherwise, oaa would not have to put so many, and only one controller can stabilize everything.

But now, the real controllers in the same position are about to become two!

This is a challenge to a certain order of the almighty universe, and it is also the most direct challenge to the rules established by oaa!

Two identical real controllers appeared at the same location!

Donnie looked at the incredible man with fiery eyes. He really confirmed that this was a real big treasure.

It is also a substitute destined to be sacrificed by him.


The same beam of light poured out from Downey's body. The reality controller noticed the birth of another self and activated it instinctively. A kind of natural opposition and hostility immediately broke out.

It broke out between Incredible and Downey.

"Well done, you are a genius and the most magical product in the American comic world, but unfortunately, your product will be mine in the next second!!"

Donny didn't wait for the confused and puzzled Incredible Man to react, and almost obsessively dropped the half-eaten Emotional Spectrum Pool, then whizzed towards the Incredible Man.

At this moment, solving the threat of the incredible man is not only Downey's own will, but also the urgent request of the reality controller in his body!

The reality controller spontaneously develops the need to devour the opponent... This situation of perfectly replicating a second self is already an object that must be attacked and destroyed.

Therefore, Downey carried out the instinctive will from the great reality controller with great obedience, and brazenly attacked the incredible man.

"Why did you attack me?!" The incredible man didn't understand the situation and shouted, but Downey ignored him. Anyway, this guy's IQ is not high.

He just needs to make sure he can kill the incredible person.

Downey rushed to the opponent with a big smile on his face, but his attacks were extremely vicious. The most terrifying thing was that Downey didn't use his own power at all, but used the reality controller at the first moment to release the power of the reality controller. To incredible people!

He wants to eat this incredible person alive!

Together with the second reality controller that is about to be copied!

The incredible man was shocked and angry. He just glanced at Downey and instantly learned Downey's fighting method. Then he also imitated the same and activated his own copied reality controller after imitating Downey's appearance...

In the simple mind of the incredible man, he adheres to one truth... If the other party can use something, then I copy it and use it accordingly, and there will be no mistakes. In fact, this is indeed the case. He can copy the opponent perfectly, and then learn to use the opponent's power without any problems.

What a meticulous and impeccable logic.

But after the incredible person imitated Downey's use of the reality controller, and suddenly saw the smile on Downey's face widen, becoming extremely unrestrained and ecstatic... he felt something was wrong.

But it's too late.

The two reality controllers, whose positions are in conflict and sharp opposition, have begun to tear each other crazy. The same power, the same ability, the same authority are all activated at the same time, frantically greeting each other...


This is so fucking exciting.

The two reality controllers took their hosts and activated the highest authority of cannibalism, trying to eat each other's skin, flesh and bones...

At the moment of contact, two terrifying waves swept across the Almighty Universe, destroying everything to a pulp. The order that was supposed to be stable suddenly became chaotic, especially the many reality controllers scattered throughout the omnipotent universe, which suffered the most direct interference and became chaotic and disorderly.

Two identical reality controllers started fighting, competing for authority. This left the other reality controllers at a loss, and their running programs became extremely confusing.

Many gods didn't even understand what was going on. Even the Almighty Four looked at them in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"It must have been Donnie, he's always causing trouble!" Death complained, very dissatisfied.

The other Almighty Four also looked at the deepest part of the Almighty Universe with indifferent expressions, but they all frowned because their entire sight was obscured by the majestic emotional spectrum pool...

They all know more or less about the Emotional Spectrum Pool, and they also know how terrifying and dangerous this big guy is that spreads across the entire Almighty Universe and encompasses all realms under the Ultimate.

Donnie actually went to war with an unknown guy there...?

At this time, where the emotional spectrum pool is, the devouring and biting actions of Downey and the Incredible Man have entered a feverish stage.

Moreover, it was Downey who had the upper hand. Compared to the Incredible Man, Downey was better at cannibalizing people. His pace was much faster than the Incredible Man, and his attacks were more ferocious.

The incredible person bit him and screamed.

Immediately, the Incredible Man also learned all of Downey's cannibal skills, and then bit Downey in turn, trying to devour more shares.

Gradually, it seems that Downey is showing a slight decline. Gradually, he is no longer in the lead. Instead, he is slowly becoming on par with the incredible...

Of course, he did this on purpose!

The more fiercely the two reality controllers devour each other, the more benefits Donnie can get are the parts of himself that belong to the other side.

Exactly the same!

The part he bit off from the incredible man's body was exactly the same as his own, without any difference. The devouring feeling was, to put it bluntly, devouring another self.

What's more noteworthy is that Downey discovered with malicious intent that the Incredible Man had also copied the dark matter that the giant beast had injected into his body...


This idiot is really, really wonderful.

