Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 776: Ultron's offense

The blackout caused the teenagers and girls downstairs to panic a little, but it was not serious. Little Spider wanted to rush out because of her conditioned reflexes. Then she found herself wearing a suit and no schoolbag, so naturally she didn't bring that Spider-Man clothes.

Fat Ned stretched his hand to hold him, telling him not to be impulsive. On the other side, Coleson raised his cell phone to let the young girls see him and signaled that everyone was okay. Lorna felt that the power outage of her adult prom was a bit disappointing, but she was also kindly comforting everyone.

"Pentagon call! Very urgent!" The maid ran to Daisy like a gust of wind and handed her a phone call.

Daisy was taken aback just by hearing a word.

"What? Is your nuclear bomb out of control?" She repeated it subconsciously, and all the Fulian people, Fantastic Four, X-Men and agents on the phone were shocked.

The voice on the other side of the phone was like a dead father: "The contact between the military bases is blocked, they are crazy, they are desperately shooting out nuclear bombs. We don’t know exactly what happened. Mr. Defense Chief has passed out. , We need SHIELD... we need SHIELD to help deal with the aftermath, if there is still America tomorrow..."

"Reid? Did you do it? When you went out, I saw what was still running in your laboratory?" The invisible woman Susan quickly grabbed Mr. Fantastic's sleeve and asked nervously.

Mr. Fantastic cried out wrong, he didn't pick up this **** bowl himself, but he had done too many experiments, and he himself didn't know if which experiment was out of control and caused the current consequences.

For a while, his brain was thinking quickly, with a cold sweat on his head, and felt that it was like doing it himself, with his own style of acting, but he had no impression of himself...

"Uh, nuclear bomb? Nuclear bomb!!..." Facing his girlfriend's anxious eyes, he opened his mouth wide, not knowing where to start. His memory is amazing, and his intelligence is still bursting even in such a panic. .

He remembered that he had written a program that intercepted the launch command so that the frontline soldiers could not receive the nuclear strike command. In fact, this program can also send false news in reverse...

His original intention was to eliminate the nuclear threat and prepare to do the network that intercepted high-level orders before the nuclear war. After studying the program, he felt that his idea was a bit naive, so he sealed the program. Did someone steal his program? He remembers that he set several layers of passwords...

Although Susan doesn't have his active brain, and the surroundings are dark and unable to observe her words and expressions, she knew from Reid's slightly trembling left leg that it must have something to do with him, at least a little bit.

On the other side, Daisy was still on the phone with the Pentagon. Several senior agents also received calls from several other nuclear countries. Everyone’s nuclear bombs were out of control. Even Grant Ward winked at her anxiously by the glimmer of the phone. , Which means that our nuclear bomb was also triggered!

"Chief of Staff Aldrich, the matter has not reached the point of being irreversible, I will solve the nuclear bomb!" Daisy's tone was very firm, and she didn't know how much courage she could give the phone. The Pentagon's defense chief fainted directly. It doesn't matter whether it is true or false. The staff members are in a mess. Someone is already rushing into the basement to prepare for the nuclear winter.

According to rough statistics, fifty nuclear bombs were launched from all over the world, basically Zhang San’s nuclear bomb hit Li Si, and Li Si’s nuclear bomb hit Wang Wu.

Several nuclear bombs in the hands of official organizations and civil organizations have been fired.

Two of them were launched from the secret base of CAI, which were actually Hydra, but they looked like the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D., thinking that they were besieged by various countries. Five were launched. Israel launched one. There was also a launch silo in Greenland. One, Daisy guessed, that it was a nuclear bomb that the halogen egg had gotten from somewhere.

Only two seconds later, more than a dozen nuclear bombs were lifted into the sky. Without time to say, Daisy flew out of the villa because one nuclear bomb was about to fall into her villa.

The ultra-high-speed flight made her approach the nuclear bomb launched from the submarine in an instant, and shot it with one hand, breaking the entire missile into atoms, and then one against the Empire State Building in New York, against the White House, against the Pentagon... ...

In 30 seconds, she flew two times around the earth at super high speed, and disassembled 69 nuclear bombs.

But this is only the beginning.

"Daisy, the Okinawa base has just restored contact, and their nuclear bomb is expected to reach Tokyo in nineteen seconds."

"I'll fix it."

"Director, the Alarsk base in Kazakhstan just launched one, the target..."

"Okay, I saw it!"

"Daisy, come on, the Mediterranean Fleet has launched another one."

"...Huh...huh, here I am!"

Maintaining a super high speed flight, while maintaining super vision and super senses, and continuous material decomposition, even with her physical strength is very tired.

She is in a very bad state today. The words of the Black Widow did not relieve her troubles much. The spirit affects the body, and the body and mind are very exhausted. She just flew out of the rescue field by force.

Faced with every nuclear bomb, she was extremely nervous, for fear that she would not be able to rescue her and make an irreparable mistake.

The nerves jumped to the extreme.

The main messenger behind the scenes seemed to have seen her change, and deliberately mobilized the transmission frequencies in various places. The first one came from Korea in the first second, and the next came to Argentina.

If you don't save it, Daisy is exhausted. The other party calculates her speed and launches nuclear bombs according to the distance she can't reach in time. For this reason, she needs to speed up the energy response in the body, artificially speed up, at the cost of rapid physical consumption.

The people on the ground are also very The overall planning ability of the bald brother and the high reputation among the heroes have played a role. Knowing that the nuclear bomb will fall on his bald head for a while, his mood is fairly stable.

The bald guy likes to command others. He made Mr. Fantastic, who was so annoyed that he wanted to hit the wall, to study an anti-algorithm. No matter who controlled it, at least the control of the nuclear bomb should be taken back first, so that the command and frontline soldiers can resume communication. There was no war, they were all blinded. Daisy saw one in the sky and broke down one by one. This was just delaying time, treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and could not solve practical problems.

Agents from all over the country have been mobilized to contact the bases to keep them calm and don't make up for it by themselves.

After a thrilling minute, seeing Daisy's physical strength decline rapidly, Jean, Thor, and Captain Marvel also flew to the sky to help.

As the host of the Phoenix, Qin can stuff the nuclear bomb into the Phoenix space. Thor and Captain Marvel hold the nuclear bomb and fly out of the atmosphere, which can somewhat relieve some of the pressure.

The superheroes on the ground rely on the teleportation of the flashes, the cloaked brother, and the Secret Service of the Grizzly sister to travel around the world to help deliver messages.

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