Time has proven that although Mellie is not a reliable friend, she will definitely not be the player's enemy.

So the rewards from the last Shimmering Butterfly mission are still credible.

In the near future, players will face a huge challenge, but also an unprecedented opportunity.

"In this mission, don't be confused and afraid by the power of time reincarnation. If you want to achieve the mission goal of the highest reward, the most direct method is difficult to say, but it is not easy to say simple."

"From now on, you will continue to train your strength. When the time comes, no matter whether it is a group fight or a one-on-one fight, as long as you can defeat the final boss, you will be able to achieve the highest achievement."

The exact words that Melly said at that time were announced verbatim by Hot Dog Zhenxiang, and as the news spread, the entire player group exploded.


Is there any mistake, how powerful do we players have to experience the legendary and mysterious power of time?

A large-scale mission open to all players would actually hide such mysterious information. If Hot Dog Makixiang hadn't been willing to announce this news, how many people would have been attracted by the mysterious power of time when the mission began?

Is this true?

A little too exciting?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the value behind this news. If Hot Dog Zhenxiang chooses to keep this news to himself, he will definitely be able to take advantage of the task and gain more benefits.

Meili's words already stated that the task would be distributed with different levels of rewards depending on the degree of completion. It might be the same as the normal Shimmer Butterfly task. The more you kill, the higher the reward.

Of course, this mission may not be as straightforward as the last one, after all, the power system is not on the same level at all.

For players to directly confront the power of time, it is almost impossible to win. There should be many mysteries hidden in this task.

However, after going through Mei Li's training, the senior management of the strategy team also secretly expressed the meaning of "Who knows what kind of power our players will face, so remember not to take any chances."

After this, all the players paid more and more attention to Mellie's second sentence.

Strength, what this mission requires is upright strength, don't care about other bells and whistles.

As long as you have enough power to defeat one or some hostile entities in the mission, you can get the highest reward for this mission.

Therefore, although many players know very well that the power required to obtain the highest reward must be extraordinary, perhaps only the most powerful Kiriko-sama among the players can achieve the highest achievement.

But this still cannot stop their desire for strength.

The lifting of the seal, the opening of the second level, and the previously untouchable magic (spiritual power) between heaven and earth have given players new hope.

On the day when the second floor was opened, the largest and most prosperous city on the first floor, Tolbana, welcomed several distinguished guests. These people were either young and beautiful, some were wise with vicissitudes of life, or some were majestic, and they seemed to have an extraordinary aura. momentum.

According to these guys who had to express some extremely high-pitched lines no matter what they saw along the way, the weak but vital scenery they saw was like the entire Aincrad. special hope.

If you pretend well, many players will naturally use the excuse of paying homage to their seniors to express their friendship and seek opportunities.

To put it bluntly, I saw a few people pretending to be a bit charming and wanted to go up and get some hidden tasks or something. At that time, whether I reported it to the strategy team or did it myself, I could make a fortune.

However, countless players came and went to communicate, and except for a few people laughing and praising that the boy was teachable, no one got any substantive tasks or rewards, so slowly more and more people watched. , fewer and fewer people are going up.

Just when the fat city lord that almost no one had ever seen came to crowd out the group of players with a large group of guards,

When he suddenly appeared on the street and bowed in front of several people with tears streaming down his face, all the players were stunned.

It unfolds a bit suddenly, so take it easy first.

Players have the impression that this bastard city lord never sees anyone when important events happen. Most of the time, he just stays in the house and does nothing, just collecting taxes from players, and the amount is not low, saying that it is for future work. Make plans for whatever you want.

If the town had not provided a stable and orderly environment where no one would dare to cause trouble, the players might have complained privately.

Not long after, several people walked into the mansion under the leadership of the city lord. The onlookers dispersed when they saw that there was nothing to see anymore.

At the same time, the discussion on this matter on the forum has become increasingly heated.

Now that the second floor passage has just been opened, there are so many powerful-looking experts appearing. It is definitely impossible to say that they have nothing to do with the ones above.

Maybe the big boss coming down from above is planning to do something big?

Lin Qingyin, who was looking for trouble with a special boss deep in the second floor, also received the message, and then just glanced at it and turned it off.

The sudden appearance of a few big guys should cause quite a stir, but I don't know what they want to do. It can be expected that this matter should be beneficial to the players.

Let’s wait until the real news is released.

Turning to look at the monkey-shaped boss who was pinned to the ground by Wuhe Shizhi and unable to move at all, and who was famous in the entire second-level circle and made many NPCs fearful of him, Lin Qingyin went up with a facial expression and decisively made up for it with a sword.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Qingyin didn't even look at the boss.

There is no way, the main reason why this monkey-shaped boss makes all NPCs talk about monkeys is because it likes to use its pair of big sausage lips to show its heart to other creatures.

For specific information, please refer to a certain chicken, you are so beautiful.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy got makeup and other things from nowhere to dress himself up in red and green colors, and he paid special attention to the red color on his lips, which is so red that it makes people's scalp tingle just looking at it.

Anyone who has seen its heart-warming action once will definitely swear from the bottom of his heart that he will never want to see it again.

If nausea can cause harm, maybe the number of NPCs on the second level will be half of what it is now.

They also organized manpower to kill this seemingly perverted monster. At first, many people did not believe that the thing could be so disgusting, so they signed up to participate in the battle, but all of them were disgusted by it.

This monkey boss doesn't have much merit, it doesn't do much damage, and its movements aren't as agile as those of ordinary monkeys, but it's very durable. Even if you use all of your big moves to unleash a small universe burst, you won't be able to kill it in a short time, and he's right next to you. It will jump up and down next to you, tickle you twice, and then run up to you and do a magnified heart comparison.

It is said that many warriors were so disgusted by it that they fainted, and the strangulation brigade composed of NPCs gave up killing it several times because it was too durable.

Located in the depths of the second level, no one wants to be entangled with this ugly monster for too long. First, it is disgusting. Second, if the battle is too long, the noise will be too loud and the monsters in the depths will gather there.

Therefore, when Lin Qingyin heard the news, she decisively accepted the mission with extremely generous rewards, and brought the real boss, Wuhe Shizhi, to kill the monster directly to prevent it from continuing to cause harm to the world.

Seeing Wuhe Shizhi angrily kicking and whipping the corpse of the monkey-shaped boss, Lin Qingyin thought about whether he should let her find something to do.

It bothers me all day long, and it is inconvenient to fight monsters. Although if you just do last hits, you will level up quickly, but the feeling and awareness of combat cannot be practiced, and it will not be a problem in the long run.


"Shizhi, I remember you said someone invited you to give a speech before?"

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