Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 114: The End of the Song (1)

The owl killer, Amanda, dragged a sack and walked up to Downey. Someone in the sack was struggling and whining. Amanda handled it well and tied this man tightly.

Professional killer Amanda, some things will be more efficient if left to professionals. At least for now, it is not at fault for Downey to choose to take her away.

Donnie roughly tore open the sack, dragged the clown out, and ripped the rope off his mouth.

"We finally met, clown. Speaking of which, this should be the first official meeting between the two of us... The video call last time was really not good. Some things should be discussed face to face." Downey said.

Amanda used some tricks of the owl court to catch the clown's whereabouts. She didn't know what Downey had planned, but that didn't matter anymore. The Falcone family chose to cooperate with Downey, at least to show their value .

"Hoohoo~~~ Donny? I thought it was the S.H.I.E.L.D. that caught me. They are always annoying, but I didn't expect you to catch me——this beautiful lady, I am lucky enough to know you Your name?" The clown shook his head, let out strange smiles, and asked Amanda happily.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. caught him, he would be troublesome, but if Downey caught him, he would be safe.

Amanda looked indifferent and didn't even look at him.

"Clown, I'm considering whether to kill you now, it will save a lot of trouble." Donnie rubbed his chin, thinking seriously.

"No, no, you shouldn't kill me, because keeping me is useful to you. Look, didn't I help you a lot? I helped you achieve your goal. Although I don't know who you are going to deal with, but no I'll help, you can't go so smoothly." The clown chattered endlessly, not nervous at all, because he, a mad dog, didn't know what nervousness was.

But he still doesn't want to die, or he can't die. He wants to tear off Batman's mask and force him to break the principle. He successfully blackened the most perfect justice knight, followed by the dark knight.

Donnie took out a knife and pointed it at the clown's neck.

"It's true that you helped me, but you also calculated me. You wanted Batman to kill me, but you underestimated his bottom line of belief. You and I are nothing more than using each other. We are not that familiar. Now we are done using it." , I should kill you." Downey grabbed the clown by the neck.

"You can't kill him." With a hoarse voice, Batman descended from the sky without a sound, and a rope was thrown out of his hand, tightly entwining the knife in Downey's hand.

Downey snorted coldly,

He has been waiting for Bruce, waiting for Bruce to make a difficult choice.

Downey directly threw the clown to Batman, and said: "You have two choices, kill him, or sit back and watch him be killed by me. You should know that no matter how tight the prison is for a person with a high IQ like the clown , is useless. There will be more ambitious people looking for opportunities to release the clown, causing greater harm."

"Hee hee hee, big bat, he's right, you should kill me, but~~ you won't kill me, because of your stupid moral constraints, if it's Donnie, that bastard will do it without hesitation .”


Donnie went up and kicked him unceremoniously, so hard that he almost killed the clown. Downey doesn't have so many scruples, such as morality and bottom line, these veterans of the Justice League are very particular, but Downey doesn't care about this, he can solve the trouble, and he kills without hesitation.

"You're right, I won't kill you, but I will put you in a prison that can never be opened, and you will spend the rest of your life in prison," Batman said.

"Yeah, you can solve my troubles, Donnie, you have nothing to do, but, what about the others? You don't really think that I will take the risk of putting myself in it. Let's have a fair boxing match with you ? My secret weapon is two ships and a man—”

In the next second, Downey threw two bombs in front of the clown and looked at him jokingly: "Using the method of planting bombs, let a civilian ship and a criminal ship hold each other's detonators, torture Human nature... Clown, you are a genius, and you are extremely accurate in grasping people's hearts. Unfortunately, I will not give you this chance. There are people from me on those two ships."

There were armed men from the old town on the boat transporting civilians, and there were also people loyal to Downey on the boat escorting criminals.

Although he didn't personally participate in the affairs of the old town, under his instruction, several people including Anderson publicized Downey's role in it. This may not be enough for Downey to cultivate everyone into loyalists who are willing to take bullets for him, but it is enough for many people to favor him emotionally and emotionally at critical times.

Downey's prestige in this city has far exceeded many people's expectations. Whether it is a dark force like the Owl Court or the common people at the bottom, countless people have great fear or expectations for Downey.

There are also many people who are loyal to Downey, although Downey has not shown up a few times in total.

"I've never had high hopes for people's hearts. Trusting them and giving them the possibility to betray you are two completely different things. This is also the difference between me and you, clown." Downey said flatly, turning his head to look again. Looking at Batman, "You know better than me that as long as the Joker is alive, he will definitely cause greater harm in the future."

Batman doesn't respond to Downey.

His perception of Downey was very complicated. In his eyes, Downey was a real villain, and even to some extent, he had caused crimes far beyond those of heinous criminals. But Downey did it in the right way, using a bloody and cruel process to pave the way for a possible good result.

A superhuman like Downey is more terrifying than a criminal, because Downey doesn't take human life seriously, as long as he thinks what he is doing is correct, even if it causes countless destruction and death.

Batman put away the fleeting complicated gaze, looked at the Joker calmly and rationally, and said hoarsely: "There is only one person left, what did you do to Harvey?"

Downey was the first to sigh, and not answering him was the most appropriate answer. The still immature Batman still had a sense of hope for his beliefs. Downey, as a time traveler, has a clear understanding of some of Batman's views.

As in a later day, after the Joker kills Superman's pregnant girlfriend, Superman in a rage and grief brutally kills the Joker. This is understandable, his wife and children are all dead, and he is not a man if he does not take revenge, but Batman in turn accuses Superman of not doing this.

Master Wayne is a cold and rational person. He knows what terrible disasters will be caused once the extraordinary human beings cross the bottom line in their hearts. In the eyes of Batman, the most untrustworthy thing in the world is the human heart.

Superman's act of killing the Joker for revenge is crossing that line, let alone the current Batman, the middle-aged Batman who acts extreme and cruel is also unacceptable.

This is Batman, forever a mixture of light and dark, indistinguishable from each other. reading net

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