Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1053 Abandoned

Downey was doing things that made countless gods feel crazy and jealous. He was easily touching the wall of origin, feeling the breath from the ancient wall.

Seeing Downey caressing the wall and lost in thought, countless beings almost went crazy.

They were mad with jealousy.

This is touching the wall of origin in person, and it is not the catastrophic result of being passively sucked into the wall, but is directly immune to the suction, and researches unscrupulously.

It's something they dream about.

"Donnie, since you can break free from the wall, you must be able to pull me off the wall! How about a try? As long as you can save me, I will work hard for you in the future!!" Unable to bear it any longer, he yelled at Donnie, his eyes turned red.

It's too enviable, okay...

Even if they knew that Donnie was able to break free from the wall of origin not by relying on his own strength, it was nothing compared to Yuga Khan's ability to break free from the wall by relying on his own strength.

But Downey still did it!

He is the second god who can break free from the wall of origin after Yujia Khan!

The most interesting thing is that Yuga Khan is so powerful and invincible that he can't even resist the suction of the wall of origin. He will be useless after climbing the wall for the second time, and he can only move like them.

But Donnie is different! ! This guy can move freely! You can also touch the wall of origin at will, without being affected at all! ! !

This kind of ability, I don't know how many orders of magnitude have beaten Yujia Khan.

In the past, these gods praised Yuga Khan crazily, because everyone thought that Yuga Khan could do it, conquer or even directly destroy the wall of origin, so as to become their savior and pull them down from this damn thing. Take them to the mysterious and unknown world outside the wall to explore a greater realm.

It's a pity that it's all gone. After Yujia Khan went to the wall for the second time, it was completely abolished and was completely defeated by the wall of origin.

But now, hope came again!

A god of the new generation named Downey, an existence that was ignored and despised by them in the past, although its strength is not worth mentioning compared with Yuga Khan, its resistance to the wall of origin is not known How many multiverses has Yuga Khan beaten!

"You think of a way,

Save us! We are all willing to obey your orders! "

"As long as you give me a chance to explore the world outside the wall, everything about me will be yours..."

"Just use the method you just did! If the robot was eaten by you just now, can you build another one? No? Can you pull us down now?!"

Numerous existences began to stir.

Never before have they been so close to freedom as they are now, they have struggled for too long and don't want to wait any longer.

Especially after the Yuga Khan incident, the birth of hope to its shattering, and then to its birth, is really a process that makes even the gods feel painful.

But Downey, who was stared at by them, didn't even lift his head. He was always touching the wall of origin, and seemed to be thinking about something.

At this time, Downey actually didn't think about anything. After he had just been promoted to the Almighty Cosmic Rank, the almost terrifying power of collecting endless information, after personally touching the wall of origin and feeling the pulse of the breath, he just stood silently, letting go of his thoughts.

Ninth level, the second echelon sequence below the ultimate, the level that can rival the infinite omnipotent universe with his own strength, he finally stood on this peak that was regarded as unreachable by him in the past.

Thousands of years of struggle, plans time after time, conspiracy and trickery time after time, trembling time after time, countless adventures and dangers... Finally, until now, he finally succeeded.

From then on, omniscience and omnipotence.

He also became great.

After a long, long time, Downey sighed softly, with indescribable complexity, and the relaxation of the stone in his heart.

Downey lowered his head, ignoring the expectant gazes of the many gods, with a complicated expression and a calm demeanor, looking at himself.

After devouring the supreme superman, the essence of countless superman, which is directly connected with some mysteries of the world inside the wall, was taken over by Downey.

Just now, when he devoured the Supreme Man, crushed and digested everything about the Supreme Man with the source of fire as the core, Downey witnessed the birth of Superman with his own eyes.

The billions of supermen, the billions of different origins, were directly or indirectly interfered by many forces, intentionally or unintentionally modified, and the origins that were constantly being slightly affected were all seen by Downey.

Some origin changes can’t even make a difference at all. For example, Superman who was also born on Krypton may be born a tenth of a second later than the previous Superman, which has almost no impact.

But different is different.

Downey witnessed the countless births and growths of countless supermen with his own eyes, and personally felt the epic historical context of golden superman and silver superman.

Downey didn't really understand what the core was until he completely melted and absorbed the Supreme Man.

At least part of the core.

The concept of superman is the most miraculous part of the American comic world. Countless conflicting concepts are integrated into one furnace to build an important framework for the world inside the wall.

Without Superman, the world inside the walls will not collapse, but at least it will become more disordered and chaotic than it is now, and many things will get out of control.

"So, when the Watchers entered the world inside the wall, the fusion of those two different qualities led to the birth of the thinking machine Superman." Downey thought silently.

The concept of superman is one of the many coordinates of the world inside the wall, which can be erased, but losing the conspicuous coordinates is equivalent to losing the benchmark, and many things will become more complicated.

The thinking machine superman is the product of this accidental combination of coordinates and forces outside the wall.

In the comics, the thinking machine superman disappeared out of thin air after defeating the positive monitor. This is the so-called disappearance of the concept of eternal existence. Of course it is not dead, but it is not alive either.

"No matter what, Superman has completely disappeared, and this coordinate will also disappear permanently. Whether the world inside the wall will produce a new coordinate concept accidentally or inevitably after countless conflicts, it has nothing to do with me."

Downey slowly raised his head, his face had already regained his composure.

In a very short period of time, Downey's ninth-level thinking has already had a huge amount of information flowing. In the past, it would have taken countless hours for him to sort out the content clearly. Now, it can be done in a flash.

Omniscient and omnipotent, the collection and reception of information can be completed in an instant. Downey's will can easily spread to every remote corner, digging out the deepest hidden mysteries.

