Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 474: The library is a good place

Wu Di is in the library. Generally speaking, she likes to sit in the window seat on the second floor. Through the window, you can see the faraway field. There are always some tireless football fans sweating in it. . .Sometimes opening the window, while blowing the cool breeze, while reading your favorite book, it is really a kind of supreme enjoyment.

The university library is actually very empty at this time. Even at Zhongdu University, there are few students like Wu Di who spend almost every day in the library. After all, the university’s courses are still very liberal. It's like today is obviously not a weekend, but there are only two classes in the morning.

However, at the end of the term, this huge library will be quickly occupied, and there will even be things like getting up early to grab seats. There is also a more brutal "book occupying seat flow", which is a workbook with a name written on it. Putting it on the seat means that this seat is already well-known. This kind of "spectacle" at the end of the semester shows that even at Chungdu University, there are actually quite a few students who are embracing themselves.

After all, even if Chungdu University is a university with a strong academic atmosphere, it is still a university after all. The difference between a university and a high school lies in the conscious surname. Some people want to take the postgraduate entrance exam. If they take the energy of the college entrance examination to take the exam, they will definitely get very good. The results of any prestigious school can be taken lightly, but it is a pity that many college students have been abandoned in the university.

For Wu Di, naturally there is no such thing as abandonment. Her attitude towards learning has not changed in comparison with high school. Except for the close relationship with her roommates, she will play "Glory" with them in black. Being immersed in learning, after all, this has become a kind of spiritual sustenance for her.

Of course, there are always Wu Di’s classmates who think that Wu Di is doing a show, but since the beginning of school until now, she has hardly changed her lifestyle. The so-called Lu Yao knows horsepower, and it has been a long time to see people’s hearts. If there are other students, she can also. If they run the library every day for a show, then they will recognize it too...

  Kong Fusheng, the monitor, ran to the library diligently from the beginning. He knew where Wu Di was accustomed to sitting. His purpose is actually very clear, but unfortunately, he did not persist in the end, and he could not keep going to the library every day. He still has some class affairs and joined the student union. It is impossible for him to be as "leisure" as Wu Di.

After all, Kong Fusheng is indeed a great individual. Even if he is not from a bad background, he is indeed outstanding and extremely good at managing contacts. The classmates are very convinced of the monitor, and then he rationally finds that he has little hope for Wu Di. , I gave up decisively, it is better to do more meaningful things.

Once he gave up the purposeful pursuit of Wu Di's surname, when he used a normal attitude to get along with Wu Di, he found that the relationship between him and Wu Di was better. Then he realized that it was better to just like Wu Di. Di has become a good friend with a different surname, and maybe even cheeky can ask for help from him in the future.

The university library is not only a place to study, it is also a good place to strike up a conversation. I don’t know how many couples developed from the library. There are even boys who like to go to the library to "hunt". Correspondingly, There are also girls who dress up as if they go to a banquet every time they go to the library. Perhaps this is not to find a boyfriend, but just to enjoy the feeling of being watched by men and hitting up a conversation.

The charm of girls is sometimes related to the number of suitors. Some girls who are good at dealing with men can maintain an ambiguous relationship with men with more than two digits. Among them, there are two or three spare tires. Be deceived and go round and round.

  So why are certain "goddess" so annoying? In fact, it’s not that she has hooked up with some tall, rich and handsome, but when she hooked up, she also played ambiguously with other boys, and also gave hope. This kind of behavior of preparing a red heart with two hands is actually the most fascinating for someone. These guys who paid a lot, but were kicked away in the end, are the ones who hate the most, even if they are the picker...

  Therefore, girls like Wu Di who always refuse directly and clearly are nothing to hate.

Wu Di is next to the bookshelf of contemporary literature, looking for books of interest along the bookshelves. She has recently become fascinated by a writer named Ren Tian. Whether it is his works or him, Wu Di is quite impressed. Interest.

This Ren Tian is actually the illegitimate son of the famous Chinese writer Ren Miyazawa. In his early years, Ren Miyazawa spent his early years writing and traveling. When playing in a cold and poor county, he became the daughter of a small businessman. With Ren Tian.

  Although Ren Tian was not born in poverty, he witnessed the peasants' miserable life since childhood and expressed infinite sympathy to the working people. He was frail and sick, but he was compassionate and compassionate.

After Ren Tian’s father Ren Gongze became famous in the literary world, he has been in the upper class. Even if he knew Ren Tian’s son, he never intended to recognize him. In fact, Ren Miyazawa had many illegitimate children until Ren Tian was seven years old. He recognized his son, but never regarded Ren Tian's mother as his wife.

  Wu Di felt that the experiences of Ren Gongze and Ren Tian's father and son were somewhat similar to those of the famous French writers Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas. Among them, Alexandre Dumas is a veritable “stall horse”.

Of course, Ren Tian’s style of work is also different from that of Dumas. His reputation in the literary world is almost zero. His father never really took care of him, but only guaranteed his living expenses. He wrote a lot of poems and fairy tales. But all of them were published at their own expense, sales were bleak, and there was no way to pay back.

After graduating from a certain agricultural university, he went to teach in the countryside, opened an agricultural technology seminar as an ordinary farmer, founded a farmers association, and personally guided farmers in scientific farming. After four years of teaching, he resigned from public office and left home to live alone in a small school. In the countryside, he lives an ordinary farmer's life. Although he is inconsistent with the son of the famous writer, he enjoys it because of his beliefs.

  He used scientific knowledge to help the poor and disaster relief, and shared the joys and sorrows of the peasants in dire straits. He does not rely on any organization, has not joined any political parties, and has only one purpose, that is, to be compassionate, to act life mission with bitterness, to use knowledge as a weapon, to explore life in the process of benefiting the people, and to realize his own value of existence.

  He is in his thirties, but he is still unmarried. It seems that he is not planning to get married.

Wu Di saw Ren Tian’s work by accident, but she was fascinated by it. She felt that the other party’s work was very "progressive", full of the feeling of "[***]", and even suggested The "scientific development concept" was put in quotation marks because he did not summarize his ideas into a system, which gave people a very lyrical feeling. (To be continued.)

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