Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

Chapter 441 Suicide Terrorist Attack

"What is this card?"

"It..." Just as Tongzi was about to explain the function of the card, the black shadow suddenly became excited as if he had seen some strange object, and the black aura on his body fluctuated greatly.

Taking a deep look at Tongzi, the black shadow seemed to want to write this person down.

Then, he stepped forward and pushed the card back into Tongzi's hand to signal her to keep the item. Then unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he suddenly bent his legs slightly and jumped into the air. When he reached the top, a huge spaceship appeared under his feet. Before anyone else could react, everyone was transferred aboard through the magic array that came with the spacecraft.

"Are we going to catch up?" Hot Dog Moxiang stepped on the spaceship that was also made of black shadows, looking a little surprised.

The boss he summoned seems to be a bit awesome, he can even build a spaceship.

The black shadow stood at the front of the spacecraft with his hands on his chest and his head slightly raised. The black aura flying in the wind seemed extremely pretentious. With a single wave of his right hand, the entire spacecraft suddenly entered a state of acceleration.

If his very pale body hadn't betrayed his current state, maybe the people watching the live broadcast would have cheered.

After the boss took the initiative to break away from the battle and ran away, until no one could catch up, and then the black shadow suddenly changed his mind and chased after him, the audience watching the whole process had their hearts jumping up and down.

Everyone knows the key point. It was the mysterious-looking card that Kiriko took out that made Sombra decide to pursue him. Looking at Sombra's current appearance that he might die at any time, everyone probably knows about him. The reason why I didn’t catch up before.

"Can that card give me the strength to fight against the Shimmer Butterfly Queen?" Hot Dog Moka asked the black shadow who was busy showing off.

As a result, the black shadow shook his head decisively.

Seeing this, the hot dog is really delicious and he shouted in his heart: "Then why are you chasing after me in such a hurry?" Giving away heads?

Looking at the rapidly retreating trees all around, Hot Dog Moka and the others couldn't help but feel panicked. However, Tongzi was suspicious of Heiying's shaking head. Judging from Mei Li's performance and the description of the card, it didn't feel like it was impossible. Fighting against the Shimmer Butterfly Queen.

In the air, they could clearly see the Queen flying forward rapidly in the distance, and the distance between the two was slowly closing.

Seeing this situation, Tongzi knew that she would take action when she caught up. However, the previous failure to use the card had been affecting her confidence in herself, so she now held the card in her hand and wanted to Try it again.

Maybe the previous failure was because I just shouted the dream summons in my heart instead of shouting it directly?

Just when Tongzi raised the card and wanted to try again, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her from the bow of the ship, holding the card with one hand to stop Tongzi's movement.

Unfortunately, there was a surge of black air in the shadow's mouth and he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

The black shadow really wanted to hit someone at this moment, but he couldn't bring himself to attack the people on the spaceship, so he could only glare angrily at the hot dog.

The hot dog is really fragrant and can only express its innocence: Can you blame me?

In the end, as he gradually caught up with the shimmering butterfly queen flying along the river, Black Shadow could only sigh helplessly no matter how arrogant he was. It was not that he had never thought of expressing his thoughts through painting, but he just felt that writing like this It's too embarrassing to write and draw. Now it seems that if I don't give some instructions, these little guys might mess up things later.

I don’t know what Mei Li thinks. She doesn’t give any warnings when giving things to others and has to worry about it herself.

This little girl can even give up the card. If it were her, she wouldn't give it to others even if it was left in the treasure house to get moldy.

Unless those are particularly pleasing to the eye...

To take this thing out casually in front of the whole world is really ignorant to the point of naivety. After its effects are revealed, I am afraid there will be countless more ignorant people who will covet this card.

However, this little girl made Heiying feel more pleasing to the eye. Apart from the sense of familiarity that he didn't know where it came from at first, when he saw the card that he originally commissioned Mellie to explore Illya and finally managed to bypass the will of the world. After appearing in the other party's hands, Heiying felt that the other party might be able to help her in the future.

It must be reasonable for Meili to give things to others, and there is no need to be too suspicious at all, so after seeing the card, Heiying immediately asked Tongzi to take it back.

He glared at Hot Dog Zhenxiang fiercely again, and while there was still a little time left, Heiying didn't want to cause any further trouble, so he simply waved Hot Dog Zhenxiang Noodles to come to him, and then stretched out his finger to tap the other person's forehead.

A brand new task appeared in the task bar of Hot Dog Really Fragrant.

Return of the divine object:

In the future, return Enk~ to the Ancient King with your own hands. Reward: Unknown (Everything I like is my king’s!)

Looking at the unknown rewards of the new mission and the overbearing description at the end, Hot Dog So Fragrant felt a bit dumbfounded.

No matter how you look at it, you feel like you are being offered a free hand, and I haven’t even asked if you will accept it...

After finishing the last thing he was still worried about, Black Shadow no longer had any worries and began to control the spacecraft to fly towards the Shimmer Butterfly Queen with all its strength.

At the same time, black subtitles appeared in front of him.

"Everyone except the little girl is ready to jump into the river"

In the end, the black shadow did not express himself through writing and drawing, but chose to use his remaining power to construct fonts out of thin air to inform others.

Ignoring other people's questions about the sudden request to jump into the river, the black shadow continued to talk to himself.

"Little girl, you can only use that card for a very short time now."

"I will control Vimana to hit that ugly butterfly later."

"No matter what kind of power you touch at that moment, just remember one thing."

"Just let out all that power."

Tongzi looked at all the fonts, then looked at the increasingly transparent body of the black shadow, and nodded with understanding.

The spaceship has arrived behind and above the Shimmer Butterfly Queen. The queen has long since discovered the spaceship that is approaching quickly, and has also seen the dark shadow that was entangled with it on the bow of the ship. Seeing that the other party is getting closer and closer, she has no good solution. Just fly forward headlong.

The spacecraft began to tilt, aiming at the path that the Shimmering Butterfly Queen must pass. A layer of magic barrier in the air dissipated, making everyone feel the pain of the air scraping against their bodies, and their blood volume began to drop.

Glancing down at the river, which only occupied one-third of the field of view, everyone shuddered.

At this height, no one would be killed...

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