Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 51: Not a pleasant meeting

The crowd parked the flying vehicle on the campus clearing, and the police officer who acted as a temporary pilot reluctantly touched the joystick. Seeing his expression, he could not wait to live on the plane, so that he could strategically turn in at any time, but the director's order had to be heard. Be able to keep up with the big troops three steps at a time.

西 Thea here also took Felicity off the skateboard briskly, just when she wanted to ask Catwoman where the other two teammates were.

"Dad, you're finally back, you're okay." I saw a young girl with a red hair and a stylish dress hugging Director Gordon's neck and said nothing, she was followed by a thin, thin young man with black hair.

"I'm okay, Barbara." The old director was a little unaccustomed to hugging and hugging in the large court, and the two reluctantly hugged and let go.

It seems that this girl is a bat girl, and the man is Robin's night wing. Thea didn't go up to say hello. Once she couldn't make a mistake, the second thing was that she was just not good at helping soldiers, and the main force was them.

The crowd couldn't swarm into the door to speak, Director Gordon greeted everyone to go inside. A few people along the way were very quiet, only to hear Barbara keep asking East and West, what Batman was found, did the state government send troops?

Halfway, Director Gordon interrupted her to introduce the two of them once, but she just nodded slightly and continued talking to her father.

Sure enough, people in this city are a little sick. What are you proud of? When you begged me, Thea observed all the way and found that this woman was really no city. She only talked to her father and the Robin next to her. Several police officers did not ask. I don't know how this person's IQ is, but his EQ is obviously not high.

No wonder he was paralyzed by the clown in the future. After three years in a wheelchair, he felt regretful.

In the impression, she received the teachings of Richard Long after being injured, and learned the Linghu hero who has been lost for many years. She sat and played the first stunt in the world, and broke into the name of the **** by a wheelchair. I imagined that kind of scene, and my heart was a little bit cold. At that time, I must come to see it. I am a noble person, definitely not for ridicule. I must have an attitude of learning and learning. Well, that ’s it.

I walked along and suddenly found that the number of the team seemed wrong, eh? Catwoman? Thea looked around and found that Catwoman was silently walking at the end of the team. There was a sense of inexplicability in the expression. What does this mean? Are these two women in conflict?

In fact, she really guessed correctly. Barbara usually dragged two and a half thousand to eighty thousand. She always looked down on the catwoman who stole the dog and thought it was a blasphemy to the so-called cause of justice. In addition, Robin gave her every chance. What is it? Catwoman went out to look for reinforcements.

If it wasn't for the recovery of Batman and her old personality, it would be a matter of my brother Tan's death.

"Hey, did you borrow a place to change your clothes?" Thea stayed in place for a while while the catwoman came to her side and asked softly, this dress is not easy to wear, and it is exhausting to take it off. She was especially envious of the speed of changing clothes like Flash.

"Come with me" The two greeted the troops and Catwoman led Thea to the side.

"Let's have a meeting in the conference room in a while ..." Director Gordon said quickly, Catwoman beckoned from afar and said she knew.

Uh ...

I changed into a breezy dress, and Sia recovered her innocuous little white flower identity, followed Catwoman to the door of a conference room.

Along the way, I found a lot of people lying in the school building densely, some suits and some T-shirts and shorts, but these people have a feature of inactivity, almost everyone has blood on them, many people still Bandaged.

I walked into the conference room and everyone made a formal introduction. This work can only be done by catwoman who is familiar with both sides.

"This is Thea Quinn codenamed Red Arrow, this is Felicity Smoker, a computer expert"

"The two here are my teammates Batgirl Gordon and Robin Dick Gleason."

Now that it has been formally introduced, Barbara Gordon can't ignore Sia as she did just now, just a few nonsense, long time, long time, good father, good mother, etc. Your dad is buried in the sea, do you still ask him? This is simply not taking yourself seriously, or not knowing who you are at all.

After a few polite words, the small conference room fell into a strange tranquility.

Except for the Star City duo, several others are staring at each other. No one seems to want to speak, and even Barbara, who was suspected of making a lot of nonsense, closed her mouth.

The atmosphere is strange for them. Why don't they talk? Do these people have the ability to communicate like Professor X? But this is obviously impossible. They need to be able to run Bain every minute, so they don't have to run so far.

He looked at Felicity calmly and shook his head to signal that we should look at it first.

Barbara didn't know what it was, and suddenly she called up the courage, and said passionately, "I saw you guys built a helicopter. This is really great! We should fly over to attack Bain, as long as Bain is killed, Can rescue Gotham. "

刚 She was a little hesitant at the beginning, but the more she said the happier she was, as if Bain was lying on the ground and waiting for her to pick.

Lu Xia didn't quite understand her inner activities, and also resisted the fact that the helicopter was her own ~ ~ holding her chin in her right hand to see what insights she could continue to express.

"What do you mean?" Barbara watched her say that no one responded, and she was a little stunned.

"Okay, good idea." Robin and she are in love, and he unconditionally supports what his girlfriend says.

Catwoman didn't agree or disagree, Director Gordon seemed very helpless. Usually, this kind of thing is understood by Batman, and a few others are left to perform, but now this understandable person doesn't know where to go. The next few didn't even have an idea.

He did command intentionally, but several people did not listen to him at all. Even his own daughter was as good as Tau Niu, and his own right to speak in this team has not been strong.

When he also wanted to say yes, Xia finally saw the problems of these people, that is, his subjective initiative was too poor, and the unpleasant point was that he didn't use his mind. He usually felt bad when he brushed a few bosses with Batman's thigh No way.

有 One of the people in this room is an ordinary person, there is no intensifier and no ability. This team is ready to sharpen and go to Ganbain? Do you know his strength? Those with dark eyes will go up to blame, I really do n’t know how to write dead words.

I have to fight for some initiative. Otherwise, these goods can bring the team to the ditch. As long as Bain can't fly, he can run away with full horsepower. Felicity ca n’t run away. She pulls up. It's not as good as an ordinary person if you can't do a few upwards. I wouldn't bring her here if I knew it.

"Papa" Thea clapped her hands and attracted the idea of ​​a few people.

"Good idea is really a good idea!" Then he stretched his thumbs towards Barba.

"You came up with this idea while sitting with the gorilla and eating cookies?" Thea looked at her seriously.

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