Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 856: Thea vs Black Death (3)

Bai Guang entangled Black Dead Emperor's left foot, his backward movement was delayed, and Thea was filled with emotion in the sword, which was a sword to the back heart.

With a gurgling sound, a rancid and uncomfortable smell opened up in the air, the little lady with a little cleanliness forced it, and stirred the holy sword twice in his body.

"You can't kill me." Black Death Emperor seems to be talking about a very ordinary thing.

His body shattered into powder directly, but within a second, his breath appeared again on a black lamp, his body stretched, and a long stick in his hand was still so thin and skeletal, shaped like dry bone.

Can switch freely between all black lights? The Black Death Emperor is not a living body, but more like a collection of wills. The conventional method does not seem to work well, and Thea does n’t know if it should be a war of attrition. She was a little hesitant.

The Black Death Emperor laid a barrier in front of him and turned to leave the world.

At this time, the hero's preciousness was reflected, and when Hal Jordan was in a green light, he ran into the Black Emperor.

"Hal, don't!" Carol Ferris knew that Black Death was dead, and she yelled and rushed to help.

The Black Death Emperor, who was about to step out, was hit by a counterattack. His barriers were all against Fia. Then, knowing that there are still such flanked people around, dare to use his body to slam hard. Is this person's head full of water!

The green light shattered, and the dead air spread instantly, from the contact point of the shoulder to the neck to the face, Hal Jordan's life was not even a second, and he was about to end.

The young lady is still very reliable. She put down her worries and helped Hal to disperse her life. Then she turned around to fight the black emperor.

The two continued to ping-pong-pong-pong-pong. Every black dynasty emperor insisted for a second, his vitality lost countlessly, he had to give up part of the black light ring.

The black lights of the entire universe suddenly stopped collectively for a second, after which some rings left the host and flew away again, which relieved many intelligent planets.

Sensitive to death, Sia naturally saw this change, but the Black Death Emperor wanted to increase revenue and reduce expenditures, and she had no good way to stop it.

The gratitude of the entire universe's intelligent life is transformed into countless wills to fill the balance of order, and thea cannot stop it.

The Black Death Emperor's heart is to run, absorb the previous black giant mountains, and keep offline the black lights to keep himself. Thea no longer actively attacks, but instead uses more defensive methods to reduce consumption and let the heroes fight hard.

Death gas is completely connected, but the defense power of black light and black death emperor is not a level at all. The black light destroyed by the heroes is actually part of black death emperor. This part of death gas is destroyed, and that is gone.

The scene became fierce for a while, and Ganser recalled all the green lights left behind by Odim and the scattered green lights throughout the universe.

Everyone raced against time to eliminate the black light.

From time to time, Thea made a big move, and white light waved in all directions like rain.

She was very cleverly controlled, white light could only kill enemies and destroy death, but not to the extent of resurrection.

"You can't run!" Another sword was chopped on the black death emperor's shoulder, and in the snoring, one of his arms was wiped out by anger, but he also took the opportunity to open a passage behind him and jumped in without looking. .

Thea thought for two seconds, and did not know how long the lantern ring would persist in it, but eventually decided to pursue it, because she found that the channel opened by the Black Death Emperor turned out to be a time channel.

At the end of time, there is the main council of time. At the beginning of time, there is an endless family. She is afraid of a fart!

Although time is not her home field, there is no one to hold her back.

At the moment of entering the time channel, the white light or energy became 99%.

Thea didn't care. Time was fair to all things. Daxside Heavenly Father is far from time. It is because of this fairness that too strong force will enter the time and will be cut like dogs.

She had only been able to enter as a lone before, and now she has escaped this dilemma by virtue of her status as a death reserve.

Thea didn't think that the Black Death Emperor had the same situation.

"This is the time channel, I will go after him." With a word, she rushed in.

As a reminder, if any superhero has to go in, you can't blame her.

The long river of time is as vast as ever, with all kinds of strange and strange, the original three-dimensional world has a new change here, the space is like a card frame, in her eyes all meal.

Here are the dimensions stacked up by countless three-dimensional worlds. A large number of three-dimensional projections appear in front of her eyes. Thea's eyes penetrate the time and soon find the Black Death Emperor. The place is not far away.

"You are chasing death, new god!" The black death emperor watched the white light on her body begin to fade, and there was a hint of pride in his tone.

What kind of atmosphere Hu is blowing, Sia also sees that the momentum on the other side is less than one-fifth of the original, a large size without weapons, no blood and no blue, what is terrible.

Unexpectedly, Hei Shidi did not fight back, but fled along the flow of time, and occasionally jumped into time to dodge.

Two people ran, one chased, the time was around or advance or retreat, the first second was in the Middle Ages, and the second was already in the 30th century.

I also encountered Miss Speed ​​and Ballistic on the road, and Sia waved at them to signal that this is a big guy, and you should go back to rest.

They kept jumping on the time line, fighting sometimes, and continuing to run. Time weakened the Black Death Emperor very little, almost as little as possible. Thea was even more jealous of his death. live.

"Hey, Diya-here I am ..." As they quickly passed a certain time segment, Diya found that someone seemed to call herself below ~ ~ but how could that be! Her dynamic vision is so strong that she has no friends, and even if it is just a glance, the person's appearance is restored in her mind.

Bare-chested, wearing cloth trousers and a beard, his face seemed to be on a ship.

Who is this person? She thought about it for a long time, and suddenly thought of a person, I rely on, that is Bruce Wayne! This goods is wearing a mask every day, it would not be so easy to recognize it if it was not the highly recognizable square chin.

She continued to pursue the Black Death Emperor, but she summoned the Golden Pioneer and took Master Bruce back to the vanishing point before saying anything else.

"Stop it for me!" Thea radiated two rays in her eyes. Since killing the starving god, her rays have taken it to the next level.

It is impossible to obliterate the Black Death Emperor, let alone say that she cannot do it, neither can Dakside, but it can temporarily block the enemy.

Black Death Emperor did not carry it with his body, and ran two steps to the left. He found that the rays could be traced, but he smashed the rays with the shackles on his left wrist. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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