As long as he thinks, as long as he is willing to extend his thinking and will all the time, he is the most knowledgeable existence.

For every nine levels, omniscience and omnipotence are the most basic characteristics.

After pondering for a while, Downey slowly withdrew his arm, giving up the imminent thought in his heart.

For Downey now, the whole world inside the wall can barely be said to have no secrets for him-except for the content related to the tenth-level existence and the ninth-level existence, other things, in Downey's eyes , There is no essential difference from a comic with fixed content.

No matter what happens, it will always be there, as long as the ninth and tenth levels are not covered or even erased, it will stay there forever. Downey can easily open the comic book, choose the page number calmly, and watch the comic book he wants. look at something.

No matter what happened, as long as it happened, it was equivalent to appearing in a comic book. No matter how long the interval is, Downey can check it at any time and know what happened.

This is the horror of the ninth level, the omniscience and omnipotence, the endless world, what happens every moment, is really no longer fundamentally different from the fixed and unchanging comic books.

But it's just the world inside the wall.

Don't forget, the wall of origin locks the world inside the wall. No matter how powerful the ninth-level existence is, it can only stare at this narrow area forever, and cannot see the scenery outside.

It feels like an ordinary person, locked in a small room, always with the flies, mosquitoes, comic books and other messy things in the room.

Knowing that there is the most beautiful scenery outside the window, however, a terrible wall blocked both the door and the window.

Just now, when Downey touched the wall of origin, he clearly had an urge. He wanted to push his arm deeper, pass through the wall of origin, and touch the outside world. The shadow gives the feeling of being locked up, and I want to take a look outside the shadow.

This is also what countless existences want to see Downey do.

Since you are immune to the suction of the wall of origin, then of course you have the ability to try to break through the wall of origin, right? ! Even like a ghost, can it slowly shuttle through? !

But they could only watch Downey give up this attempt with regret.

"If I try my best, I should be able to break through the wall of origin, but it's only possible. Even if I succeed, the follow-up risks will be too great..." Downey looked at the wall of origin, pondering.

Even if he can really cross the wall of origin, so what?

The other existences are stupid and don't know what's going on outside the wall, but Downey somehow knows some information.

He knows that the world outside the wall is not just the omnipotent universe.

Once he succeeded in penetrating the wall, the first thing Downey had to face was the terrifying master watcher and the headquarters of the watcher family!

The entire world inside the wall, this huge world, is nothing more than a blemish on the main watcher.

No matter how arrogant Downey was, he didn't feel that after successfully passing through the wall, he was qualified to face the main monitor.

Of course, the main watcher must be too lazy to pay attention to Downey, no one would pay attention to when a cell that came out of nowhere floated up on his body...

The only ones that could have an impact on Downey, to put it bluntly, were the Watchers and the world judges from the place of origin.

"It's not a good idea to go through the wall now...before I solve the problem of the world inside the wall!"

Downey's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he turned around abruptly, indifferently annotating the sight that was peeping from a distant direction.

He was close to the wall of origin, and a lot of eyes couldn't get through. They couldn't see Downey, but Downey could see them.

"Once I can pass through the wall of origin, those guys in the world inside the wall will definitely not be able to bear it, and will attack me like crazy, forcing me to tell them the mystery of passing through the wall..."

"If I don't fear them, my planet will suffer."

Downey looked at these guys indifferently.

"If you can save us from the wall, we will help you kill these bastards that make you feel uncomfortable." On the wall, some gods made a cold voice, as if what they said was true.

Downey turned his gaze back to the wall of origin, and quickly scanned each of them.

Even Yuga Khan just stared at him coldly without saying anything.

It is useless to say more.

Downey looked at them and said slowly, "I will find a way to break the wall of origin. Sooner or later, I will find a way to leave the world inside the wall. If that time really comes..."

"We will do what you say! As long as you can get us out of trouble!"

"No, just getting out of trouble is not enough! Not enough chips! What we want most is not freedom, but the opportunity to explore the world outside the wall! As long as you can open a gap in the wall of origin and let us go out, we are willing to obey your orders!"

A name exists roaring.

Downey sneered, everyone knew this kind of nonsense, and they couldn't believe a word of it. At that time, we had to rely on our strength to speak. Just like now, even if Downey saves them all, they will listen to Downey?

No, what's more likely is that these guys have a sympathetic plan to kill Downey together, and find a way for Downey to be immune to the wall of origin, especially the origin and manufacturing method of the supreme superman.

If Downey had the strength of Yujia Khan, they would be willing to listen to Downey's orders for a short time with vicious thoughts.

Talking about cooperation regardless of strength is a joke.

Downey took a deep look at these guys, and then his eyes fell on a figure who had been sleeping all along.

Shazam, Billy Batson, the mobile turret captured by Yuga Khan, is currently sleeping on the wall of origin. If he hadn't faced the wall, Downey would have smashed one of his clones for him. Charged, he has long been drawn into a mummy by the wall of origin.

Relying on the accumulation provided by Downey's avatar and Downey forcing him into a deep sleep, he can last for a long time, enough to wait until Downey returns again to break the wall of origin with his own hands.

"Oh, there's another guy... Do you really think you can hide from me now?"

Downey suddenly sneered in a low voice, stretched out his hand and grabbed his chest, and pulled it hard!

A wriggling purple-black thing was forcefully pulled out of his body by Downey.

Celestial Eclipse, trying to hide, but Downey had already been staring at him.

"It's an honor for you to have stayed in me for so long, and you should be grateful to me as a funeral for your demise."

Donnie let out a stern smile.

It was because of this bastard that he didn't have any temper at that time, and he was chased and killed by ghosts and phantom strangers, and he had to climb the wall of origin in order to save his life.

He has always remembered it deeply in his heart...

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