Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

Chapter 365 The Interactive Link of Existence

Lin Qingyin's goal is to perform on stage tonight, and she will still sing on stage as a two-dimensional character living in the three-dimensional world. The news released to the outside world is "Saber will be on the show tonight."

And after the audience got the news, they were also overwhelmed because they hadn't seen Saber up close in reality for a long time. One day on the stage, their desire and love for the dreamy two-dimensional dimension will never retreat.

Therefore, Lin Qingyin's performance this time is still the finale, but the finale may be different this time.

Looking at the stage that has been built, the scene over there is very similar to the stage that Wuhe Shiori used to sing in order to find himself on stage. The two-dimensional demeanor is vivid, but the fly in the ointment is that it is a pity that the difference cannot be fully restored. The charm of reality, otherwise it can bring more surprises to the audience.

But it’s okay, after all, the texture of reality and science and technology are there, and it’s only natural that it can’t be fully restored. Anyway, Lin Qingyin is very confident in tonight’s performance.

Of course, only Lin Qingyin and the relevant staff at Station B knew the intention of the stage being specially arranged, and they only declared to the outside world that "the reason why the stage is made to look like a two-dimensional style is just to bring a better look and feel to the majority of ACG fans. experience".

This approach of always thinking about the audience has also won wide acclaim. In the past few days, after watching the stage up close, many people praised the anniversary event for being well organized.

It is the first time for many people to see that the stage can be arranged in a two-dimensional style. Even the holographic concert of a virtual singer in the past did not have enough money to decorate the stage carefully. The reason why B can do more than that There is also a reason for the generous investment of .

Lin Qingyin silently counted the property she had saved for a long time without spending much, and for some reason a sense of sadness welled up in her heart.

"Ou Neijiang, is our plan to buy a house in vain..." At the same time, younger sister Lin Qingxian stared at the big stage with ecstasy, and asked an embarrassing question in a very sensible voice.

"Ah ╯﹏╰" sighed helplessly, Lin Qingyin said that she really didn't expect that a holographic concert would cost a lot.

Although in my current state, as long as I open my mouth, no matter what other people I don’t know, on the side of station B alone, it’s easy to agree to such a thing as giving myself a suite.

It's a pity that Lin Qingyin doesn't want to owe others anything, and she doesn't really hope that other people will know where she lives, and she also has her own plan for what kind of home she wants to have. If it doesn't meet the standard, that's another story.

Thinking that the influential people of my generation would actually worry about money.

But in order to bring everyone a perfect viewing experience, Lin Qingyin also thinks it's good to do so.

Station B is still a profit-oriented listed company in essence, so it can’t spend a large sum of money to add a different style to the concert, because the investment and the income don’t seem to be directly proportional, it’s just to balance the two sides The gains and losses are just doing our part to ensure that one's own side does not lose.

If there is a cutie, the number of people present will definitely not be small. The venue is so big, it is unrealistic to increase the flow of people by a large margin. At most, it will be an extra layer of enthusiasm after the fact that the news is already overwhelming. .

When the base is already large enough, the need for continued investment will be greatly reduced.

What's more, Lin Qingyin looked at the task that popped up suddenly a few days ago that the system didn't know what to think, and looked at the "mysterious reward" written on it if she pushed this event to another climax, she felt really A little excited.

Anyway, it is impossible to lose money.

It is impossible to lose in this life.

Money and everything are just things outside the body, so don't worry too much about it.



After dinner, as the sky gradually dimmed, the performance also kicked off amidst the glow of fluorescent sticks.

The two-dimensional stage is naturally different from the Spring Festival Gala, which is either sketches or singing and occasional poetry recitation.

It's not that those performances are not exciting enough, and none of the programs that can be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala are of poor quality.

It's just that in the eyes of young people today, some programs do not meet their appreciation cognition.

Station B originally wanted to learn from those large-scale gatherings and hold some opening events. Leaders or celebrities go up to give speeches, while talking about their own glorious and rough history, while preparing to strengthen the current situation of Station B through speeches. The atmosphere of the two-dimensional home is being created with all our strength.

Therefore, the official invited Lin Qingyin, hoping that she could speak a few words as a representative.

In the end, Lin Qingyin dispelled the idea of ​​talking nonsense at the beginning with a few words.

"Think about the fact that most of the audience in your audience are (like me) young people in their teenage years. How many of these nasty things have they experienced?"

"If you want to do it, do the activities that are most suitable for the young people. Don't copy the old-fashioned things. No matter how nice the words are, no matter how you try to cater, it will only have the opposite effect."

Then, in the praise of "you are still young people who understand young people", it has created a situation where there is now a program that can stimulate people's emotions from the very beginning.

Anyway, the introduction or something can be done after a few words from the host. The most important thing tonight is that the audience can watch and have fun.

Not only watching and listening, station B also prepared a lot of interactive programs with the audience.

So here comes the question, what opening can mobilize all the emotions of the audience?

It's very simple, put the poison and you're done.

As the well-known and irresistible magic song and dance in the station - the pure land of bliss, those who have heard it and seen it certainly know its toxicity. Moreover, this time station B invited the original dance trio of the pure land of bliss to accompany the dance. With charming expressions and provocative dance steps, even viewers who haven't watched it will probably become addicted to "drugs" after this time.

This poison lasts forever, and it refers to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Anyway, if you search for this word on the Internet, almost all the topics that come up are about the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Accompanied by the music with a strong sense of rhythm, the three people on the stage showed their charming and seductive movements that can almost bend normal women, and the cheers of the audience were overwhelming.

There are many videos of the three of them on station B, and there are also many MMDs of the pure land of bliss, but none of them have the thrill of trembling and being teased when seeing the real thing up close.

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