All the puzzle pieces have become perfect at this moment, flawless. The next thing to do is to do everything possible to find the possibility of victory that belongs to Downey from all kinds of crises and uncontrollable risks.

Find that glimmer of possibility that eliminates the reality of controllers and simultaneously pushes your own specifications forward!

Downey was convinced that he had already grasped half of this possibility with his own hands!

Donnie smiled ferociously, sublimating the ability of the reality controller more and more crazily, abandoning everything else, and pushing the power of the reality controller to the extreme.

The incredible man did the same thing, choosing what he thought was the safest method, just as Donnie expected.

The two reality controllers came into contact and fought wildly. The terrifying luster swept over the entire almighty universe, covering everything. At this moment, the entire almighty universe was reduced to a battlefield between the two reality controllers.

The crumbling order has begun to collapse. This is different from the disasters that broke out in the past. This time, it happened among the many reality controllers directly released by oaa.

The confrontation continues, and the two so-called hosts, Downey and the Incredible Man, have been obscured by the light produced by the reality controller.

In this burst of full power, the two reality controllers extracted the corpses of two advanced all-powerful four + oba under all things + all four disciples of the ultimate all-powerful one.

Everything they had began to lose crazily, and it seemed that by the time the two reality controllers fought to the end, Downey and the Incredible Man would be almost useless.

But that's exactly what Downey needed.

"Let me guess, everything you copy is produced by yourself, and my artifact is just a weapon to me... What should I do for you?"

During the battle, Downey whispered to the incredible man.

Incredibly, the man's face turned green with anger.

Yes, artifacts like the cannon are foreign objects to Downey, but to the Incredible Man, the cannon is also copied by his ability and forms a part of him. Even an incredible person cannot throw away the copied power at will, not even the copied artifact.

In front of the Incredible Man, Downey kept the two reality controllers attrition to each other while mobilizing the cannon on his back. The muzzle of the cannon slowly lit up and was aimed at the Incredible Man.

Then, an ultimate peak attack blasted out from the cannon, and it instantly hit... the reality controller copied by the incredible man!

The incomplete reality controller, which was at a disadvantage, received such help and became complete in an instant, and began to compete with Downey's reality controller.

"Very good, that's right." Downey looked at this scene with satisfaction, and then, in front of the incredible man, he quickly wrapped the power of his reality controller around... the cannon!

Donnie, take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to swallow the cannon too!

"With the power I took from the emotional spectrum pool, and taking advantage of the sharp confrontation between the two reality controllers, I completely have everything!"

Donnie carried the cannon and stuffed it into his reality controller.

"Damn it! Donnie, you bastard, you lied to me again!!!" The disciple's frightened curses came from the cannon.

"Of course, of course, who made you so easy to deceive?"

Donnie laughed wildly, receiving the terrifying power fed back from the reality controller with a look of pleasure.

After careful calculation, with Molecule Man, Disciple, and some incredible people, Downey has now almost given a severe bite to all the bad guys in Marvel.

In an instant, with the help of the Reality Controller, Downey's specifications skyrocketed again, reaching the extreme of Almighty Four - even with the blessing of the Reality Controller, that was enough.

"You're next!"

Downey pounced directly on the Incredible Man, relying on his Ultimate Almighty Level 4 to devour the Incredible Man who was still at the level before Downey!

Only with the help of the reality controller can he have the opportunity to reach this step step by step. With such an opportunity!

Without the Reality Controller, Downey wouldn't even be able to pass the level of devouring the Disciple and OBA, because these two guys are not something Downey can match. The Disciple's absolute strength crushes Downey, and Downey can't eat OBA's body. It was to be used to imprison the disciples, so that they could not eat it and could not eat it.

Only by relying on this opportunity, and taking advantage of the precious opportunity when the two reality controllers are depleting each other, causing his own reality controller to become disordered, can Downey have the opportunity to do this, which can not only significantly deplete the reality controller, but also Seize as many disciples and OBA's legacy as possible.

"You were planning to do this from the beginning, right?"

The incredible man looked at Donnie in disbelief and shouted: "But how is this possible? How do you know me?! No living being has ever noticed my birth!!"

"Because I hold information that you don't know! I have already arranged your fate from birth to death. You just need to accept it honestly!!"

Downey pounced on the Incredible Man fiercely. This time, for the final devouring of the Incredible Man, Downey no longer needed a reality controller!

With all the peak disciples and OBA's corpse, Downey has the ability to attack incredible people on his own!

Especially, it is incredible that at this time, excluding the components of the copied cannon, Downey is still as strong as before.

The incredible man cursed angrily, and his body began to change forms, trying to replicate Downey's current peak state, which is the state of the ultimate almighty fourth Downey!

Unfortunately, he can no longer do it.

"It's too late. If you start a new copy now, the reality controller will not let you go! You...can't retreat anymore!!!"

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