Regardless of Shidou and Kotori who were embarrassingly discussing memory issues, Lin Qingyin hurried to the other side.

If it is said that when a person is knocked down from the sky, it is a symbol of defeat, then Tohka, who has been lying on the ground and passed out, has completely failed, losing to Origami who should have become her emotional enemy.

In the past, after groping her body for a while to investigate Tohka's situation, and found that she was fine, Lin Qingyin used the power of time acceleration to appear among the three who were still fighting in the sky.

Although Origami was very anxious, he hadn't really reached the point where he wanted to kill anyone, but he was merciful to Tohka, an elf who was (stupid) in my impression and had no (one) evil (horse) , if Wuhe Shidao hadn't used his body to block Kotori, which is within reach for Origami, she wouldn't have really done it like that.

The reason why there are still three people in the fighting place is that besides Yoshino and Origami who were already there, there is another one who is Takamiya Mana. Mana, as the current strongest combat force on the AST side, was sent in advance to stop it from being used. Origami of Forbidden Weapon.

Mana's current combat power is a bit stronger than the half-baked Tohka who was knocked out just now, and he is naturally not an opponent when he meets the crazy Origami, but because he knows the danger of Origami driving the mech, Mana has been attacking Origami with verbal attacks the spirit of.

Originally, Mana didn't want to cooperate with Yoshino, who is obviously an elf, but unfortunately, after Origami took two blows from the cannon and the cross hammer of the lightsaber, she decisively chose to fight against Origami with Yoshino, and those two hits almost killed her My aunt's blood was poured out.

The fight was in full swing. To be precise, Mana and Yoshino were beaten back steadily. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the middle, and Takamiya Shin recognized the opponent at a glance. It was one of the purposes of rushing here by himself. ——Tokisaki Kurumi, was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat, and quickly backed away a long way. She has fully understood the glorious record of Tokisaki Kurumi, the most evil elf, in the past few days in AST. It is still the unilateral advantage when fighting against other elves, which makes Mana jealous of Tokisaki Kurumi. She, who claims to be a genius and belongs to the top five levels of display device driving skills in the world, also knows that with the current wearing This set of scumbags can't even hold origami, let alone Tokisaki Kurumi.

And Lin Qingyin, who suddenly appeared among several people, sideways and accurately pulled the lightsaber that Origami was attacking and guided it to the other side, causing Origami's body flying in the air to stagger. Knock out.

It has to be said that Lin Qingyin has become more and more proficient in the unique skill of slashing the back of the neck with a knife, and the movements of pulling, turning and raising her hands are done in one go, and the process is as smooth as some old drivers unbuttoning girls' clothes.

It's a pity that Origami is no longer an existence to be slaughtered by others. Even if the lightsaber in his hand is pulled away and his body is in an uncoordinated state, it is still possible to shoot around.

As a result, Origami happily upgraded from the state of being slaughtered by Lin Qingyin to being able to resist a little bit.

"Yo, Origami, you dare to resist me?" Lin Qingyin wanted to try to use Avalon to block the muzzle of the cannon and what kind of spectacular scene it would create, but in the end she didn't practice it, and the origami would blow up. Oh no.

Flexibly flipping and jumping in the air to show off a wave of moving skills, Lin Qingyin dodged all the attacks gracefully.

"Are you coming to stop me too?" Origami stopped her actions and stared blankly at the person in front of her who had become very familiar with recent events. The elf gradually relaxed his body.

She was about to reach her limit, but she gave up completely the moment she saw Tokisaki Kurumi.

"You can put it this way, I'm here to stop you, do you need treatment, dear Origami,

Your condition doesn't look good. "Smiling warmly, Lin Qingyin suggested in a small gesture, gesturing to fire bullets.

"Why?" Origami, who had recovered from the madness, frowned tightly and showed a pained expression. Only when she calmed down a little at this moment, did she clearly realize how much pressure she was under.

The scenery in front of her eyes has begun to blur. Even knowing that Tokisaki Kurumi has the iconic golden pupils, Origami can't see clearly. However, she still asked why. It was obviously the other party who told her that the fire spirit would appear today. , I made the decision that I would be severely punished even if I didn't die afterwards. I didn't expect that Tokisaki Kurumi would come to stop him in the end.

"Didn't Wuhe Shidao tell you? There is something hidden in this matter."

"Itsuka Shidao?" Recalling the scene where Wuhe Shidao wanted to say something but was interrupted by herself, Tobiichi Origami opened her eyes wide, even though she couldn't see anything clearly, she wanted to hold on for a while longer.

"It seems that he really didn't tell you. At that time five years ago, there were not only fire spirits, but also suspicious characters."

"What else do you know?" Tobiichi Origami struggled to ask the question she wanted to know the most, just wanted to know what the suspicious person had to do with the death of her parents.

"It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time, so I don't know exactly what happened there." Lin Qingyin babbled some information, stepped forward to help Origami, who couldn't even fly steadily, "And I told you Kotori Didn't I tell you after this incident came out today? Sooner or later, you will find that revenge is actually very simple for you. "

After listening to the last information, Tobiichi Origami finally relaxed the spirit that he had been hanging on forcibly, murmured "Sooner or later is too far away for me" and fell into a coma.

"The one with the blue hair over there, can you come over and take the origami back?" Lin Qingyin shrugged helplessly and was still wearing the origami that didn't seem to have multiple devices on her back. Make suggestions with your own Mana.

Turning her eyes up and down for countless times, Lin Qingyin almost felt that she was being insulted by someone's eyes, then Mana flew over cautiously and reached out to catch Kotori.

Without saying anything, without the slightest hesitation, the moment Mana finished memorizing the origami, she accelerated and charged to the distance. She was afraid that staying there and facing the two elves would be bad for her.

Lin Qingyin: Why are you running so fast? Am I so scary?

Originally, I wanted to have a good chat with this Shizhi, who is said to be a smaller size when his hair is loose, to improve our relationship, but in the end, he ran away without saying anything, and he ran very fast. It's been a long time, and after seeing so many people and elves, Zhenna is the fastest runner. Could it be that Zhenna's initial mecha is very good in terms of speed? Hmm...very likely.

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